View Full Version : JAL to recruit pilots direct

Dream Skyward
22nd Oct 2009, 00:22
With the JALways pilots sacked and the first round of three on the remaining foreign pilots with JAL Express (737) and J-Air (E190) completed last week, JAL is moving to get rid of all ties with contract agencies and recruit foreigners direct in the future, like Korean Air do.
IASCO and PARC taught JAL how to handle the foreign pilots, but it cost JAL to learn the ropes, which they did well. The Japanese are good at copying and refining.

The excuse to finally terminate all connections with PARC and their pilots is going to be JAL's desperate financial position, and the need to cut costs and stem the flow of cash JAL is bleeding in all areas.
The revamp that should be announced this week.
PARC knows their contract terminations are coming, they just aren't sure exactly when.

Capt Chambo
22nd Oct 2009, 02:05
......and recruit foreigners direct in the future, like Korean Air do.

All foreign pilots with Korean Air are employed by agencies, who in turn second them to work for Korean Air.

22nd Oct 2009, 11:03
No Pilots Let Go From J-air Yet

23rd Oct 2009, 07:13
I don't think it is very realistic to think that JAL can just get rid of the pilots it already employs with the agencies. Maybe over a long period of time it is feasible. Keep in mind that it takes about 8 months to complete training.

23rd Oct 2009, 11:17
I don't think it is very realistic to think that JAL can just get rid of the pilots it already employs with the agencies.

JAL Mainline did during the summer. No different for JALways

Maybe over a long period of time it is feasible. Keep in mind that it takes about 8 months to complete training.

Training program already in place.

The Hammer
25th Oct 2009, 02:32
There are not many non-Japanese pilots now employed by JAL's subsidiaries - JAL Express (JEX) and J-Air.
All of the remaining JEX Captains (less than a dozen), are Tokyo-based - as you may have read/heard, the Osaka-based PARC Captains were given termination phone calls and emails just over a week ago.

The J-Air Embraer, Nagoya-based gaijin were part sponsored by Embraer, and I'm not sure if that sponsorship included part salary payment, so it's unlikely they would be terminated before the end of their current contract.

As for JAL employing foreign pilots direct..... I think the JAL Captains' Union would probably object to that, however JAL could set up a separate hiring company as it has done with the ground staff they employ.
Unfortunately there are at least 8 unions representing the JAL employees, which should tell you something about the employer-employee relationship.

I don't think it is very realistic to think that JAL can just get rid of the pilots it already employs with the agencies.In our (the Osaka-based JEX pilots) case, JAL simply cancelled the contract with PARC, thereby effectively terminating our employment.
With JAL in dire financial straits, it's a convenient excuse for the airline to use, and a barrow for the pilots' union to push, if they want to purge the few remaining gaijin pilots.

26th Oct 2009, 04:42
i wonder if Skymark will start to move away from the contract companies as well? after all, there will be a surplus of pilots coming from JEX and JAL (over-age 60 captains). it may very well be cheaper to hire nihonjin for a year or two...

Donkey Duke
28th Oct 2009, 06:27
So where did the now current JalWays pilots come from? Did they go from mainline FO to Jalways FO? Is that how it works? Do mainline JAL pilots have a choice if they are being pushed from JAL? Where would they want to go? Cheers Mates!

2nd Nov 2009, 22:02
I see Kaptin M bleating about his future, or lack of, on the Pirep thread, and unfortunately I can feel no sorrow. For the others facing termination, I can.

His position post '89 toward those who returned to work in Australia is probably well known by most, and his abuse and ridicule remembered even more vividly by those whom he targeted.

You wouldn't really consider flying for Skymark or Skynet, or even Jet* back home, would you??? You'd be the grand daddy of all hypocrites if you considered it, much less did it, and you have considered the option by your own admission. You wouldn't be capable of working with s*abs would you? Oh, you would?? I see, when your back is against the wall, principles are conveniently forgotten. You're every bit as the Rsole now that you were 20 years ago.

I recall some years ago you sticking it to the guys who went to Skynet, and gloating about how much better off you were. Not looking so rosy now though is it?

Your reputation is well known at Jet* and I don't think they'd touch you; just a little too unstable for their operation (brawling in BN terminal comes to mind), and your mates at VB didn't give you a geurnsey for similar reasons.

I recall you demanding pilots boycott Jet* when they were recruiting some years back because they weren't paying what you thought they should pay. What a shame you've deleted your posts here, or I'd wave it in front of you.

That's the difficulty with taking such a strong position. You appear to be an absolute idiot when you have to back pedal, and some of us have looooong memories.

Karma is real Kap. Take a moment to reflect on your intemperate past conduct, adopt a more moderate position, post here, and on Pirep, and tell all how foolish you were, even apologize, atone for your indiscretions and stupidity, and even I may wish you well for the future.