View Full Version : Sexist and childish posts!!!

20th Jun 2001, 21:25
I am an airline pilot [male] who occasionally reads the other Prune pages. Why are the military pages often so very immature and childish? They are usually very sexist and and at times racist. If you doubt me, read the present "Woman" page. In the year 2001 these entries are disgraceful! I know they are meant to be funny but they are insulting, and, in the cases where names are mentioned, in my view illegal. Senior military officiers or Capt. Prune must do something to stop this rubbish!

slim boy fat
20th Jun 2001, 21:32
Go away, you pc plonker http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/tongue.gif

Green Bottle
20th Jun 2001, 21:44
If you don't like it don't read it. No one is forcing you to read the mil pages. If you look at the number of threads the mil forum has you will see how popular it is - so maybe childish, as you put it, is what people want.

Whipping Boy's SATCO
20th Jun 2001, 22:05
As these are anonymous forums the origins of the contributions may be opposite to what may be apparent. In fact the press may use it, or the unscrupulous, to elicit certain reactions.

Chris Kebab
20th Jun 2001, 22:15
...plus the fact that about 50% of the posters here are as close to being aircrew as I am to being a brain surgeon.

20th Jun 2001, 22:21
Ah! God bless the military sense of humour! If it weren't for it, life would be quite dull! (Mil senior officer, GSOH!)

20th Jun 2001, 22:32
If it wasn't for the military's childish sense of humour things would have ground to a halt years ago.
Morale is low enough at times as it is and if we can't find ways of making light of the situations we find ourselves in we may as well pack up and go home.
What works in civvy street don't work here!!

Stress Snake
20th Jun 2001, 22:33
Britannia66 most of this stuff is called banter (playful good humoured teasing). Part of mil life.

For my part if I EVER saw discrimination/sexism/racism in work I would see it reported and stopped and I am sure 99.999% of those who post on this site would agree. However if some like to go home and continue bantering in cyberspace in a more risque style; so be it.

The military culture and attitude has been around for a great many years and long may it continue. If you find things offensive, as is mentioned - nobody forces you to read this stuff. Moderation has been discussed here at length before, and if anything is too OTT I'm sure it would be removed.

And having searched your earlier posts, what did you like about the Britannia Uniform?

20th Jun 2001, 23:20
Britannia, not sure whether to laugh or be affronted at your patronising post. I have read the women post and think the fairer sex are more than holding their own.

Still nothing like protecting those who didn't know they needed it, just to make you feel good ;)

Way I heard it pilot and growed up are mutually exclusive terms :)

20th Jun 2001, 23:28
Britannia66 - I have to sympathise with you. As you rightly state, regrettably there are many very childish posts here from some sources. However, if you manage to avoid some of the more puerile, you will find much of interest, I hope. You are lucky enought to work with people who are required to treat your customers with courtesy; some military pilots have to work with uncouth layabouts who would never, ever be permitted work in your company.

As for sexism, some of the innuendo and double-entendres acceptable to people in the military might be considered as harassment in civilian company. Hope that you are not too offended - and my apologies for the crude remarks made by some following your initial post.

20th Jun 2001, 23:30
Velvet, "the fairer sex"! Now who's being patronising?

Or did you mean us chaps?

The Mistress
21st Jun 2001, 00:03
No fobs, she meant me :)

I thank Britannia, BEags and Velvet for their input. I truly have no idea who/what bbb is or what he/she/it is trying to achieve. Don't think he/she/it is impressing too many people though judging by my e-mail inbox.

BEags and I have crossed swords in the past but are big enough to have come to an amicable middle ground. Meeting face to face also helps and I will endeavour to try to make it to the Christmas Bash.

Is that enough to get me an Oscar ... :)

Let the banter commence ...

slim boy fat
21st Jun 2001, 00:13

What is your major malfunction?
If myself and others need to apologise I'm sure we can do it ourselves.
I mean lighten up man- Britannia66 is probably baiting us out of boredom or something.
And what`s this about uncouth layabouts- who exactly? Are you trying to kiss his arse?

