View Full Version : Interview Question For Fresher

31st Oct 2009, 05:35
i got a question form a flight support center in Dubai
To dispatch a private jet of 8 seater from DXB to JFK what all the things to be done by dispatcher ? think before you answer? i got this question ,if anybody HAVE AN IDEA PLZ REPLAY TO THIS POST i hope this will be useful for fresher

31st Oct 2009, 07:24
as a dispatcher u should first of all check if it is a IFR or VFR flight, then see the weather conditions prevailing both at the departure airport and at the destination airport if it is above standard values. also select the alternate airport, calculate fuel, calculate the take off weight , fuel weight and max landing weight. see if u have any NOTAMS issued , prepare a flight plan, obtain over flight permit and landing clearence ,file the flight plan with ATC . brief the crew abt the met conditions and also about the maintainence issues if any.

31st Oct 2009, 09:40
I worked at a flight support center few years ago, Flight planning is a last thing to do at flight support centers. First thing is take permissions( landing, overflights). As fas as I know there is a TSA waiver for USA you have to get it. When getting to permission you have to know that can you fly directly or will you need technical landing airport for refueling. Then you should arrange handling agents, airport slots etc.. When the flight date is come, you sholud start to flight planning, do you have etops certificate, mnps certificate check it, If you do not have you cant flight across to Atlantic so you sholud plan via iceland. For the flight planning check weather, choose alternates, file your plan, than hava a nice flight to crew.

31st Oct 2009, 20:53
What type of aircraft ?? The answers will depend on this question.

12th Nov 2009, 08:48

It's hardly going to be VFR to JFK from DXB!