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27th Nov 2001, 19:25
What would you stick in the imaginary "in-cockpit stereo" and indeed, has anyone rigged an illicit system to pass the time on long haul trips ?

Danger Zone from Top Gun gets an instant disqualification.

Olly O'Leg
27th Nov 2001, 20:07
At the moment, with our rate of flying (nil) we'd probably have to put on something suicidal like anything from Radiohead!!! :confused: On the side of an "illicit" system, you've got to be careful that "bits" don't fall off it..... `Nuff said. :eek:

Ali Barber
27th Nov 2001, 21:52
On the F3, we used to be able to listen to music casettes on the Cockpit Voice recorder as it had a playback facility. You could also play it backwards and Rod Stewart sounds the same in both directions - or so I am told because, after a certain incident in Cyprus where the pilot had the volume turned off so he couldn't hear the music but still managed to have the incident, listening to tapes was banned. going back into the deeper and dimmer past, a simple walkman with the kind of earphones that don't have a headband were used. It took a bit of manual dexterity to get them into your ear with the bone dome on but once there, you could control the volume on the walkman and still hear the radio.

Low level to ride of the Valkeyrie - "If I say the beach is safe to surf, it's safe to surf!" http://www.freakygamers.com/smilies/s/contrib/blackeye/AR15firing.gif

28th Nov 2001, 12:06
Adam and the ants, works for me every time, fires you up (if you need that sort of thing of course)
PS I am 8

28th Nov 2001, 12:33
I was Dire Straits on the tape when the F2 (as it was then!) was smashed up - they had been hosing down the banner and forgot to switch it off.

In my opinion - the choice of music says it all - Dire Straits is just where they finished up.

As for laong haul - what's wrong with the HF, the World Service and commentary upon the cricket test matches?

28th Nov 2001, 13:20
"Times they are a-changing" - Bob Dylan.

And toprove it - we don't bother with Walkmans or portaloo CD players here on the slowest STRATEGIC AT fleet of 'em all.

To while away those lost hours over Mecca, we stick the DVD player up on the flightdeck, plugged into the Aldis lamp socket, and pass critiques on some amateurfacial.com.
The irony always raises a smile. Strange how weak one's bladder gets

Alternatively, Ricki Martin's "Livin La Vide Loca" to prepare us for that inevitable night down Lim-ars-ole.
It works for me, anyway.

29th Nov 2001, 00:54
"Under Pressure", just as you are about to poke the tanker, is an old favourite. :)

29th Nov 2001, 01:58
For the E3 and tanker boys:

"Circles" - The Who
"Road to Nowhere" - Talking Heads
"Food Glorious Food" - from "Oliver"
"Pumpin' Around" - Bobby Brown

29th Nov 2001, 02:52
I recall an Irish nav (strangely known as Paddy) many years ago who wired up a cassette player with the Luftwaffe music from the Battle of Britain fillum. Great in a formation.

Or of course (as above) "hit 'em with the Wagner!" :rolleyes:

29th Nov 2001, 03:00
Oh, and I should have added that it was wired up to the i/c lead so could beb transmitted on the formation freq as well! :)

Mirkin About
29th Nov 2001, 05:38
Loose form over the GAFA , (Great Australian F*ck All) two Alberts listening to the same radio station on the ADF, playing name that tune on company .

Hawaii FiveO theme over the PA on approach to Hickam.

[ 29 November 2001: Message edited by: Mirkin About ]

Lima Juliet
1st Dec 2001, 16:15
Pretty sure that it was an F3 in Cyprus - because they rebuilt the thing and sent it back to us, plus it was Fleetwood Mac NOT Dire Straits.

CD and MDs are fine with in ear headphones but changing the batteries whilst plugged in to the tanker is a bit tricky.........

Geronimo 33
2nd Dec 2001, 09:53
Back in '68....Chinook Flight Engineer, wired a cassette player into the intercom system....flick up a receiver switch and hello canned music. We were at the mercy of the crew in back for the selection which made for some very interesting discussions of property rights, engineering standards, and command authority. Favorite artist was Red Sovine....trucking songs seemed appropo to what we were doing with the Chinook.

Now that I am working in Nigeria...reckon Johnny Paycheck and "Take this job and shove it!" would be more like it. Is my red neck glowing here or what?

blind pue
3rd Dec 2001, 09:04
The ADF was a good way of listening to local radio, as a crewman none of my pilots told me it was for navication, by the time I got my full wings the Scout was phased out and along with it the ADF in Army aircraft.

3rd Dec 2001, 12:15
Leon Jabachjabicz -

I used to work with the guy who wrecked the ADV at Akrotiri - it WAS Dire Straits and it was an F2 (but was rebuilt as an F3).

This from the horse's mouth.