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View Full Version : JetStart Pilot Hold File ...

soi 11
9th Oct 2009, 07:43
Maybe others can input here:

Are there many out there on the Hold File after successful J'Star interview ?
Any recently recruited from said Hold file?
Are they still interviewing for same ?

(I used 2 be confused but I don't know anymore)

Ted Nugent
9th Oct 2009, 07:54
Are they still interviewing for same ?

Yes! :ok:

Does anyone have a list of the actual personality style questions Jetstar have been using recently?

PM me is you like!



9th Oct 2009, 07:57
There was a recent thread where someone posted a bucket-load of j* personality questions. Do a search or look through the last 5 pages.

As of last week they were hiring for a hold file which they expected to use up "within 12 months".

Ted Nugent
9th Oct 2009, 08:10
Thanks growler

I have seen the questions you mention, they seem very generic. I was after something more Jetstar specific, questions used in the recent batch of interviews.

10th Oct 2009, 01:35

don't worry about the questions (btw, those questions you have are pretty much exactly what are asked).

I would suggest the best way to prep is to think back to when you started flying, and write down any experiences you've had, what you did and what you learned. Don't forget that it doesn't necessarily have to be flying (although it is preferred) - life throws you some great learning experiences from time to time. By doing this in a structured, chronological manner, you'll be surprised at the things you remember! Work through to the present, and then review them daily so the details are clear in your mind.

Once you've done this, go through the questions you've got and you should find you can answer all of them fairly easily. You might find some weak areas that need some more thought.

The point is, in your prep, focus on your stories rather than trying to answer specific questions. Otherwise you'll find yourself doing the stutter rap when they throw you a question that you didn't expect - there are literally thousands of variations they could ask.

Good luck

Ted Nugent
10th Oct 2009, 02:37
Cheers growler

Your post sums up the prep for this style of interview perfectly. This is exactly the approach I have been taking so it looks like I’ll just persist the previously published questions.

Cheers Ted

40Deg STH
10th Oct 2009, 12:20

Having been in the system for coming almost 30years, I have learned some things. We all hear they are looking for future commanders, well funnily enough, that is exactly what they want. Not some bumbling wannabe who wants to fly shinny new metal ( not that French things count...hahaha). We also hear, they want guys who can be good company on long sectors. True!! Flying is another skill we must have, although did you notice i put it 3rd? Most people can fly. The other skills are harder to attain or to naturally hold.
So present yourself at the interview as a future commander with good sound CRM and forget practiced answers. Online info can often lead you astray. It is well known to all recruiters what is known online. I like the original strong candidate who shows strength and good individual personal skills. Not parrots.
Good luck and hopefully enjoy a long airline career. On a small note, I hope you have enjoyed a good GA career too. Dont miss the fun!!!

soi 11
10th Oct 2009, 12:21
now you all have passed all your pearls of wisdom regarding the interview prep ....how about some input on the original thread ie:
How Many are on this Hold File ?
and Have any been recruited from it ?

40Deg STH
10th Oct 2009, 12:36
soi 11,

Good luck, you may need it!
To answer your question. You appear to not be familiar with airline recruitment. Its very fluid, like our drinking habits. If you are unhappy about the replies here, call them directly and ask. Are you a future commander? Take command now.

PS I've been on the active hold hold file for QF since the mid eighties. Maybe I'm now deleted.......lol