View Full Version : A400M cancelled

5th Nov 2009, 08:59
Just heard on the news that the Government has cancelled the 8 A400Ms for the SAAF. What now? More C130s or C17s? Couldn't agree more with that decision. The 400M is a first-world aircraft that can only be afforded by first-world economies.

8th Nov 2009, 11:12
Ag damn Now my day is ruined!

8th Nov 2009, 12:36
Nothing to do with the fact that Airbus hasn't even got it to fly yet?

Pity though, cos the few South Africans in Toulouse who are standing by the project will probably now leave. Hope they get to see SA vs France on Friday 13 November in Toulouse!!

12th Nov 2009, 06:10
Problem was SA bought into a project - it`s different to waiting for the production line to fire up and buying the finished product.

Buying into any big project has it`s inherent risks, in this case an engine delay. A big project is like a supertanker - you can`t change direction or stop quickly and once it`s moving it costs a fortune every day... One part delays and there are a gazillion subcontractors, designers, consultants sitting on their hands but still getting paid.

So if SA wants to play with the Big Boys best go in with the eye`s open!

Cave Troll
12th Nov 2009, 06:30
I can see this thread is in danger of turning into a political debate on the ignorant decisions our government has made with regard to military purchases. Be that as it may I would have to agree with Groundfloor's comments. Another "great" idea was the purchasing of the Gripen fighters. Great aircraft but as far as I am concerned way too expensive for the job that needs to be done here in Southern Africa. Too high tech for the bush. They should have gone for a less expensive and more proven option. This Airbus 400M will probably turn out to be a good plane but once again I think it is too much {money, technology and time waisted} for what it will be used for in Africa.


12th Nov 2009, 08:48
Not only was the Gripen a bad choice for service in Africa, but I know more than one instructor (and a few generals) at Langebaanweg and elsewhere who would have preferred the Aermacchi (M346?) to the the Hawk, which was also considerably cheaper.