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2nd Nov 2009, 10:37

I am French and I am looking for a job as a Flight dispatcher or an airport job ( ramp dispatcher, check in/ boarding agent.....anything really)
I am currently in Sydney, staying until the end of the month.
I am aware of the work permit issue but as I am in Australia, why not give it a try ( not to mention there's no job in France at the moment; it's been like that since last April and it seems it is going to last).
Is there anybody who could help me out with that??


2nd Nov 2009, 21:53
I've been to france, the locals were not very hospitable and are arrogant,
But in the true spirit of Australia here's a bone:
Welcome to MACRO Specialist Recruitment - The right person first time. Find the best jobs, employment, and careers (http://www.macrorecruitment.com.au/)
and click on the aviation section:ok:

3rd Nov 2009, 06:35
French people are alright, the ones I've met anyway.

Try some of these companies for basic ground handling jobs around SYD...
Menzies Aviation
Aerocare Flight Support
Toll Denata

Alternatively checkout www.seek.com.au (http://www.seek.com.au) and look for Transportation and Aviation related jobs.

7th Nov 2009, 23:33
thanks a lot, I'll try that

7th Nov 2009, 23:58
I believe Mururoa Air are looking for ground handlers.

8th Nov 2009, 00:23
Dam, bienvenue en Australie et bonne chance pour trouver l'emploi ici. Quand j'etait en France, tout le monde sa vraiment courtois, quoique je ne parle pas le francais tres bien. :)

socks and thongs
8th Nov 2009, 01:45
I like that - 'all the french are miserable rude pr!cks, but not like us here. Here's a link...'

If someone comes into your shop here and asks for une bouteille d'eau et une assiette de frites are you going to be hospitable to them?? I dare say probably not.

Dam, you can't get your hands on a working holiday visa can you? They're pretty straightforward to get and it'll open a hell of a lot more doors for you. If you're leaving in a couple of weeks it'll probably be a little tough though. Often you're going to need an airside security pass for any of these jobs in which the waiting time for the clearance itself will outlast your time here.

Envoyez-moi un private message si je peux vous aider.

8th Nov 2009, 23:11
language wasn't the problem, the problem was with french people that were employed in the tourism industry had a good grasp of english, but had a chip on their shoulder if you spoke english, why work in tourism if your going to be a miserable prick towards tourists??????

9th Nov 2009, 00:36
language wasn't the problem, the problem was with french people that were employed in the tourism industry had a good grasp of english, but had a chip on their shoulder if you spoke english, why work in tourism if your going to be a miserable prick towards tourists??????

HTFU you are describing the classic Parisian. Get 20 kms out of Paris, in any direction and you'll find the French are very nice people. ;)

9th Nov 2009, 00:48
you are describing the classic Parisian. Get 20 kms out of Paris, in any direction and you'll find the French are very nice people
Maybe so but unfortunately due to my parisian experience this has forever tainted my opinion of the french, with me first impressions last....