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View Full Version : EK Pilots now on curfews!!!!

1st Nov 2009, 06:45
Latest from Emirates is that Emirates Group Security have, effective midnight last night, placed a curfew on ALL PILOTS entering any company accomodation (specifically the likes of UP, 21st Century and Millenium etc.) after 1AM. Anyone inside company accomodation after this time will be reported. To whom you get reported and with what consequences I do not know.

1st Nov 2009, 06:58
Sounds like crap, haven't read anything on the web site.

1st Nov 2009, 07:22
...........then xkred27 you can try making a visit to the afore mentioned buildings and try sneak past the google eyed watchman who will stop you in your tracks at the 1st suspicion that you are not a resident :}

been read my "rights":= when l tried to visit a female colleguae at an ungodly hour....

1st Nov 2009, 07:32
XRed 27, I too would suggest that you or anyone else who may doubt this try go to one of these buildings tonight, or some night soon, and attempt to get access to apartment then return to this board and comment on your experience. Im afraid I have first hand knowledge of it from last night. And I wasnt the only pilot turned away.
Security guard told me upon display of my id a bit after 2AM
"As per EK Griup Security effective today, Pilots are banned from entering this building after 2AM"
He also told me it applied to all cabin crew buildings.
What website were you expecting to see this "curfew" posted on? The same website that says there is no more Open Time being posted on the Portal for those on Reserve? Maybe an FCI or FCN on the subject? :rolleyes:

1st Nov 2009, 08:30
Get her (or him) to come to you. Cabin Crew visitors can sign in to your place at any time.

Instant Hooligan
1st Nov 2009, 08:41
For now!!!!!:ugh::ugh:

1st Nov 2009, 09:00
Why do you put up with all the crap EK dishes out? In my opinion EK is a miserable airline, getting worse by the minute and Dubai is the most hollow city in the world. I would honestly rather work at an Eastern Romanian brick making factory than at EK. At least I would be able to take a leak on the side of the street and wander over to a friend's house after 2AM.

I remember the first time, I went to Dubai. OK, great, I rode in airconditioned taxi to an air conditioned mall and then when I had my fill of excitement I got in another air conditioned taxi and rode to another airconditioned mall. Wow, such excitement! Hell, life is short.....but then life can be long, dull and unusually frustrating if you work at EK and live in the pseudo-city called Dubai.:ouch:

1st Nov 2009, 09:28
Ok I take it back, I really didn't think this crap would happen in Dubai.
4th world dump

Jet II
1st Nov 2009, 10:05
"As per EK Griup Security effective today, Pilots are banned from entering this building after 2AM"
He also told me it applied to all cabin crew buildings.

Just Pilots or all visitors? = I can see the argument for keeping everyone away after 2am but am struggling to see why you would stop a pilot but allow in someone else.

Tassie Devil
1st Nov 2009, 10:44
They really are serious about cutting back on your perks !

1st Nov 2009, 11:41
This curfew policy has always been the case for years but seems to have been relaxed slightly in recent times. Now it's back to treating the crew like children again.

It was probably re-invigorated by some of our Lebonese mid-management friends who don't like competition when they sleaze and grease their way up to the birds.

All cabin crew can sign into any crew building at any time. The pilots are not allowed after hours as they cannot be trusted with the well-being of the crew.

This is the same small-mindedness which comes from IFS management which says we can see the faces of the pilots on the portal but not the girls because pilots cannot be trusted. Ironic hey? :rolleyes:

I repeat:

This curfew policy is not new.

1st Nov 2009, 15:36
Porkknuckle its spelt LebAnese:ok: And if you think anyone but the locals can come up with developing / enforcing rules like this in the GCC you are dellusional. :suspect:

You guys take responsibility for 100's of lives per day but you can't control your personal hours-honestly can it get any more pathetic on the part of EK/Emiratis:ugh:

What can I say other than Keep Discovering.

1st Nov 2009, 18:35
What makes it funny is that there are still males leaving in these EK buildings, so maybe there could an issue with "quotas". Am sure the males in the crew accomodation where facing stiff competition from "foreigners" (pilots from other domiciles !) So next time l see an unfamiliar face in my building he better be going to see another man otherwise a beating will be in order:}:}.......I suggest we set up militias at each building to vet each candidate and help EK enforce this rule.....:p

Ironically, the security said they would let me in past the curfew if l was going to see another dude. :ugh: Fortunately am not "vegetarian":}......

2nd Nov 2009, 03:02
Curfew been in place for years - used to be 1am!

Had the knock on the door..

2nd Nov 2009, 06:56
Does a wad of DHS not make entrance - to the building - easier?

3rd Nov 2009, 08:02
What about a little afternoon delight? That'll keep ya away from curfews, an with our rosters/lifestyle that's gotta be pretty easy anyway

3rd Nov 2009, 11:54
Have none of you lot ever lived in/visited Saudi City in JED ?

3rd Nov 2009, 14:19
It isn't true that "all cabin crew can sign into any crew building at any time." As a female crew member, I'm not permitted into buildings where I don't reside after one in the morning. Non-residents of a crew building (male or female, pilot or normal person) have to sign out before one o'clock. It's been that way for years.

3rd Nov 2009, 15:51
spot on mate!!