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View Full Version : TUPE North Sea question

5th Oct 2009, 13:37
This link, 2/3rds way down I think, will probably answer your question at least in part.


5th Oct 2009, 14:52
Would company B be forced to hire the pilots from company A?No, but it can make them redundant in line with Employment legislation. However, if this is of some concern, I would recommend you read the whole document since your cirmcumstances may or may nor fall under the provisions.



Bertie Thruster
5th Oct 2009, 14:52
TUPE would very likely not apply unless named pilots had been taken on by Company A to service that contract only and no other contract.

25th Mar 2010, 20:25
As Betrie Thruster says The crews are reqired to be named to the contract also the eqptment to remain the same if both these criteria are met then the new comany are requiered to pay redundancy if this is not met then the outgoing contractor is responsible. How ever when companies tender for these types of contract they should allow for redudancy payments in the quotes.