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Britney Spears
3rd Oct 2001, 19:46
Hi guys, I've just arrived at St Andrews Uni doing a Psychology degree. I haven't met Wills yet, though not for the want of trying!! I've just found this site and was hoping I'd get to meet some of the fighter boys from RAF Lucars. The girls and I in halls are keen to meet some hunky Top Gun types. If you're out there Mavarick or Goose, get in touch x x x x xxx xxx

Bingo RTB
3rd Oct 2001, 20:00
Hi Britney

If I were you I'd look elsewhere. I understand the 'LUCARS' boys are away on special ops at the mo, somewhere hot and sandy. Why don't you get your @rse up to Elgin for some bomber mates. :cool:

3rd Oct 2001, 20:16
Hey Britney you've found your Mavrik .. how about some Goose baby!!!!!!?????

Some of our squadron are visiting Leuchars around the 21st of October, how about you girls meet us for a night out????

Spoof or no spoof this has got to be worth a try!!!!!!!!


Captain Kirk
4th Oct 2001, 00:21

Not so long ago, a veritable horde of decidedly uncouth (but very gregarious) F4 mates would have been climbing up the outside of your halls to the strain of 'Sunshine Mountain' before you could say 'mooses milk'.

Sadly, Leuchars is now the home of the F3 (note the decrement in nomenclature) and the previous, hormone bursting, animals have been replaced by a very quiet breed that have little visible spirit and prefer the company of each other.

Good luck anyway.

Capt Widebody
4th Oct 2001, 01:03
Mavrick and some Goose with a Moose... sounds like you boys out in the Gulf are stuck in the metaphorical desert too :)

I'm with Kirk on this, too many FJ mates drink more chocolate milk than mooses milk these days, and let the bomber boys down.

Hey Britney - prove you're worthy of that handle and post a picture so the Mavricks of this world can see what they're racking into... erm.. sorry getting into. If you're fit engough you can come up to my flight deck and have some donut action :D :eek: :D Just don't bring any of yer fancy toys - you won't get past the navigator's security checks.

Oops... wrong forum. Anyone tell me the way to JB??? :) :P

The Jaguar Fan Club
4th Oct 2001, 03:23
Even better, why not apply to join Aberdeen, Dundee and St Andrews Universities Air Squadron, also based at sunny Leuchars? That way you get to meet the people you want, get a bit of flying, get a bit of money and a bit of the other! :D

I am sure Tonks would be more that glad to give you more info, in fact I'm surprised he hasn't posted here yet on the grounds of squadron morale!!!! :p

As has been said, wind up or not, you can't waste an opportunity.


[ 03 October 2001: Message edited by: The Jaguar Fan Club ]

4th Oct 2001, 11:00
Jag Fan Club,

You must think that I am a really shallow person......Oh yeah, I am.

Brittney, why didn't you come and say hi at the freshers fair. I note however, that you say that you have just found this site yet you registered in May 2000???? Whats the real story?



4th Oct 2001, 11:21
If Britney has just found this site - why does she have a member number of 16037 ?

Me suspects a wind up :o)


Ex F111
4th Oct 2001, 11:57
wow, you guys are smart.

4th Oct 2001, 12:16
Thank god...looks like the old country is in very safe hands! At least, when the hands are on the throttle...or..wherever it is they're supposed to be...!


4th Oct 2001, 12:33

Britney Spears
4th Oct 2001, 12:40
Stopstart, you look like you need help........

I'm disappointed to have not recieved any proper replies. Are there any real gentlemen out there or all just fast-talkers? When I was cabin crew at BA the flight deck were always up for some fun (that's how I got an early number). Still interested if there are some real pilots who want some fun. :p

Sarcastic losers need not reply.

4th Oct 2001, 13:11
Stopstart ... jealousy will get you nowhere ... secret wiltshire base mmmm me thinks your a bit of a trucky loser ... Britney stick with your original plan ... come and get some fast jet lovin!!!!!!! :D

uncle peter
4th Oct 2001, 13:15
stopstart - havent laughed so much for days...

4th Oct 2001, 13:18
Hi there Britney,

If you're looking for some fun then you and your friends could do a lot worse than meet up with the fine young men of Aberdeen, Dundee and St. Andrews Universities Air Squadron. While we've not yet got our wings there are advantages in meeting up with the FJ, SH and Truckie boys of tomorrow. Namely we're a lot younger than the likes of Tonks and have much, much more Stamina! :D

Secondly; most of us live in and around St.A's with some in Dundee and Aberdeen.

