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21st Oct 2009, 03:05
And yes, I did check using the Search function first.....:E

So, apparently, my running around with some pine poles in Yorkshire (think it was Yorkshire, the range had a name that if I hear it again, will probably give me nightmares. Anyhow, if you were on 175 IOT, you may remember the name) entitles me to skip a few courses towards my degree. Nice.

But, of course, my piece of paper from HM giving me ultimate power over the great unwashed (that should do on the bait, just lower it in the water Timmy and watch them bite...) and all my other "FFP made the cows get bigger and then smaller" certificates are framed and displayed for all to see above my fireplace.

If I need to break glass in case of emergency and send them off, I will do. But I'm wondering if anyone's had success in using an Employment History / Competencies report (which, in my case, is a little thin I'll admit) as proof of completion ?

I could call the OU and probably will in the next few days. It's just that the time difference between me and the UK is such that I'd need to pull an all nighter just to get them before they leave at the end of the day :O

Thanks !!

sarboy w****r
21st Oct 2009, 08:40
No idea about the OU I'm afraid.

On a brighter note, I believe the name you're looking for is Otterburn. And amongst those framed certificates will be, I hope, a copy of the letter from Wg Cdr Cadets at IOT after our grad detailing how all of us on 175 were a disgrace to the Officer Corps...

Apologies if anyone from 176+ is reading for you not being allowed dodgems!

21st Oct 2009, 09:02
Glad to see that, in the great tradition of spineless commanders, Wg Cdr Cadets showed enough backbone to write to you all to comment on your lack of OQs, but not enough to stop you from graduating because of that lack.

21st Oct 2009, 09:40
Photocopies of the certificates suitably stamped and signed as a certified true copy definately work. Ask your OC TDF or equivalent to do the certifying as they will be registered with the OU as an examining centre.

I have no idea if they will accept a JPA print. I suspect they won't like that because you can save your JPA competency page then edit it in Word before you print it, however I'll ask them as I need to call them later anyway.

21st Oct 2009, 10:38
a copy of the letter from Wg Cdr Cadets at IOT after our grad detailing how all of us on 175 were a disgrace to the Officer Corps...

Nothing changes.

Our CNI gave us all a b*ll*cking for deserting tradition and not throwing a graduation party.

We said nothing.

His invite was on his desk when he got back in his office. needless to say, he didn't come to the party.:}

Anyway, he was Welsh.

21st Oct 2009, 11:07
Just spoke to the OU. Yes they will accept a JPA print with a few provisions:

The course names must be obvious and not just a course number or obscure abbreviation.
The date of completion must be clearly shown.
It is suitably endorsed as a certified true copy of your record. (Either education staff or PSF)

21st Oct 2009, 12:52
Apologies if anyone from 176+ is reading for you not being allowed dodgems!

Yes ..... thanks for that Sarboy,177 grad was a right bundle of laughs. They thought that much of us that they thought a couple of Jetstreams was a suitable fly past until the Reds came to the rescue and wanted to go to display during our parade and a suitable deal was done.

Oh but back to the original question, see here regarding RAF credit transfers for OU courses and follow the links to relevant courses you want to blag credits for:


I suppose it's an ok scheme - if you aren't too concerned about the university and the standard of qualification you'll get or couldn't get into a proper university before IOT :}

Yes, yes, calm down dear - it's only banter.

21st Oct 2009, 12:53
I suppose it's an ok scheme - if you aren't too concerned about the university and the standard of qualification you'll get or couldn't get into a proper university before IOT

And I fall smack bang in the middle of that group........:ok:

Thanks Stuff. That's great news. Much appreciated.

Otterburn !!! That's it ! Which, of course, was the hardest of the 3 places to go........;)

And, yes, I do have that letter ........:E

Manuel de Vol
21st Oct 2009, 23:44
... Anyhow, if you were on 175 IOT, you may remember the name) entitles me to skip a few courses towards my degree. Nice....

Sorry, the number doesn't mean a lot to me ... When was 177IOT?

If you've left the Air Force after a PC (at your 38 point) than have the rules changed?

When I left (in 1988) somebody who had completed a PC in the RAF was deemed [ by dint of service an d the courses taken during that service] to have a bachelor's degree (and the service would pay for that person to take a Master's. - I missed out on that, but when I came back to the UK (3 or 4 years later) I had no problem in enrolling in a Master's programme.

I could call the OU and probably will in the next few days. It's just that the time difference between me and the UK is such that I'd need to pull an all nighter just to get them before they leave at the end of the day :O

Thanks !!

You mention time difference. - Where are you? - If you're in the US, then you will have some [considerable] difficulty in getting colleges there to accept your UK qualifications. If you're elsewhere, you may also have difficulties, but have you considered asking the Air Force to confirm them?

- It might save you a lot of money and enable you to 'upgrade' the degree you are (or were, when I left) deemed to have.

Perhaps it's past time that the Air Force (along with the Army and Navy) awarded formal degrees to people on retirement.

A mere 10 years (let alone 16 or more) in the services should be worth more than 3 years spent doing under-water basket weaving.

22nd Oct 2009, 03:25
175 started back in Aug 98. Thanks for the tips. On mobile device so apologies for short reply !