If Britannia66 is serious he is the type of dangerous individual who can damage our name with slanderous accusations through mis-interpretation. We should be very proud of our stance on sexism and racism- zero tolerance, this zero tolerance though should, and does not affect our freedom to speak or as greenie says, make light of situations.

The best we can do is to ignore britannia66. As for crude remarks- "go away", yes I think I'll stand by that one.

N Genfire
21st Jun 2001, 01:09
I tend to agree with the above. Beags, Life is too serious at work, we on occasion have crossed swords in sort of a "father, wayward contraire son" way, but I have always respected your point of view in that you were probably right but I'm not giving you the satisfaction.
This post must be a wind up or from a "retentive" in normal circumstances I would have ignored it, but your apology in the fact of the immature, or non-pc posts has annoyed me. I make no apologies for any of my immature or puerile posts. I come here for a number of reasons not least of which is to communicate in an unrestricted environment.
As for Brit bloke, live life, enjoy it, and keep your civvy opinions where they will be appreciated.

Regards N Genfire

21st Jun 2001, 01:19
Hold on guys

Who said Beags was apologising?

I'm proud to be lazy and uncouth and have been kept away from polite company for years on those very grounds. Hence the need to explain to the uninitiated that the world within the protection of our brave and noble Armed Forces is so, due to the uncouth input of those with robust sensibilities.

21st Jun 2001, 01:27

What did I do? http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/confused.gif

Talking Radalt
21st Jun 2001, 01:40
Brit66, It was a "professional" airline pilot (male) who introduced me to the terms "Trolley Dolley, Wagon Dragon, Tart with a Cart and Galley Trash"
All the girls I fly with give as good as they get (oooooh matron!) and enjoy all the banter, and that's not just us blokes telling them they do. Obviously our "airline" is closer knit than yours as we are very good at self policing and knowing how far we can go with one another.

Ms O G Nist
21st Jun 2001, 01:44
Tell me - if you find the banter etc all sexist and racist - why do you need to define yourself as ' ... airline pilot (male) ...? Surely stressing the male gender reinforces differences.
Methinks you to are inhertently sexist too.
Viva la difference!(But please don't tell my partner).

Blue Stuff
21st Jun 2001, 07:48
Childish? Uncouth? Puerile?

Poo, arse, fart, bollocks!

Helmut Visorcover
21st Jun 2001, 08:52
Yeah, knob off strawberry mivvy. Easy solution- press back page to www.losercivvycanthackit/realworld/billynomateses.com. (http://www.losercivvycanthackit/realworld/billynomateses.com.)

Did you per chance fail flying grading for the mil? Or are you just taking the p!55? Either way my elloquent prose might well be condoned. TART!

Albert Aldergrove Jnr
21st Jun 2001, 12:38
Britannia. As one half of the pair responsible for starting the horrifically sexist "women" thread, I just thought you might like to know that the mathematical proof that women are evil was sent to me by, wait for it, my GIRLfriend!!

Now S@d off out of our forum!
Are you as old and decrepit as the aircraft you use as a username?

21st Jun 2001, 12:42
BEagle - Just a reminder that the Internet, and PPrune as part of it, is an anarchic place where people can say what they want. Some posts MAY be puerile, but so what? That's the right we all enjoy under freedom of speech.

What IS offensive is your "I am the Godfather and Wise Old Statesman of the military forum" attitude - what gives YOU the right to apologise on behalf of any of US? Looking at the thread that so incensed Brittania, there are two posts from you - one containing the innuendo you deride, and the other stereotyping Northerners. Now, I'm not offended particularly by either, but if you wish to remain on your self-constructed pedestal, don't come down and mix it with us childish mortals - sanctimonious git.

[This message has been edited by SarBuoy (edited 21 June 2001).]

[This message has been edited by SarBuoy (edited 21 June 2001).]

Biggles Flies Undone
21st Jun 2001, 13:35

I hear the sound of chains being tugged :)

21st Jun 2001, 17:00
Remember everyone, free speech is only for the politically correct!

