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View Full Version : Sydney Skydivers Wilton

7th Nov 2009, 06:15
Any truth to the rumour that the Wilton skydiving operation is moving to Mittagon and that the strip is at Mitagong is being upgraded.?

7th Nov 2009, 10:55
If the Wilton operation to which you refer is Picton, then possibly, Perhaps Phil has bought some land ajacent to the strip at mittagong :confused:.

8th Nov 2009, 00:03
will wilton be Upgraded to a replacement for YHOX?

8th Nov 2009, 20:57
MITTAGONG :ugh::ugh::ugh:

9th Nov 2009, 05:32
Wilton is under threat from encroaching development. Regard it's days as numbered. Mittagong is diabolical in any sort of westerly, northwesterly, or southwesterly. Not sure what the local operators would think of skydiving operations there. Nowhere for a heavily-loaded jump-ship to go with an EFATO either.

Under Dog
9th Nov 2009, 20:23
I Can already see a big cost saving there.
Mittagong is already a couple thousand feet above sea level so less time to FL140. Also less holding for the inbound jets on the Rivet 8.
Just my 2 bob

The Dog:ok:

10th Nov 2009, 00:19
Under Dog,
The skydivers work on AGL heights so if they are already going to FL140 at Wilton. Assuming Mittagong is 1000' higher AMSL than Wilton, the skydivers will want to add that 1000' to the altitude on exit. Whether ATC restrictions allow for this will be another story.

11th Nov 2009, 08:11
had some work done on my rig recently and industry gossip was that the lease would not be renewed in 2010. property owner is selling for residential development. DZ owner moving to SE QLD. another airstrip in the sydney basin goes. Mittagong is new twist on this but would probably be the only option. Have done a few jumps at Mittagong way back out of Savage's Beech 18
i think it's around 1800ft elv. seemed to be always windy, or foggy. if it was a good place for jumping for the masses it would already have a DZ there. i suppose we better get the Hunter ready for the influx of homeless.:)

Under Dog
11th Nov 2009, 10:08
Was onlly taken the piss.I live not far from the drop zone and I don't think Mittagong as a great alternative to wilton. It has a lot of issues relating to weather and also it is directly beneath the out bound route for the turbo props to the south west of Sydney:

Regards The Dog:ok:

Like This - Do That
12th Nov 2009, 03:28
property owner is selling for residential development

Will the madness never end?

Duff Man
12th Nov 2009, 09:07

Get the f* out of the RIVET track ... CORDO-sw is an outbound track but most of the turboprops are at 160 or 180 and certainly far less busy than RIVET; YWIO gets way too many delays and lower level drops because of RPT traffic inbound, it'll be an almost clear run at YMIG (but a long drive from Central for the backpackers).