Thirdly; lots of us will be going on a night out on Friday starting off in St.A's and then heading into Dundee. If you are for real, feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] and you and your girls can meet up with me and my boys. ;)

If your not real then you should be ashamed.

Edited for having not good grammer.

[ 04 October 2001: Message edited by: Flipper. ]

4th Oct 2001, 13:31
Yea, I agree with Flipper. Friday night will see some great student action which can't be matched by any of the "older" generation. :D So, give Flipper or me an email if you want to come along.

PS Tonks, how do you spell TACEVAL? :)

4th Oct 2001, 16:29

If you think you have more stamina then go ahead. I might pick you up out of the gutter if I am feeling kind (unlikely).


Its spelt RED, unless you want to meet the wrath of Mrs Tonks (not advised). Try again when she is not on earlies. Just keep an eye on the board on the Sqn


Capt Widebody
4th Oct 2001, 16:59
Never seen so many flies around a piece of fake poo before :)

Low and Slow
4th Oct 2001, 17:39
So let me get this right, Britney is ex-BA cabin crew, and she/he is trolling for some Fast Jet driver to kick the brake off her drinks trolley??

I'm just glad there are still chicks that desperate out there. :D

...and yeah, I only date Super models who bang like compressor stall :cool:

Hong Kong Fuey
4th Oct 2001, 19:52
So let me get this straight. Here is a young lady, ex of the BA parish, who now wants to meet someone at Leuchars. Also in town are scores of press who are gagging for a story about another, slightly more famous student. But to while away the time why not indulge in something that's worked before - perhaps tricking pilots into coming boozing with a chick well into their 10-hour rule??

Just something to think about, chaps.

That said, it could also be time to invoke the 'no smoking within 10 hours of flying, no drinking within 50 metres of the aeroplane!'

4th Oct 2001, 20:23
Well Britney, I'm willing to be taken in hook line and sinker and not only do I talk the talk, I also walk the walk - or I would if I wasn't currently experiencing 45 degrees in the shade.

Forget the fast-jets mates - they'd rather go out with themselves if they could - what you need is a lynx pilot. Feel free to email me at [email protected] and even if it is a windup, you're guaranteed a vaguely amusing reply.

Take it easy,

Bingo RTB
4th Oct 2001, 20:45
It's me again Britney, still thinking of you. Tell me, do you still have you uniform??? ;)

If I were you I'd be careful of the UAS lot, they tend to talk a good night out and then drink themselves stupid.

Christopher Robin sound like a nice chap for you, if only he wasn't a couple of thousand miles away!! Which leaves........

.....ME, hurrah.

Email me at [email protected] and I'll pop down to take you out on the town. I'll show you the sights of St A's and you can take me to that cheeky students union. Got anywhere for me to stay, I'm banned from the Mess at Leuchars :eek: :eek:

Get in touch soon before I get bored

Arty Hug
4th Oct 2001, 22:58
Well wind up or not all I'll say is if you really want to booze with us you'll find we're the ones who aren't talking about our summer on the European Poker Circuit and daddies new flat in Monaco.
We're more likely the pissed up loons who are clearly the funniest, most charming, best dancing lechourous gits in the place.
Besides at the end of the day sooner or later you'll be in a bar when we'll tell you how great we are. http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/Gif/CHCalv.gif

First to CAP has the lead, brief on guard.

P.s. We can't spell either.

[ 04 October 2001: Message edited by: Arty Hug ]

[ 07 October 2001: Message edited by: Arty Hug ]

4th Oct 2001, 23:05
Are these guys for real? They keep blabbering on, you must be quite frustrated by now?
I don't normally do this sort of thing but you seem a genuine lass to me.....I've got 4 spare seats...if you can fill them full of POOOOONNNNTTTAAAAANNNNNGGGGGGGG, then I'll gladly drop in to sunny Fife. You do like choppers don't you?
In return, all I ask for is a bag of chips and a deep-fried Mars bar.

5th Oct 2001, 01:11
Lads, if you all fail with young Britney, and lets be honest - we dont all live in beautiful fife with the joys of the mardigras to take a girl too. Try a scan at www.hotornot.com (http://www.hotornot.com) for more desperate young ladies closer to you! Not that I have checked it out, Ive only heard about it.......its amausing if nothing else.

Bingo RTB
5th Oct 2001, 01:12
Sorry to butt in guys but I do believe I was here first. Chill your 'erbs and get in the queue. I'm 'FINALS, GEAR DOWN' and you're still trying to find initials (especially the UAS :eek: ). I'll let you know how it went as soon as I've wined, dined and, well, you know!

