View Full Version : "Non--Remuneration Issues"

Ali Barber
6th Feb 2002, 09:44
The PowerPoint presentation<a href="http://www.littleblueplanet.co.uk/fri.ppt" target="_blank">PPT</a> and Q&A packagae <a href="http://www.littleblueplanet.co.uk/arrqa.doc" target="_blank">Q&A</a> for the retention package gave "A diminution of faith in the influence of senior leadership" as one of the non-remuneration issues. What does that mean in plain (non-graduate non-politico-speak) language? My thesaurus lists "influence" as meaning "power/sway/authority". Does that mean that we think they do not have enough clout in making decisions, or have they changed the meaning in the staffing of our concerns and added the 2 words "influence of"? This changes the meaning completely. The Q&A paper does not address this issue other than to mention its existence.

While I'm on the subject, where does this put the high-priced help in light of yesterday's House of Lords decision on the Chinook crash? If they stick to their guns and ignore the House of Lords then their "influence" will be maintained and we will all be happy (sarcasm intended); but if their original decision is overturned without being forced to do so by the politicians our faith will begin to be restored perhaps?

Edited for dodgy typing

[ 06 February 2002: Message edited by: Ali Barber ]</p>