Which reminds me, why did PC come about in the first place? It was a psychological method for burying any evidence of religious, cultural or racial superiority in the thinking and behavior among a countries majority. PC is a very first world western trait. No single religion is to be superior. No single culture is to be superior. No single race is to be superior. And so multiculturalism was invented. And then no single sex was to be superior. And with nothing superior, there was nothing to value. This is the essence of Political Correctness. It then becomes impossible to unify citizens on the basis of a shared religion, culture or race. They become a large rabble, confused over beliefs and values, and can then be controlled accordingly.

21st Jun 2001, 18:11
I can see this working it's way back to that alien conspiracy thread that's on here somewhere. We'll be easy to take over when 'they' come.

21st Jun 2001, 19:19
Wonderful stuff! Reminds me of a "fizzog" thread.

Brit66 made one post and set the rest of you on one another. Hasn't been heard from since.

Still, we wouldn't have it any other way, would we?

Nil nos tremefacit
21st Jun 2001, 22:36

The reason he's not back is he knows we'd all duff him up!!!

Actually he's probably quite smart - registered nearly 2 years ago and only 7 posts. That's the sort of back up name I'd like. I lost my old wind up name in the great e-mail changeover.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if B66 is still on this thread under another name (not you is it Helmut?)

The Gorilla
22nd Jun 2001, 00:52
Lighten up Beags, u had a bad week or something???

22nd Jun 2001, 01:31
Is it childish to point out that we spell 'officier' officer where we come from? We might not be PC Brit66, but most of us can spell. (Loadies don't count........or spell.....)

Talking Radalt
22nd Jun 2001, 03:41
...but they CAN piss in your tea, Martel

Harry Peacock
22nd Jun 2001, 05:37
Just think...If we're not all childish we'd have to get proper jobs.....Like flying airlines.

If you can't take a joke ..you shouldn't have joined!!.....
....Oh you didn't (Goodie)

22nd Jun 2001, 06:39
Hey Brit66, people in glass cockpits should not throw stones!

22nd Jun 2001, 09:22
Whilst some have criticised my post on this thread, my response to the old Proteus-person appears to have been justified by further directly abusive comments posted herein.

We all like playful banter and we are probably more robust with the thrust, parry and riposte of crewroom comment than our civilian colleagues. Some of whom would view even the sort of inter-squadron rivalry that we routinely enjoy as being unacceptable harassment!

However, some of the personal abuse and barrack room language on this bulletin board gives outsiders a very poor impression of Military Aircrew; if you consider this to be a pompous and avuncular viewpoint - so be it. But I know many who have left PPRuNe due to not wishing to be associated with some of the gutter comments posted by the unwelcome minority.

And that's all I have to say about that.

[This message has been edited by BEagle (edited 22 June 2001).]

RubiC Cube
22nd Jun 2001, 12:53
Well said Beags, Some of us can tell the difference between banter and personal abuse and the inappropriate use of barrack room language, but regrettably some of our colleagues are unable to differentiate. Would they be so keen to descend to such levels if they didn't enjoy the anomymity of this forum?

The Scarlet Pimpernel
22nd Jun 2001, 17:01
Allegedly Harry, you can in fact join the Air Force if you can't take a joke thanks to EU group-hugging EO legislation!

I'll get me coat....

N Genfire
22nd Jun 2001, 18:55
OH Please,

Rubic, does Beagle write your confidential or are you related?
I don't think we are facing a morality issue here, more of a perceptual one, personally I perceive most of the posts on here from the originators view. What point is he /she trying to get across? Not whether it would be an acceptable form of communication within an "officers mess". You cannot and will not turn this medium into a class system. Freedom of speech, whether it be eloquent or not, puerile or not or working class vernacular it is still freedom of speech and to blatantly take the high ground over, lets face it, a tiny number of (you consider to be) unacceptable posts is pure idealism and in your case sycophantic.

Regards N Genfire

22nd Jun 2001, 20:45
Hey, that's right NG!

Beagle and I see eye to eye about the shortage of good subjects for Mil Ppruners to get their teeth into. Threads are often er, um, banal?

But what we talk about and the way in which we talk about them must be thought about separately.

