View Full Version : The new layout for the military page

SET 18
10th Jul 2001, 13:00
This is directed towards WWW I suppose, but it is just my tuppence worth on the newest page revamp.
I often show a couple of my friends the hot topics of the day, as they are both ex-mil boys who remain interested in the goings on of today. Unfortunately though my log in name is now present at the top of the list. Is there a way to erase this greeting or am I being my usual computer-illiterate self? Either way, at the expense of being called a luddite, I think I prefer the old system, though I am sure there was plenty of good reason for change.

10th Jul 2001, 13:21
You only need to be logged in to reply or start a topic. If you only want to browse the threads, select "log out" next to your user name and the pages are diplayed without your name. If you then fell the need to reply to a burning issue simply log in and type away.

Hope this helps.