View Full Version : How to unfreeze a frozen ATPL

23rd Sep 2009, 06:06
Sorry for the basic question - can someone with good knowledge of the regs help me out here.

I am an active pilot in the US - 6,000+ hours, ATP, Captain and Check Airman (Training Captain). I hold a JAA CPL and have passed the written ATPs. However my JAA instrument rating expired way back in 2003 and I have a note from the IAA that says that if I do not renew my IR before next year I will lose my ATP writtens credit.

Hmmm - so what can I do?
1. IR refresher course and renewal is one.
2. I was thinking of getting a 737 type or something as that would be something new and potentially useful. Would this work to renew my IR?
3. Take an ATP flight test? We have this in the US is there such a thing in Europe.

Any help on the best way to proceed would be appreciated.


23rd Sep 2009, 09:31

Yes, you can do a 737 type rating and the LST will cover your IR and ATPL check. The hassle is arranging to get the check observed by an IAA examiner and so forth.

I would contact the IAA for availability and costs.
If they're any thing like the CAA, they are not cheap.

500 above
23rd Sep 2009, 09:59

Call the IAA. I believe that if one is flying on a foreign licence the seven year rule does not apply - only if you are exercising the privelages of a foreign IR.

I would urge you to call the IAA though.


Kirks gusset
24th Sep 2009, 09:19
If you do a JAA approved Type Rating, the IR test (LST) will count to renew your IR and should also unfreeze your ATPL if you have the required Multi Pilot /multi crew time. Unless you have been flying single pilot certified types, you should be OK. Contact the CAA via email with your experience on types etc, they will tell you exactly what you need.