This place gives many people the opportunity to express their thoughts and present ideas who have not had the benefit of practice and coaching that the "horficcers" have had. More credit to them that they pitch in and have a go, and who really cares about gaffs, solecisms and untidy syntax.

Young 'uns are often likely to react too hastily, however, and we old 'uns should not fall into that trap too.

I personally care far less about grammar and modal auxiliaries than I care about pretentiousness. So let's not worry about how well people can write but try to balance the humourous banter with some thought stimulating subjects.

22nd Jun 2001, 21:40

As an "outsider" who hangs around in here now and then, I like this forum. Most of us civvies are capable of telling the difference between banter and...whatever... really! And most women are capable of distinguishing between apparently sexist banter, which varies from being a lot of fun to mildly annoying; and genuine sexism, which in my experience often hides behind a whiter than white PC exterior. Having experienced the latter recently, and been kicked fairly thoroughly in the teeth by someone I'd thought was a friend, you really think I'm going to get upset by something like the "women" thread, which is genuinely funny?


To fly is human, to hover, divine.

23rd Jun 2001, 00:46
If it helps you, Brit 66, and if you still check this thread, I am an ethnic minoirty RAF aircrew mate, and I have no problems with the banter ('cos that's what it is) and I can tell you that in reality we are probably more squeaky clean on these types of matter than most.

I can also tell you that you need anything funny you can get yer hands on when the serious bit involves facing the enemy (who find it funny if they kill you), and that's just one more reason why (a) It's OK, and (b) we trust that when the $hit hits the fan, we'll work to save each others' lives whatever we look like.

A more cohesive and moral bunch of 'racist and sexist' people you will struggle to find.

Land with 3 greens

23rd Jun 2001, 10:53
I've tried to let this one pass by, but Beage's, I can't. If someone takes issue with something written in this forum, then surely it is for the offending poster to apologise for comments made in an offending post. I really don't want someone else apologising on my behalf for something I don't consider that I have done wrong. The comments that started this whole thread off were of a general nature. If the originator doesn't like what s/he reads, there is no obligation for that person to come back into this forum. Before you or anyone else apologises on my behalf, or on behalf of others, perhaps you should take an official poll and hold a majority view first.

While the views expressed in this forum may not be the most eloquent opinions ever expressed (and even at times full of typos, grammatical or spelling errors), they are valid non-the-less, even if you or I happen to disagree. As I am sure you will have visited that great place on Piccadilly at some point you will be aware that your club, like mine, was founded on the priciple that there should be a place where members of like minds can meet to air their views without the fear of moderation or political and social censure. With a new age comes a new medium, the internet rather than the gentleman's club as a place to meet and exchange views. If I want to wax lyrical, or just plain rant, then I should be able to without you apologising for me. If someone else doesn't like what I have to say, tough. Like me if they don't like what they hear they are free to leave, and if they take offence it is for me to apologise if I think an apology is needed.

Helmut, nice to see you back from Bum's **** Egypt :)

The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the Devil's own Satanic HERD!

Nil nos tremefacit
23rd Jun 2001, 12:36

You can't compare the Internet to a gentleman's/officer's club. I can't tell if you were wearing your collar and tie when you posted, but I know that I wouldn't be able to chat in my dressing gown in the Running Horse in the Piccadilly club.

Anyway, I doubt very much that I would be able to talk freely on all subjects in the Royal Air Force Club. I certainly wouldn't be able to do some of the things that I used to do in the Officers' Mess at Happy Hour, and flying suits are most definitely not allowed.

A chat room is a special place where anonymity rules (usually) and we can sit naked and talk to each other if we want. ;)

I do agree, however, with the view that no-one can apologise for the actions of anybody else. I never set out to offend, but if someone finds what I say offensive it may be more to do with their sensitivity than any perceived or real rudeness on my part.

Finally, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I really wish they could learn to spell, type and write correct English. :)

(Edited to correct the deliberate error!!)

[This message has been edited by Nil nos tremefacit (edited 25 June 2001).]

