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View Full Version : AAC show promising man-management.....

26th Jun 2001, 22:19
Just been asked today if I want to go and fly an AAC Islander on an un-accompanied, 4-month, tour in good 'ol NI. Never guess what the answer was. Nic, these short-notice luxury postings. Mind you, if anybody is looking for twin-engine type rating on an aircraft that is actually on the civvy register, somewhere?

AAC mis-managers must have been pretty desperate to ask the junior Service

Whipping Boy's SATCO
26th Jun 2001, 22:37
Don't you wonder why they asked YOU?

Big Green Arrow
26th Jun 2001, 22:49
You would look good practising your spiral descents in Y453!

Go on dare ya!

Rgds BGA

26th Jun 2001, 23:51
What! I can't believe you've turned down 4 months in the Emerald Isle!! So is this how they intend to use all those spare pilots at the secret Wiltshire airbase?


must get back to the pool!

27th Jun 2001, 00:25
I would! But not for a penny less than a tax-free £100K lump sum for 4 months' work (paid in advance), PLUS my normal salary!
Otherwise - find another mug!!

27th Jun 2001, 12:20

And you have the temerity to rant on and on about "mercenary" FSTA and MFTS aircrew?
The mind boggles...................... :)

If the suit fits.........

27th Jun 2001, 13:45
You infer that there is some other way to descend:-)

The person who asked did have something in his cheek, I'm assuming that it was his tongue - suffice to say, they've asked everybody here. Someone fell for it - or was he after 'The Crack'?

[This message has been edited by EESDL (edited 27 June 2001).]

27th Jun 2001, 16:13
As an ex-Hairy Arm Corps QHI and Islander qualified pilot who left to fly with the opposition, I must say that the Islander job in the emerald toilet was the best thing they did for me and I would do it again in a flash. AAC chappies just click on the email icon if your stuck.

The badger

27th Jun 2001, 16:37
"Someone fell for it..."
Understand Harry was looking for a new job.

27th Jun 2001, 17:04
"...pretty desperate to ask the junior service"? - no just too busy posting all their guys to JCSC and out of flying.

See "Army Officer PVR questions" post for details.

Christopher Robin

27th Jun 2001, 21:15
Yes Suit - Guilty as charged! Of course the difference, mate, is that I'm military, not civilian. But I wasn't really being terribly serious!!

Hydraulic Palm Tree
28th Jun 2001, 00:00

It wasn't spiral descents that were EESDL's forte into Y453, it was wing-overs. Come on out and have FOLA reunion with me and Timmy Tight Buttocks. Perhaps they will even send JJ out here?!


28th Jun 2001, 00:54
TTB was never in FOLA, didn't have the spine for it...
"Saucer of milk please"

28th Jun 2001, 14:28

Neither was I matey! Hence the large rotating grinning thing........like this :)

If the suit fits.........

28th Jun 2001, 18:09
HPT et al,

Just bimbled over from where I feel more at home (the gettin' old thread..) to read all this upstart jumped-up nonsense about FOLA. In my day (mumbles, dribbles a bit, etc) we had OSLA - One stripe, with visiting Air Commodes as Hon Mems. This was 'cos real sqns had Pilot Ossifers, to whom all the spitty little jobs always naturally gravitated. I'd go on for a few hours more (when I was in BorneoZZzzz - oh bugger, I still am!) but it's time for my nap.

Cheers! http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/angel3.gif

edited 'cos I missed something that should've gone in a square bracket. Now where did I put me bifocals?

[This message has been edited by Thud_and_Blunder (edited 28 June 2001).]

29th Jun 2001, 22:32

Heard a rumour JJ was re-joining? Anybody else know if it's true. The best tac descent EESDL made was into Heathrow with a Comp A, shame the trappers wern't onboard for that one as well!

Detrimento Sumus
3rd Jul 2001, 00:05
Orangewhip et al,

JJ is currently at Shawbanana with Vera as his instructor!!!