Still waiting for the email Brittney.

Sugar Daddy
5th Oct 2001, 02:10
Britney, my dear, don't listen to all these young bucks strutting and braying. At times like this you need a more mature man, versed in the ways of the world and with a wallet as thick as the proverbial Boeing 747 pilot's. Besides, there's a chance that more than one of them will be off to keep Chris Robin company.

See you in The Cocktail Bar at 6 then?

5th Oct 2001, 02:31
Bervie-like your thinking me ol'. Another great site you might want to peruse (not that I've looked myself....) is;mingers.com (http://www.mingers.com)
Lots of turds for the flies to gather on! Britney? I prefer Christina myself....

Britney Spears
5th Oct 2001, 02:36
:eek: Sugar daddy, you should be ashamed of yourself, you sound like you're old enough to be my dad's dad.

:mad: Bingo, you've got more chance with the real Britney!!!

;) EESDL, I'm not surprised you've got spare seats.

:p Arty, if yu can drag yureself away frum the dickshinary I'd lov to mete up with yu.

Seriously guys, we're up for some fun next Fri/Sat if anyone wants to arrange a friendly rendezvous in a St Andrews bar. We want to meet some genuine RAF types and be treated nicely, not oggled and abused. Be good or we won't be bad.......... :D

[ 04 October 2001: Message edited by: Britney Spears ]

Capt Widebody
5th Oct 2001, 02:53
Britney, my dear....

We want to meet some genuine RAF types and be treated nicely, not oggled and abused.

I really do wish you the very best of British with this one! You'll be lucky especially bearing in mind your current location :rolleyes:

5th Oct 2001, 04:39
My dear,
If you fancy meeting up then I say Oggie's at seven...

Look for the Blue and Yellow rugby top (I'm sure Spacer will be wearing his) as good a night out as you'll get in the RAF methinks :eek:


5th Oct 2001, 05:15
Britney Ma'Dear

What you need is a powerful man with a powerful tool (737-200 to the uneducated!) to satisfy your innermost desires. Debonair, sophisticated..., tall... welllll 5'9?... and well spoken (not of though!)

Ready, willing and able.

How about drinks in the R&A bar? Me and a few REAL chaps... not your FJ wussys... they wouldn't be let pass the door let me assure you! :D

15/15 flex
5th Oct 2001, 05:40
737-200 = power!! methinks not. Too few engines with far too little oomph. "Widebodies" are where it's at.

5th Oct 2001, 08:14
15/15 flex
It's not just the power, its how you use it :D

Ex F111
5th Oct 2001, 10:14
so PPRuNe has become a dating service then?

5th Oct 2001, 10:54
Ex F111
Lighten up buddy! The only thing lately I've been pulling is the gear :)

5th Oct 2001, 11:30
Still doesn't explain what an ex-BA trolley dolly is doing hanging round St Andrews. Did she get the cold shoulder from the Nigels? :p

Britney Spears
5th Oct 2001, 21:48
Ok then Flipper, you're on. I know Oggies though. A bit down-market isn't it? I'll come up with a better venue before Friday. Tell me how many you are planning to bring and I'll see how many girls I can get interested; 6 last count. I can't give you my email address as I use the hall's computer but I'll get back to you in the week. You haven't told me anything about yourself. Do you fly the fast noisy ones I see over the sea? We think they're soooooooo cool. Any chance of a flight??? ;)

See ya soon, Britney xxxxxxxxxxxx

5th Oct 2001, 22:07
The daughter of a good friend of mine is about to start at St Andy's.

Her father is devoted to her. He is a Rugby Blue. He has many friends and contacts, because, worst of all, he is very rich. When provoked he has been known to be vindictive.

He is a nice man, but I must advise the predators who are currently circling St Andy's freshers to be really careful about the background of their prey.

Just being helpful.

6th Oct 2001, 00:17
Is she good-looking? :p

Sugar Daddy
6th Oct 2001, 01:00
******! Oh well, win some, lose some.

Perhaps it's for the best, though. We probably wouldn't have hit it off; I do kind of like my girls to have a sense of humour.

Old enough to be your father's father? That makes you very much under age for what most of these guys are thinking about!

Take care, punters!

6th Oct 2001, 01:03
CRASHED AND BURNED!!!!!!!!!!! :(

6th Oct 2001, 02:36
>>rustbucket732wrote>>How about drinks in the R&A bar? Me and a few REAL chaps... not your FJ wussys... they wouldn't be let pass the door let me assure you!