23rd Jun 2001, 13:40
NNT, and so "they" can learn if they are set a good example (by the likes of you) and if they are allowed to gain confidence while making their mistakes. It benefits no-one if they are berated for every error - unless they are pretending to be something they are obviously not.

As for "Chat" well, tried that and can't say I see the attraction clothes on or off!

You may infer that I am, er, getting on a bit and have had a lot to do with teaching the young - mine and other people's.

Nil nos tremefacit
23rd Jun 2001, 14:46

It's only a desire to see an improvement.

When trying to communicate it's always worth taking time to articulate your points so that your entire audience can understand them. I only pull people up if they take potshots at others, but it does amaze me that individuals talk about their A-levels, degrees, licences and commissions, yet can't differentiate between 'your' and 'you're' or 'their', 'there' and 'they're'.

It's also interesting to see that quite a few of the 'sexist' and 'childish' posts are well presented, although many are not. I suspect it is something to do with the jocose badinage that Mr PC 66 cannot fully understand. :rolleyes:

The thing that really gets my goat, however, is the abusive and insulting posts that are poorly punctuated, carelessly typed, badly spelt and that display a standard of grammar that belongs in the kindergarten. Usually these posts are delivered by multi-engine co-pilots after a bad happy hour. http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/tongue.gif You know who you are!

Edited for one sodding comma!!! http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif Edited again for an apostrophe.

[This message has been edited by Nil nos tremefacit (edited 23 June 2001).]

[This message has been edited by Nil nos tremefacit (edited 23 June 2001).]

23rd Jun 2001, 16:55
Yes indeed, NNT, those commas can be tricky and should be sorted out promptly because, when we stand in judgement over others' efforts, we have to be near perfect ourselves.

Apostrophes can catch the best of us out, too. Nudge, nudge, ;) ;) know wot I mean?

23rd Jun 2001, 17:12
Britannia66, you ask that senior officers do something about the childish and sexist behaviour. So, okay chaps (and chappesses) this is an order:

Behave! Moderate your language, stop being silly. No more banter, no more sexist behaviour, no more childish pranks.

There - done.

Now what was the point of that? http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/confused.gif

Do you think it will work in a body of men and women spread throughout hundreds of locations across the face of the planet, drawn from all walks of society and committed to defending @rseholes like you at risk to their own short lives? Why should people who risk being killed on a daily basis in Iraq, Kosovo, Sierra Leone, Ireland or wherever not have a laugh at the expense of somebody more fortunate than themselves?

To be perfectly frank, Brit66, it shouldn't matter a t*ss to those in positions of authority that the troops behave like the society that they protect. Do you check out the attitudes of the people you fly out to the Costa del Vauxhall car worker? Does your company interfere with the leisure time activities of its employees to the extent that it dictates what they may or may not post on a private bulletin board? Have you read the latest Human Rights Act on private behaviour? How would you expect senior officers to patrol the 'Military Aircrew' forum without compromising the anonymity of the members? Do you realise that, as has been pointed out, half the posters have probably never been 'Military Aircrew'? Do you expect the senior officers of the US and Australian Armed Forces to follow the threads as well?

The order posted above might just about be legal in the working environment, but any soldier, sailor or airman ordered not to post a 'sexist' joke on PPrune would have every right to sue.

In conclusion, Brit66, you are wrong to ask senior officers to moderate the private lives of servicemen. If I were the real CDS, which I'm probably not, I would say to you: 'Poo, with a strawberry on top! You are a great big girl's blouse, or the contents of the top part thereof! If women had their legs on the right way up they wouldn't become WAAFs in the first place!!! Baaaah!!!' http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/tongue.gif

[This message has been edited by CDS (edited 23 June 2001).]

25th Jun 2001, 01:35
you've got to help me here-
You say you know colleagues who have left this 'anonymous' forum for fear of being associated with etc etc....
Smart colleagues, next time they submit to threads on an 'anon forum', may I suggest that they don't submit their personal details :-)
Get those pencils and underpants ready.

