View Full Version : Francis Chin sets a new record!

9th Oct 2009, 10:23
From what I can tell, Francis and two other pilots are attempting to be the first to fly a single engine Cessna 182 from Hong Kong CLK to Pucheng (close to Beijing). They departed CLK on Thursday afternoon and headed north. Due to all the GA red tape they have to overcome, they expect to arrive next Wednesday. Why didn't the HK press pick this up? No one in HK have any sense of adventure or aviation daring do?
This is the same Francis Chin who flew a Beagle Pup from England to Hong Kong in 30 days back in 1972. http://www.chinbrothers.netfirms.com/page2.html




  新浪航空讯 (2009年10月8日 香港 )值祖国60华诞之际,为庆祝“两航起义”60周年及“首次带动力飞行”100周年,由2009中国国际通用航空大会执委会、德 事隆(中国)公司•赛斯纳飞机公司•莱康明航空发动机公司共同主办,精金田文化发展有限公司承办的“香港-大陆首次单发活塞式飞机跨境拉力飞行”启航仪式日前在湾仔万丽海景酒店隆重举行。其后,我国首架获得批进行跨境飞行的单发活塞式 飞机赛斯纳182于香港商用航空中心成功启航,跨越香港,途经深圳、珠海、湖南、湖北,将最终抵达中国国际通用航空大会举办地, 陕西蒲城航空中心。
  此次低空跨境拉力飞行在中国通用航空史上尚属首次,标志中国在低空空域的开放迈出实质一步,对中国通用航空産业的发展具有极 其重要的意义。
  啓航仪式主办方代表,德事隆(中国)公司副总裁吴景奎先生致欢迎辞,他指出中国的通用航空産业,包括制造、运营以及相关产业 链,潜力巨大。怀着对中国通航产业发展的信心以及推动中国通航文化建设的决心,德事隆(中国)公司携德事隆集团旗下的赛斯纳飞机 公司、莱康明航空发动机公司发起并赞助此次活动,同时提供赛斯纳182型飞机执行此项飞行任务。
  本次拉力飞行首席飞行员由香港资深飞行员、着名医生、通用航空飞行教育培训家钱耀昌太平绅士出任,钱先生表示,他在38年前 有幸驾驶飞机从伦敦飞到香港,但是作为一个中国人他的心愿是能飞到内地,飞到北京。为了这个愿望,他已经在香港等了38年,终于 在今天可以驾驶飞机从香港飞往内地,虽然还不能飞到北京,但他相信这一夙愿亦会在不久的将来实现。是次跨境拉力飞行,适逢中华人 民共和国60华诞、着名爱国革命运动“两航起义”60周年及首次带动力飞行100周年,是一次具有特殊意义的献礼,很高兴能参与 完成此次创举。“两航起义”是中国人民民航事业的起点,在此际举行跨境拉力飞行,将为中国通用航空产业之发展揭开新的一页。他强 调香港是中国重要的窗口,希望香港与内地的航空业者有更多深入的交流与合作,亦希望香港在国家的通用航空事业的发展中发挥重要作 用。
  执行本次飞行的机型赛斯纳182型飞机系列是目前世界产量最大、用于飞机驾驶员训练性能较好的飞机之一,由德事隆(中国)公 司携集团旗下的赛斯纳飞机公司、莱康明航空发动机公司赞助。波音民用飞机集团公司旗下的杰普逊公司爲本次飞行提供了飞行航图和航 行资料等産品和服务,共同确保本次飞行安全高效。
  香港特区政府民航处、入境事务处、政府飞行服务队、机场管理局代表,美国驻香港总领事馆官员,以及港澳地区着名工商界人士等 各界代表前往香港商用航空中心欢送钱耀昌先生。飞行机队于下午3:30从香港正式起飞,并于下午4:00到达本次旅途的第一站深 圳,稍后将径珠海,湖南衡阳和湖北襄樊,在襄樊与另一架赛斯纳飞机汇合,于10月14日到达陝西西安集结,随后参加“2009中 国国际通用航空大会”举办的航展活动。

9th Oct 2009, 13:08
"attempt"?? Surely you can't be serious. What is so hard about flying a Cessna to Beijing? Whoopy friggin doo.

