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View Full Version : Which Type Rating

1st Nov 2009, 11:08
Hi, CPL/IR/ME FAA interested in doing some air taxi or ferry work. Just trying to work out he best way forward in the European market. 600Hrs 44 years old. Happy to go out and obtain a type rating if it will open up any realistic opportunities. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Coffin Corner
1st Nov 2009, 11:34
Without a job offer on the back of it, don't do it. (unless of course you can afford for it to go horribly wrong)

1st Nov 2009, 11:41
A380 go for it! :ok:

1st Nov 2009, 12:06
FAA? European market? Commercial work? Definitely wait until you have a job offer. :}



Dr Eckener
1st Nov 2009, 15:34
There is no European job market at present, so save your money.

1st Nov 2009, 15:39
Convert to a JAA Licence and then join FR like everyone else.

You will have to pay for the type rating but you will get to fly a 737_800.



5th Nov 2009, 01:59
Big Number, What is FR?

5th Nov 2009, 07:00
Big Number, What is FR?

Its a common ailment that makes it very painful to sit down and can normally be treated with a cream from the pharmacist. :eek:

5th Nov 2009, 08:54
Big Number, What is FR?

FR= ryanair