25th Jun 2001, 16:03
Nil Nos,
Can we all please try and get a life. If you have nothing else to worry about in the world, other than the correct use of grammer,punctuation and articulation, then I envy you. If you want to spend time worring if you've got it right then thats up to you, but instead of looking at other peoples messages for poxy mistakes, when most people don't even proof read messages like this before they send them, then you will miss the message (even though you might spot the mistake.
Are you all ex ISS tutors??

[This message has been edited by Tigs (edited 25 June 2001).]

25th Jun 2001, 16:48
Tigs, you forgot to close your brackets.
Now, what was your point again......?

obnoxio f*ckwit
25th Jun 2001, 17:33
Surely that's 'grammar' not 'grammer', and there's a space after a comma....

Its not only the depth that varies...

25th Jun 2001, 19:27
That's WORRYING, not WORRING Tigs.

Edited for punctuation. Sh*t.

[This message has been edited by X-QUORK (edited 25 June 2001).]

25th Jun 2001, 20:28
Oh, and "thats" should have an apostrophe before the "s", as should "peoples" (when used in the possessive)

Roll up, roll up! Come and have a ride on the bitch-bandwaggon!

25th Jun 2001, 21:26
Well, only if you insist Spud.

There's only one "g" in bandwagon!

25th Jun 2001, 21:36
Friends, this thread has run its course and should be allowed to fade a way. But first:

CDS? Is he Okay now? He did appear to have missed his lunch-time medicine the other day. Worrying to see that a man with such power can get so excited. But I agree with everthing he said.

Sc-U-L, yes but not if "peoples" is plural as in the sentence:

"The African Peoples' Curse of the 21st Century will be AIDS".

And, of course, As in Officers' Mess rather than Officer's Mess (quoth NNT); he hasn't taken my hint.

Now, I don't give a big rat's arse which way it is spelled here in this informal place as long as the writer's meaning is clear (if (s)he has a worthwhile point or (s)he is being (trying to be) funny).

Try this link to a short and clear exposition.


Or, do what I'm going to do and that is go to the 'fridge and get a cold beer. Cheers!

[This message has been edited by fobotcso (edited 25 June 2001).]

Nil nos tremefacit
25th Jun 2001, 22:44

25th Jun 2001, 22:47

*Blushes*. Could I plead guilty to a digital double-tap?


If I might go some way to redeeming myself, may I suggest you read the link to which you refer. If the noun is plural, but does not end with an s (e.g. people), then the apostrophe still comes at the end of the word, but is followed by an s. Hence "people's messages" and "African people's curse".

"Officer" is a singular noun. If, owing to ever-plummeting morale, there were only one officer left in the Mess, it would be the Officer's Mess. Whilst CAS keeps waving the wonga, however, it will remain the Officers' Mess.

See. People in glass houses can throw stones!

[This message has been edited by Scud-U-Like (edited 25 June 2001).]

26th Jun 2001, 02:40
God, that beer was good!

Now, Sc-U-L, yes "people" is plural as a group noun (we would say the people are revolting) and singular as in The English People (single entity).

Then you come to The English Speaking Peoples - giving you the plural of the group noun. The possessive "Peoples'" is Okay. (I hope you're following this..!)

Oh bugger, just click on this link, which was one of 320,000+ that I got from a search using Google on "Peoples uk".


A world wide search turned up 1,400,000+. Too many for my litle brain to take in at this hour. And anyway the nurse is coming to take me away. So I'll leave you with it.

26th Jun 2001, 10:35
And, no doubt, someone will also point out that conjunctions shouldn't be used to begin sentences nor prepositions used to end them with!!

[This message has been edited by BEagle (edited 26 June 2001).]

26th Jun 2001, 12:18
You're acting like a big girl's blouse, BEagle. There! Back on topic, childish and sexist in two lines.

26th Jun 2001, 12:29
Er, that's one line Jacko.

26th Jun 2001, 13:00

If you read it in an 800 by 600 window, it's 2 lines (or should that be "its too lines"?)


26th Jun 2001, 13:12
I take it this is the PPRUNE equivalent of the House of Commons talking out a debate.

Brilliant :)

26th Jun 2001, 14:10
There's far more tortuous, childish debate to be wrung out of this one. :)

Fobotcso, how's your head, matey? Are you sitting comfortably?