If your post was sarcasm, then sorry but it is hard to pick up on it from just reading. Try using emoticons, like :rolleyes:

9th Oct 2009, 13:26
Perhaps you could take a moment to consider how many times this has been done before? As you can see in the photo, it says it's the first time. Therefore one might need to consider why has it never been done before? As you yourself asked "what's so hard about flying from Hong Kong to Beijing" except that it has never been done like this before! As you may know, the military controls low level airspace, and therefore China's General Aviation activity is nearly zero. Francis must have overcome huge resistance from the authorities to get flight path approvals for this attempt, and as you may know, getting bureaucrats to accept something new can be almost impossible! Just imagine how many single engine cessnas have flown out of CLK? One? Knowing the HKCAD, I call that an accomplishment! Even more so with the CAAC. This attempt (which I am sure will succeed) will pave the way for greater GA activities on the mainland, and that's good for all of us.

Until you step up and do something daring and unique, don't put others down for their accomplishments. I only have respect for aviation pioneers like Francis; people who lead the way, so others can follow easily and think nothing of it.

Forward CofG
9th Oct 2009, 13:32
I don't understand why this would be called a record attempt.

How does it take 7 days to fly from Hong Kong to Beijing? :ugh:

In a C182 it should take 8-9 hours.

9th Oct 2009, 13:41
How does it take 7 days to fly from Hong Kong to Beijing? :ugh:

In a C182 it should take 8-9 hours.

Thats exactly right, and shows just how hard it is to do even a simple flight across China! This flight is breaking new ground for GA, and maybe next time someone wants to fly their small private plane in China, it won't take ages to get anywhere or get approvals.

9th Oct 2009, 14:39
There are two types of pilots : those who respect Francis, and those who don't. The latter category is full of sour grapes and would do anything to smear him (there has been a few individuals who have been doing exactly that for many years).

Well, whether those individuals like it or not, Francis has done another first. And the reason is because those individuals have been too stubborn to show the relevant authorities the necessary respect that these authorities deserve. These individuals would like to think they are riding on top of everyone else, when in fact everyone else knows they belong to the bottom of the heap.

I have to take my hat off to Francis and, when the C182 retires, will hopefully find its place of honour beside the Beagle Pup.

10th Oct 2009, 00:00
Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to be amazed!

Im sponsoring 4 lucky Cathay pilots to fly a C-172 from CLK to Guangzhou!! This will be an AVIATION FIRST and WORLD RECORD attempt!!

We hope to take no longer than 3 days to complete this feat of aviation daring which harkens back to the good ole days of barn storming.

Anyone interested in taking on this DEATH DEFYING stunt, please contact me.

Be forewarned, this Cessna will only have 2 gps units, a 3 axis autopilot, and HALF a tank of gas!

Record setters need only apply.

10th Oct 2009, 01:44
Perhaps you could take a moment to consider how many times this has been done before? As you can see in the photo, it says it's the first time. Therefore one might need to consider why has it never been done before? As you yourself asked "what's so hard about flying from Hong Kong to Beijing" except that it has never been done like this before! As you may know, the military controls low level airspace, and therefore China's General Aviation activity is nearly zero. Francis must have overcome huge resistance from the authorities to get flight path approvals for this attempt, and as you may know, getting bureaucrats to accept something new can be almost impossible! Just imagine how many single engine cessnas have flown out of CLK? One? Knowing the HKCAD, I call that an accomplishment! Even more so with the CAAC. This attempt (which I am sure will succeed) will pave the way for greater GA activities on the mainland, and that's good for all of us.

Until you step up and do something daring and unique, don't put others down for their accomplishments. I only have respect for aviation pioneers like Francis; people who lead the way, so others can follow easily and think nothing of it.

Fine, I give you that he must have overcome mountains of communist bureaucracy to complete the paperwork. I'll give you that, he should get some sort of "paperwork" or "permit" record.

But claiming that "No one in HK have any sense of adventure or aviation daring do? " is ridiculous. He is going to Beijing, whoopy-doo. How exited can you get about a "secretarial" accomplishment? I'm not putting the guy down, as you mentioned, his flight from England to HK is impressive. That is a feat and an event worthy of your hype. But the above is not, just telling it how it is.

@iLuvPX - Funny, I'm in, but I insist on taking 2 rafts and life-vest with ELTs just in case we ditch on the long overwater segment. Not to mention a few days' supply of food rations. Don't worry, HK has 12,000ft of runway. :ok:

A. Le Rhone
10th Oct 2009, 03:04
Sqwak this and other of your posts show that you really are a miserable individual.

Whilst I concur that it's not Lindberghian stuff, it is a real breakthrough. Should this event prove the catalyst that finally opens up China to true GA then it will be a significant achievement.