As a FJ (wussey) I declare the ability to get passed the door as a member, and as a member I know that there is no chance of you getting any ladies passed the front door of the R&A. Get your silly little head around it and stop getting in the way of these thrusting FJ dudes. You rubber-dog-poop guys always try and get your weather-radar-noses in on the action.

Good thread, this is entertaining to the last. I am thinking of going out to Oggies to see these UAS dudes crash & burn when Britney finds out they fly a plastic aeroplane that my car could out-run.

ADStUAS, get in the light aircraft hold, the FJ guys are coming through!!

[ 05 October 2001: Message edited by: awayday ]

6th Oct 2001, 03:36
Only RAF?! Discrimination! Come and meet REAL pilots, pilots who know what is real danger, pilots who fliert with Her Majesty Death, pilots who are real gentlemen....(I must stop) :D

Dan Winterland
6th Oct 2001, 03:52

Bad company
6th Oct 2001, 12:21
Surprised you know what the light aircraft hold is!
Notice you said your car could out turn the Germanic Genius, not your F3! :D

6th Oct 2001, 16:21
Bad company,
>>I previously wrote>>I am thinking of going out to Oggies to see these UAS dudes crash & burn when Britney finds out they fly a plastic aeroplane that my car could out-run.

Read the text.....again if necessary.
We all know the Titanic can out-turn the F3, but then it doesn't have missiles and a gun, do you?

If you know me then you have the advantage over me, also you will know I am aware of both aircraft and the "light aircraft hold" as I have been in it. It is people who are supposed to be in it that have trouble finding it.

We digress from the subject matter Britney, I will apologise for both of us. Please keep us all informed on your un-doubted success, and their performance. :p ;)

[ 06 October 2001: Message edited by: awayday ]

Bad company
6th Oct 2001, 16:42
Awaydy, unreserved appologies, as an old codger my reading ain't what it was! Like you tho, I'd like to hear what Britney thought about Flipper and his mates.


6th Oct 2001, 17:15
But did anyone achieve a DCO with BS??

6th Oct 2001, 20:34
Weren't you allowed out to play Tonks? :)

7th Oct 2001, 02:17
BRITNEY - I am way out of the race so can offer some well intended advice!
If you want,say, three quick sorties in a day, (rarely at night), with some in-flight refuelling then you should go the FJ route.
If you,or your friends, prefer something longer, more deliberate and in all weathers then you go the transport or bomber route but don't dismiss the Helicopter types, they have been known to handle some pretty big 'choppers' and are frequently known to take all day/night. Happy hunting!

7th Oct 2001, 16:19
Britney: Sorry about not being there. Flipper seems to have no organisational skills at all. Doh. We'll be back on Tuesday night if you want to meet up then. You can pick the time and place.

awayday: ADStAUAS has an A in it. Let's see your flashy aircraft do a stall turn :p
And if you can't thread your FJ through a few light aircraft who aren't in the hold, well......

Tonks: I made up for Friday last night. Still feeling it....

7th Oct 2001, 16:51
>>Spacer wrote>>Sorry about not being there. Flipper seems to have no organisational skills at all. Doh. We'll be back on Tuesday night if you want to meet up then. You can pick the time and place.

ADStAUAS situation normal, Britney you had better pick a BIG place so the students can find it. Normally they struggle to navigate a fart out of thier own @rse.

>>Spacer wrote>>ADStAUAS has an A in it.

If it only has an A in it then why have you typed ADStAUAS. Oh can't count either!

>>Spacer wrote>>Let's see your flashy aircraft do a stall turn.

Don't need to, I fly both types. I enjoy scenery in the Grob and do a proper job in the other.

>>Spacer wrote>>And if you can't thread your FJ through a few light aircraft who aren't in the hold, well......

There's always the FOX 2 option, take your pick, LOSER! ;)

Britney, all you can possibly deduce from this childish, petty quibling is that you should hold your horses just a short while and wait for the guys to get back from deployment. From what I hear, and many a maiden's experience, it's worth waiting for!! :p

Britney Spears
7th Oct 2001, 17:55
Flipper and co.

I thought our meeting was NEXT weekend as I wrote in the message, so fortunately you didn't let us down. We were away until today and haven't had a chance to get on the site. It appears you've been somewhat economical with the truth though. I thought you were a Fighter Pilot, though a private message from T**** tells me you're 'a young pup waiting to get a chance to get his wings' (identity protected at his request). If you still want to meet up that would be cool, but I've set myself a target, and I won't go all the way with anything less the a good-looking Fighter Pilot.