As a term meaning "a body of persons sharing a culture", "people" is a singular noun, as in "As a people, the English are known for their patience, humility, tolerance and grace". Its plural is "peoples": "the many and varied peoples of West Africa". But when used to mean "human", "people" is plural and has no corresponding singular form. Therefore, "other people's messages", as used in the context in question, is correct.

[This message has been edited by Scud-U-Like (edited 26 June 2001).]

26th Jun 2001, 14:57
Careful Scud, you could be accused of promoting racial stereotypes.

26th Jun 2001, 15:08

In the second sense the singular form is person.

26th Jun 2001, 15:29

I know it's difficult on a day like this, but please try to pay attention.

I said 'has no CORRESPONDING singular form'. The plural of person is persons.


26th Jun 2001, 15:42

26th Jun 2001, 15:43
Oh, dear. In Tonee's new Peoples Brittania, is this really the sort of nonsense up with which one must put?

Just a thought - would hate to be thought of as sesquipadalean.

Cap'n Crunch.

Your car, Sir.

26th Jun 2001, 16:31
I notice that Scud had to edit his post, thereby indicating a less than perfect initial post. I don't suppose it was edited [I] after [I] you re-read your 11 Plus English texbook and realised you had, in fact, made a mistake? Neener, Neener, Neener [I] par chance [I]?

The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the Devil's own Satanic HERD!

26th Jun 2001, 16:39

I think you'll find the UBB codes work better if you remember the forward slash in the second set of square brackets to cancel the italics :)

..and should it not read "perchance" instead of "par chance"? :) :)

Oh, and if racial sterotypes are getting promoted then how do I become one? Haven't had a promotion in my current org since March 1981... Should've done those exams - NOT!


26th Jun 2001, 17:15
T & B,.and should it not read "perchance" instead of "par chance"?

Should be "rather than" rather than "instead of." The latter would work with tangible objects, for example:

"Oh, Daphne! I should much prefer to have a cheeseburger shot instead of a hambuger shot this time. Then perhaps we could organise a spit roast with Charles."

"Oh, yes, my darling! I could dress up as an proctologist this time, rather than your mother as before."

"As opposed to" follows the same rules.


26th Jun 2001, 17:28

Many thanks. I suspect that, as I've only ever been cleared up to 'smut', the reason my grammar ain't up to scratch is because I never had access to your textbooks. Any chance of borrowing one sometime? With all the pictures/instructions?

26th Jun 2001, 18:17
I know I meant to say what I think and I think I said what I meant. But what I said and what I meant have not been perceived to be the same.

Sc-U-L, I never meant to take issue with your (quite correct) "people's"; but I referred it to build up to the Officers' vs Officer's point. I'm sorry that you got that impression. Both our points are correct when they are not confused with each other. "Peoples'" is commonplace and people's even moreso.

Now, carry on talking amongst yourselves; it's too hot to get excited about such matters. :) :)

SWB's Mate
26th Jun 2001, 22:01
How refreshing to see a thread that started with an offensive, uninformed post, degenerate into a squabble about grammer.
Well done boys, we showed the git. By the way, sorry to remind you what started all this. Is this the exit?

Whipping Boy's SATCO
26th Jun 2001, 22:05
Ands up all them who wants to be a iss tutor, know wot I mean.......

26th Jun 2001, 23:44
Errrmmm shouldn't that be Britannia Capn C ?
You, paronymously polysyllabic - never!!!

Okay, that's the childish posts - now where's the sex?

27th Jun 2001, 01:27
Ok I see SWB's Mate has posted a reply and also Whipping Boy's SATCO, so it is now my turn.
CaptainCrunch: Surely you meant to say 'dress up as a proctologist' instead of 'dress up as an proctologist'. Unless of course you were refering to Anne with the very unfortunate surname. In which case you should have said............Oh bolloxxxx

:-) ps SWB's Mate ain't me mate and WB's SATCO ain't me SATCO ( just trying to remain anonymous OK)

Blue Stuff
27th Jun 2001, 15:27
Wonderful. Not content with one thread debating the finer points of English grammar ("C-17 ... thankfully ... blah"), we have generated a second! Does this mean that we've run out of infantile playground humour? Surely not. http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/tongue.gif

27th Jun 2001, 16:52
Nil Nos me old woomera,
Ref. your post on page4
I think that "bugger" has two gs and not two @s.

