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View Full Version : What happened to Sea King thread?

7th Nov 2009, 23:44
Mods - did someone take offence? Families .....um, or even MoD?

Apols if I said anything that the families would find offensive.

Wouldn't it have been better to delete the offensive remarks - eg 'vie sans frontiers' or perhaps 'Tourist'?

Or did the thread originator 'Mick Smith' delete the post, which I would find highly unlikely.

Grateful for explanation


8th Nov 2009, 04:42
If you mean the thread called -

The Times: MoD sent men to die in unsafe helicopter

- it was deleted by the thread starter Sun Who.

8th Nov 2009, 07:31
Ah - thanks for that, I thought it was started by MS but he wrote the original article.

Sun Who
8th Nov 2009, 08:11
I deleted the Seaking thread.

I'd hoped it would facilitate a discussion on airworthiness as it related to the Seaking. Unfortunately, it became another thread altogether, concentrating on blame and culpability. I appreciate people see the two issues as being intimately connected, but I was at the Catterick Puma crash, and the thread was having a negative effect on my blood pressure.

Sun Who.