View Full Version : optimizing noise reduction in aviation maintenance

6th Oct 2009, 02:20
can someone assist me how can i pursue subject above !!

what are the pointers that will help this research link to reality ???

thanks !!

8th Oct 2009, 09:14
Our airline has chosen to reduce APU usage, this has had a significant effect on environmental noise in my opinion.

8th Oct 2009, 23:50
Our airline has chosen to reduce APU usage, this has had a significant effect on environmental noise in my opinion.

can i ask how your airline perform this reduction ??

appreciate if you can send me the cause and effect of this process.

9th Oct 2009, 06:06
simple atnovido

Most APUs are noisier than GPUs. So if the work being done on the aircraft doesnt require the APU running. You can just use the GPU to provide electrical power for you aircraft network.

aside from that .. your APU cycles will get lower, saving your company more money and prolonging APU and its components life.

Another thing is that it depends where you work.

If line maintenance? You cant control the other carriers aircraft from making noise so not much help. :}

Its great that most of the carriers nowadays uses high bypass turbofans instead of those old banshee-like low bypass turbojets.

If base maintenance? You better ask the structures guys to work in a different shift? (just kidding) LOL :E

And if this is a personal opinion where you think aviation maintenance is just too much noise. I just have to say buy earplugs or ear muffs.

9th Oct 2009, 12:58
We use locally made silencers for the equipment cooling exhaust on the A320 and 737's, reduces the noise in the hangar significantly.

9th Oct 2009, 14:19

care to share a pic of how that locally made silencer looks.. thats a neat idea..:D

10th Oct 2009, 15:28
Sent the photo link via PM :ok:

11th Oct 2009, 23:51
thanks for that mind-opening idea subsonic. :ok:

i just wanna ask if there is another way or alternative for ear plugs which will reduce noise wholy in the working area.

11th Oct 2009, 23:54
We use locally made silencers for the equipment cooling exhaust on the A320 and 737's, reduces the noise in the hangar significantly.

appreciate if i can have a jpeg copy also if you dont mind fargoo !!!

super engineer
12th Oct 2009, 12:05
in some airport like narita in japan, the effort for noise reduction from aviation industry is seriously implied.

airport curfew will start at 22.00 till 05.00 meaning no take off and landing allowed unless as otherwise approved by authority.

any aircraft being parked at bay where fixed ground external power readily available shall use this facility and therefore APU is no longer reqd (however if need be, APU may be used if approved by authority and time usage shall be minimised)

end result : neighbourhood surrrounding airport is happier than ever :)

13th Oct 2009, 06:24
Thanks Fargoo ... we are actually planning to build something like it but a lil bit different ... keep up the good work:ok:

atnovido... no problem sir.

13th Oct 2009, 12:05
No problem :ok:

13th Oct 2009, 23:36
much of thanks subsonic, super engineer, fargoo !!

i just wanna ask if there is another way or alternative for ear plugs which will reduce noise wholy in the working area.

follow-up regarding request above !!!

15th Oct 2009, 04:17
In my experience I hate earplugs as an aircraft technician. Fingers get contaminated quickly around aircraft and I believe it has contributed to at least one (double) ear infection. Headgear is the safer choice and I wipe them down often with disinfectant wipes.

16th Oct 2009, 03:09
In my experience I hate earplugs as an aircraft technician. Fingers get contaminated quickly around aircraft and I believe it has contributed to at least one (double) ear infection. Headgear is the safer choice and I wipe them down often with disinfectant wipes.

thanks for the info muduckace.

how about the loud sound reduction improve facility, anybody can share a liitle bit info about it !!

thanks !!

17th Oct 2009, 20:35
:sad:Hi, i'm new on this space and very happy to have found it. Yours posts are to interesting. Could send a copy of this image that you have mentioned, Fargoo?
I think, Muduckace, theres no choice, or washables ears plugs, or that big and uncomfortable mufflers or deafness.

Atnovido, looks on
ScienceDirect - Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment : How much noise reduction at airports? (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6VH8-4WYCT9P-1&_user=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_searchStrId=1052373219&_rerunOrigin=google&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=c4c461b25227b9b47447b8bdb398b1bb)

21st Oct 2009, 03:28
We use locally made silencers for the equipment cooling exhaust on the A320 and 737's, reduces the noise in the hangar significantly.

Can I have that pic as well, Fargoo ?:)

Earmuffs are always better than earplugs for the simple reason that they are more hygienic.
On a sidenote, I always advice ppl to not wear their earmuffs totally covering their ears that it's working 100% efficiently. I once almost walked right in front of an engine during an EGR simply because of the fact that I couldn't hear it. It was my first time wearing an ear muff and I mistook the engine noise for the packs.

21st Oct 2009, 06:46
in my case i prefer neckband earplugs (the one on the right).. reason ? I currently work in Line Maintenance.. this gives me the freedom to simply put it in when I'm on the ramp, and also the freedom to just remove it and let it rest on my neck when i have to go to the cockpit or cabin.

And its actually quite good at removing or lessening those high pitched noised that irritates most of us..


26th Oct 2009, 23:26
i really thank everyone participating in my poll question.
since i'm working in a base maintenance which has more noise contribution, (i.e. gpu, apu, hyd) than line and airport, how can optimizing noise reduction be achievable ???

27th Oct 2009, 04:13
For base maintenance, the use of GPUs could be minimised by having a centralised power generator and air generator placed off the hangar's premises and having the relevant power cables and air ducts placed at strategic locations around the hangar's floors. This upgrade will not be feasible on an existing hangar as the renovations will disrupt the hangar's operations greatly.

Another idea which has been floating on my mind is to line the hangar's interior walls and ceiling with noise absorbing material similiar to a recording studio. The majority of the noise emanating from the hangar is actually noise which is amplified by the hangar's interior reverbrating around the hangar. To be fair, I don't think any MROs have this in their hangars as the related maintenance cost of maintaining the noise absorbing material, not to mention the acquisition costs, would far outweigh the benefits it brings along.

And if your MRO allows the operation of APUs while the a/c is inside the hangar. Ban it immediately.

6th Nov 2009, 12:22
Earmuffs are always better than earplugs for the simple reason that they are more hygienic.
On a sidenote, I always advice ppl to not wear their earmuffs totally covering their ears that it's working 100% efficiently. I once almost walked right in front of an engine during an EGR simply because of the fact that I couldn't hear it. It was my first time wearing an ear muff and I mistook the engine noise for the packs.

Thats the main reason I'm a big fan of these (http://www.peltor.se/int/Product.asp?PageNumber=152&ProductCategory_Id=42&Product_Id=16) The radio never worked so can't speak for it(found this set inside a belly panel a year or so ago :eek::ok:) but the noise canceling works like a charm. The day these things pack in altogether I'm ordering a new set the next day. They allow enough ambient noise to aid situational awareness, adjust for sudden increases in volume and are comfortable for extended periods of time

Just my $0.02