Far more significant than some miserable computer-basher decrying the achievements of others.

Next time you type or open your mouth, try something positive for a change.

Those who can do, those who can't sit and whine on PPRuNe.

10th Oct 2009, 03:15
There sure is enough stripes on those shoulder boards for a C-182..:cool:

10th Oct 2009, 11:00
This attempt (which I am sure will succeed) will pave the way for greater GA activities on the mainland, and that's good for all of us.

Scicer, I don't know what you are smoking but anyone who thinks GA activities on the mainland is a good idea needs their head examined.

I'm flying for their 'flag carrier' and the things I see from their professional pilots amazes me on a daily basis. I can't wait to see their weekend warriors take to the skies to liven things up!

10th Oct 2009, 12:13
I'm not putting the guy down, as you mentioned, his flight from England to HK is impressive. That is a feat and an event worthy of your hype. But the above is not, just telling it how it is.

Ok Sqwak I'll meet you half way and grant you that it may not actually be a 'life or death' kind of accomplishment. Perhaps I put in a bit too much 'daring do' and not enough 'whoopty do'. However I am still impressed. I have also heard that Francis and the pilots spent 1.5 hours circling over the South China Sea waiting for HK clearance when they were bringing the plane from Zhuhai that morning! Death by boredom perhaps?

I'm flying for their 'flag carrier' and the things I see from their professional pilots amazes me on a daily basis. I can't wait to see their weekend warriors take to the skies to liven things up!

Well, I am not qualified to comment on that aspect, but perhaps it provides an opportunity for all these new pilots to go overseas to get their licenses and get some better training? I'm just trying to see the positive side.

Al E. Vator
11th Oct 2009, 00:21
Nobody is here to overwhelm you CX-person.

Its good so see some people getting off their arses and doing something constructive rather than simply spending a long time festering in CX where their main skill seems to be able to type underwhelmed in big letters on PPRuNe. Your granchildren must be so proud.

11th Oct 2009, 03:50
As a card carrying member of "Pedants Anonymous", I can't stand idly by whilst an English phrase is repeatedly abused:

The correct expression is "derring-do". :ok:

(Don't get me started on Flap vs. FlapS!!!) :}

11th Oct 2009, 03:58
LTinCX, are you sure that 24bars fly the C182 to PEK ? Much appreciate to you to find out the answer!

13th Oct 2009, 02:48
Good old Francis, he doesn't give up. It's overcoming the red tape which is impressive, not the flying.

Mullah Lite
13th Oct 2009, 03:05
Tackling Chinese bureaucracy to fly a bugsmasher across the border, now THAT'S tenacity.

Rather than post sarcastic comments about an 'underwhelming' achievement by a man who has more love for aviation in his left toenail clipping than whole divisions working for HKG's 'flag carriers', why not just pass the post by if it doesn't send you into elated fits of VB drinking/morris dancing, rather than put a man down publicly who's done more for trying to preserve Kai Tak and GA in this forsaken territory than anyone else around here carrying CAD issued documentation.

For someone who doesn't have the political pull or financial resources of a taipan company to pull this off, it's a far greater achievement than anyone sipping green tea from a primary coloured cup that they didn't even fetch themselves could possibly imagine. A little respect for fellow aviators who don't have an ACARS or umbrella company frequency at their disposal every time the paperwork needs attending to goes a long way. Or perhaps your mother gave birth to you in a glass cockpit and that's all you know.

He might not be a Lindbergh, but there's no need to be a Limbaugh about it.

To end on a good note, I say again, good on you Francis.

13th Oct 2009, 06:19
Good stuff Francis. A great adventure. Oh to travel throughout China on a light aircraft - the view would be amazing.

13th Oct 2009, 06:46
the view would be amazing.

I seriously doubt it, however it could be amazing if China and HK for that matter got their acts together and did something about the pollution :ugh:

13th Oct 2009, 07:20
Or perhaps they were ambos* providing a little structural support for Mr Chin?

You are right! The picture above reminds me of "Weekend at Berny's". :O I love the joyous look on Neil and Bob. They are just about as exited with 3 man long-haul as we all are.

And all you "aviation enthusiasts" need to chill out. Even the original poster recognized that he "over-emphasized" the achievement, as he edited his post quite rapidly.

