View Full Version : Endocrine disorder

21st Sep 2009, 14:32

I was going over the medical requirements for a class 1 medical license and realised I may have a problem. My body does not produce enough cortisol on it's own, so I take medication for that on a daily basis (pills).
Now, it doesn't affect me in any way (ie: not taking them for a day doesn't make me go into a coma or anything like that...) but will it prevent me from being able to obtain a medical license, or will I be fine?
I'm pretty sure they'll ask about it, and lying isn't really an option I imagine.

Hope anyone can help me out.

Thank you.

22nd Sep 2009, 10:15
Is your diagnosis Addison's disease?

Is the medication you are on along the lines of Fludrocortisone or Hydrocortisone?

22nd Sep 2009, 11:08
I don't know about Class 1, but when I first went in for my Class 2 the CAA refused to give me a medical because of Cortisol deficiency. I've got panhypopituitarism and take several daily medications including hydrocortisone tablets.

I appealed against the decision and it took six months of back and forth discussions between my specialist and the CAA before they agreed to change the rule and grant me a medical certificate on the condition that they get an annual medical report from my specialist.

I don't know if that'll help you get a class 1, though.

22nd Sep 2009, 11:24
Well, it's not addisons, cause the problem is my hypothalamus, which produces (well doesn't in my case) ACTH to stimulate Cortisol production.

So I take Hydrocortisone on a daily basis, since that's easier than taking ACTH (which might not even be possible I believe)

It's not even a real defined disease... just a lack of ACTH production which causes me no real problems other than having to take hydrocortisone daily.