If there are any REAL Fighter Pilots out there get back to us, it could be worth your while. ;)

Arty Hug
7th Oct 2001, 20:02
Hmmm, starting to smell a rat me thinks.

Then again it could just be my overly suspcious mind.
All just seems a bit St Leonards, if you live here you'll know what I mean, to say
"and I won't go all the way with anything less than a good looking fighter pilot".
Still it never stopped us at Ethelburga's and I can't see it affecting the price off fish now.

Of course just as likely to be the press or indeed as I'm sure we all would prefer to think in this enlightened age of the end of the gutter press, a genuine enquiry.
I'm sure we'll all find out soon enough. http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/Gif/CHCalv.gif

By the way Britney I'd get your skates on, to correct Awayday slightly at the moment its only the girls school from the south side of the runway building sandcastles in the desert at the moment. Unfortunately we take over in a week or two so you'll only have them for company while the finest fighter squadron in the air force go on our hols.

Oh and Flipper, Ogston's! standards man please. You'll never make the airforce at that rate.

First to CAP has the lead, brief on guard.

P.s ****** still can't spell.

[ 07 October 2001: Message edited by: Arty Hug ]

[ 09 October 2001: Message edited by: Arty Hug ]

Septimus Pyecroft
8th Oct 2001, 00:15
Britney!!!!are you for real or just from the press!!!you'll have to do better! (if you wanna catch a real flyboy!) :p

8th Oct 2001, 13:20
Britney: We'll both be there next weekend, as there is a friend's party on. You can pick the time and place.

Flipper has asked me to pass on his apologies to everyone. He is "resting" from Pprune for a while.

T****: Blowing Flipper's story as an FJ pilot. As if. One Public Relations commission coming up. :)

8th Oct 2001, 13:44
I'm sure that it has not escaped "Britney's" notice that there is serious conflict afoot in and around Afghanistan. If (s)he continues to fish for information about the whereabouts of FJ pilots, there must be some doubt about his(her) motives.

If this once amusing but now turgid thread is to continue, let's leave it to the UAS chap(esse)s.

"Britney", if this offends you, give us some solid info about the Psychology Modules you will take in your first year and, as a mature student, what Access Requirements you had to satisfy to get into Saint Andrews.

Joyce Tick
8th Oct 2001, 21:13
Britney Hi! If there are no boys around, how about a bit of girl fun? I shall be in Edinburgh Wednesday and Thursday evening.

8th Oct 2001, 23:43
But bring your own batteries........

9th Oct 2001, 00:57
we're not that hard to find...look for the only people drunker than the students on fridays! Two were purporting to be consultant surgeons in Broons friday last. Somehow we managed to stumble into the psychology ball last year so will probably try the same trick this year...perhaps see you there. Best of luck for tracking down Wills, he's not that hard to find either.

10th Oct 2001, 19:30
I`ve heard that there are a bunch of young , good looking fella`s out in a place called Cold Lake who are FJ pilots on the "Fighter Pilot" training bit . That way you get your stamina, in touch , no baggage attached FJC without your Spotty 2nd yr "I`m the boy, Go on I`ll be a pilot soon , promise" student.

You can`t fail to pull !!!

(fails to mention where Cold lake is)

Septimus Pyecroft
10th Oct 2001, 20:45
Canada!!!!! :p

10th Oct 2001, 22:10
Ah, Cold Lake-the land of milk & honey. Glad to see the boys defending freedom in the colonies getting a mention....! Well, at least proping up the local economy with LOA/LSSA. A visit from Britney would be very well received-no shortage of FJC for her to be "not that innocent" with. If the boys in Oman get Steps & Ginger, I'm sure that a bit of the budget could go to shipping out Britney and her roadies to the depths of Alberta. Mind the Moose though..... :p

11th Oct 2001, 06:56
Thanks shippers.....ol ginger spice wasn't too bad. My word if those shorts were any shorter!

Whats this all about then. A bunch of crabs sniffing about blighty for tarts.....sad gits!

Oman now - shoosh can't say where to next - then off to Hong Kong for some R'n'R.

UAS! You have to be joking, the humiliation will be unbearable. "Practice homing fix....we're cluedo again...sniffed the cap of mummy's gin and I was tumbleweed for weeks."

...but we'll give bin laden your love anyway.


"Kiss my a$re goodbye, your own your own"

11th Oct 2001, 19:25
A little bird tells me that Ms Spears is actually an investagative journo after a bit of a story. I have no reason to not beleive the little bird, it has good contacts.