Rhone, you must be a member of one of those "everybody gets a trophy" crowds. Go back to your soccer-mom party. I call it how I see it, you chose to post on a website that caters to all of us "bitter" expat pilots. You want roses, go talk to the HK media... oh wait, you were complaining that no-one picked up on the story... apparently most people agree with me.

Mullah, so now just having love of aviation means that you should get praise from other aviators? I'll buy my fellow pilots a beer any day, just as I would this Francis guy if I met him at a bar. He probably sees the humor in it even though you don't.

Back to my fisher-price "my first cup" tea set. I would like to propose a new color be added to the list so we can improve morale... how's brown sound to you? Maybe we could get matching dinnerware to go with the cups. :hmm:

13th Oct 2009, 07:31
Tackling Chinese bureaucracy to fly a bugsmasher across the border, now THAT'S tenacity.

Im not sure if you're being sarcastic here, but lets assume not. Therefore, you would be absolutely correct, it is a tenacious endeavor tackling Chinese bureaucracy, but surely NOT "aviation derring-do". Private pilot students have to do more in a solo cross-country during their initial flight training than that.

If you want to see aviation hero's, go look at some video of the good-guys in Afghanistan helping the Taliban get to their 72 virgins in a hurry.:D

13th Oct 2009, 07:35
If he hadn't got permission, I would have been more impressed..... :E

13th Oct 2009, 11:28
Dont worry about a 'flooding of the skies' with weekend warriors. Unless they get their instrument ratings before they go solo, it will take them a good couple of years to accumulate enough clear days to get a PPL. Oh the irony! The polution saving us from something. :)

13th Oct 2009, 12:05
Wondering how much he had to pay for customs handling and such.

As far as I know from a local HK helicopter company, cross border helicopter flights would be like HK$ 60,000 for customs handling alone (according to a Rotorhead account from a few moons ago).

If anybody has any more info on this flight, let me know. English preferred.

13th Oct 2009, 14:32
You want roses, go talk to the HK media... oh wait, you were complaining that no-one picked up on the story... apparently most people agree with me.

If anybody has any more info on this flight, let me know. English preferred.

It seems the point I was trying to make was lost. I did not say that 'no-one' picked up the story, I noted that the Hong Kong press didn't pick it up. Indeed there is considerable coverage about Francis' flight in the Mainland press. 首次中国跨境拉力飞行启航 飞向09通航大会 - Google News (http://news.google.ca/news/story?cf=all&ned=ca&hl=zh-CN&ncl=donQQtcGgqPrbGM11UxcDx7VquMdM)

The point being that the Mainland press find this far more news-worthy than the HK press.

Mullah Lite
13th Oct 2009, 15:50
Mullah, so now just having love of aviation means that you should get praise from other aviators? I'll buy my fellow pilots a beer any day, just as I would this Francis guy if I met him at a bar. He probably sees the humor in it even though you don't.

Back to my fisher-price "my first cup" tea set. I would like to propose a new color be added to the list so we can improve morale... how's brown sound to you? Maybe we could get matching dinnerware to go with the cups. http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/src:www.pprune.org/get/images/smilies/yeees.gif

Didn't realise belittling a man who sets out to achieve something that is aimed at benefiting our profession on a public forum was humourous. Sorry must have missed that one in school. BTW brown sounds great, but I think the brand you're looking for is fister-price.

19th Oct 2009, 08:36
I am with you, Mullah Lite, all the way!

Good on you Francis!

Some of the rest of you are kind of sad!

19th Oct 2009, 08:45

Any update on Francis Chin? I can't find any on google news.


19th Oct 2009, 15:49
Heard he got to the border and the Chinese ATC told him "Airspace closed, you go now" so he diverted back to Hong Kong.

... just kidding.

19th Oct 2009, 16:59
Mullah Lite

Didn't realise belittling a man who sets out to achieve something that is aimed at benefiting our profession on a public forum was humourous.

Excuse me but how is he benefiting my "profession". Anyway I don't think the man in question has started this thread and good luck to him.

Mullah Lite
19th Oct 2009, 18:17
How can anyone who practices an unadulterated passion for what we all do not be benefiting the rest of us?

Absolutely Fabulous
20th Oct 2009, 01:35
he can't be benefitting us.............he's Chinese afterall :}

Mullah Lite
20th Oct 2009, 04:12

Dude, wrong forum. You'll find the Aryan Nations here:
