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14th Oct 2009, 14:39
Worth a look

Pilot steered bomb away from houses - Yahoo! News UK (http://uk.news.yahoo.com/21/20091014/tuk-pilot-steered-bomb-away-from-houses-6323e80.html)

14th Oct 2009, 14:46
I believe there is a similar story to this in the 'Strike Force Harrier' book (I think that is where I read it !)
..Took the bomb over a wall to avoid civilians.

14th Oct 2009, 14:57
I'm not generally very sympathetic to calls of Beadwindow, and to an over-eagerness to censor, but was this really a sensible story to highlight?

Doesn't it provide useful detail about possible RoE, and helpful hints to the enemy as to how they might protect themselves from attack?

And while the story shows that the Allies take extraordinary care to avoid killing innocent civilians, didn't we know that already?

Was there any useful point in telling the story, in other words?

14th Oct 2009, 14:59
Also at; Ministry of Defence | Defence News | Military Operations | VIDEO: RAF pilot avoids civilian casualties in Afghanistan (http://www.mod.uk/DefenceInternet/DefenceNews/MilitaryOperations/VideoRafPilotAvoidsCivilianCasualtiesInAfghanistan.htm)

The ability of RAF pilots in Afghanistan to control the Paveway IV smart bomb and avoid civilian casualties is illustrated in previously classified video footage which has been released today, Wednesday 14 October 2009.

The footage, taken from a Harrier jump jet, shows a bomb dropped from the aircraft heading for a Taliban commander in a vehicle. Just seconds from impact, the vehicle stops next to a civilian compound.

If the bomb had hit its target, several innocent Afghans would have been killed, but the quick-thinking RAF officer is seen to move the bomb into a safe area of desert where it detonates.

14th Oct 2009, 15:04
The previously classified footage - there you go, Jacko? I think you can relax.

Mind you, I was good at steering my iron bombs away from the actual target:)

Pontius Navigator
14th Oct 2009, 15:27
Ed Macy in Apache went in to considerable detail on weapons selection and guidance to avoid collateral damage but still destroy the target. That was 3 years ago. Without checking I think they used a weapon that was overkill for the target but more controllable.

14th Oct 2009, 15:46
I heard this at an un-restricted talk on ops in Afg 15 months ago.

14th Oct 2009, 15:53
What's new? 1(F) were missing stuff in 1969 and without any laser gizmos.

15th Oct 2009, 00:00
Interesting line of craters he drives alongside - reminds me of Stanley airfield post June 1982!!

15th Oct 2009, 05:17
I'm not generally very sympathetic to calls of Beadwindow, and to an over-eagerness to censor, but was this really a sensible story to highlight?

Doesn't it provide useful detail about possible RoE, and helpful hints to the enemy as to how they might protect themselves from attack?

I don't often agree with people who cry 'beadwindow' etc as often they've got their head up their arse, but in this case, I must agree with Jackonicko's comment.

It's difficult enough to zero in on these guys in the first place, but to give them a mechanism to 'keep themselves safe' borders on lunacy.

Wasn't it the BBC who told the Argentinians about Sir Galahad and the fusing of the bombs and . . . .

I know, the public has a right to know - sometimes I think a dictatorship has quite a few plus points, sadly out-trumped by the minus ones.

15th Oct 2009, 05:45
In case you hadn't noticed, DD... it was the MOD that released the story... including the video.

If you have a beef, take it up with them, not the Beeb.

15th Oct 2009, 07:45
Interesting line of craters he drives alongside

Looks like a BUFF went through some time previously!


15th Oct 2009, 08:04
Hmmm, interesting.

It's difficult to make estimations of scale but using the car and road as units I'd guess impact was about 100 feet away from the civvies. Would certainly make their ears pop. The target was more than 100feet away from the civvies by impact time, wonder why he didn't steer it further away or even follow the target then dump the bomb to the other side of the target when getting into the vinegar strokes?

15th Oct 2009, 08:23
Perhaps flying the aeroplane went further up his "must do" list than flying the bomb?

15th Oct 2009, 09:29
Fair do's then - but it's interesting that the MOD chose to release the tape when the impact point was still so close. No problems at all with what he did.

15th Oct 2009, 09:37
MOD do not have the market cornered in commonsense. I think at the moment they are desperate to grab any headlines to keep the sandy place in a positive light. Personally I think Biggles did a good job, but it should have been kept quiet.

Of course, our Lords and Masters NEVER make ill-advised comment. The BBC may be clear this time (I saw it pedalled by them) but the comments quoted by me still stand regarding FI.

15th Oct 2009, 11:11
Interesting line of craters he drives alongside
Looks like a BUFF went through some time previously!

Or maybe the locals were just thirsty


15th Oct 2009, 17:01
Doesn't it provide useful detail about possible RoE, and helpful hints to the enemy as to how they might protect themselves from attack?

Hiding amongst civilians is hardly a new taliban tactic for self preservation.

Well done that pilot.