Nil nos tremefacit
27th Jun 2001, 17:27
Similar word, but local dialect dictates 2 '@'s. I think using 2 'g's gets covered in asterisks like ****.

Let's try - bugger! :)

Nil nos tremefacit
27th Jun 2001, 17:32

..but how come ****, ****, **** and ****** don't appear?

27th Jun 2001, 19:07
Well, one of 'em did. Probably a Spam profanity censoring program.
Or maybe like the silent (and invisible) "z" in giraffe.

27th Jun 2001, 19:16
Just to prove the futility of it all


N Genfire
27th Jun 2001, 20:44
I love women, is that sexist?

Regards N Genfire

Not if I can do it tomorrow.........

Blue Stuff
27th Jun 2001, 22:22
Absolutely, NG. Your statement clearly discriminates against persons of both male and indeterminate gender. Note that claiming to be a lesbian may make this remark more acceptable. ;)


N Genfire
27th Jun 2001, 22:49
Ahh yes, but then again I love lesbians too, the more the merrier, but there again i'm on a sticky wicket, because Lesbians are women too. I will ponder on whether to report myself to the court of human rights.

Regards N Genfire

Not if I can do it tomorrow.........

27th Jun 2001, 23:16
A quote from the great Eddie Izzard

"I'm a Lesbian in a mans body"

Me too (except I dont feel the need to wear a dress) D)

27th Jun 2001, 23:20
Saw a T-shirt that said:

"Cover me in honey and throw me into a room of lesbians"

Wife didn't think it was funny!

28th Jun 2001, 02:10
So why is it that men are obsessed with lesbianism!? Women don't have the same obsession with gay men (well not normally anyway!)

28th Jun 2001, 15:40

Put simply, the thought of two members of the fairer sex "feeding the horse" is more aethetically pleasing than two chaps working for Bournville in the Fudge Packing Dept.


28th Jun 2001, 16:29
NGen, you should turn yourself in to the Europhile Thougt Police IMMEDIATELY for violation of sacrosanct EU principles thus:

1. Lesbians violate my fundamental human rights. While I can go down as well as any open-toe sandal wearing carpet muncher, I am not a woman and therefore de-facto excluded from considering myself a fully fledged Lesbian. This is outrageous discrimination as I should be able to consider myself a Lesbian if I wish;


2. Lesbians de-facto originate from the Greek island of Lesbos. Greece is in the European Community, and thus preventing me from being a Lesbian because of the protruding genitalia I neither desired nor ordered (though am perfectly happy to continue to have)prevents me from being a Lesbian, and therefore bars me from living on the island of Lesbos. This is in clear contradiction to the EEC directive on free and unhindered access to the market place and my common right of abode.

Therefore, Lesbians violate my human rights, and I wish you, NG, to pay me many millions of Euros in pointless compensation.

The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the Devil's own Satanic HERD!

Vortex what...ouch!
28th Jun 2001, 19:40
I've got all the sex and your (oops) you're not having any.

Poo to you sir with knobs on.

The idea of not being able to stop before I land is scarey.

30th Jun 2001, 20:40
I've just read the first and last two pages of this thread; and am heartened to see that some of the smallest minds (and probably w*llies)in NATO are alive and kicking and pruning it up large! B66 has gone very quiet recently - not surprising if he hoped to be dealing with grownups Aieeee banzai......

N Genfire
30th Jun 2001, 21:01
He must be a classic wind up merchant. Throw in the grenade and stand back.
I personally would like to thank him for starting a very funny thread, which I have complained before, there are not enough of.

now wheres me scalextric and action man.

Regards N Genfire

Not if I can do it tomorrow.........

SH Monkey
2nd Jul 2001, 16:56
B66, I didn't stop to think about this for one second.... childish or what?