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19th Sep 2009, 03:36
I know this has been done before, but I cannot find it in the search.

New motherboard, two monitors The one on the right is screen 1, the one to its left is screen two (forced upon me by Invidia control panel).

Mouse scrolls off the right hand edge of right hand screen - appears at left hand edge of left hand screen.

I asked before and it was a really simple fix. Anybody prepared to remind me? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease!


19th Sep 2009, 04:16
Swap the monitor plugs over????

Loose rivets
19th Sep 2009, 04:37

19th Sep 2009, 06:40
Presuming you're using the legacy Windows operating system... If you go to display settings, you'll see 2 little monitor pictures numbered "1" and "2", or in your case "2" and "1". Drag them around until they're in the right order.

19th Sep 2009, 07:24
I seem to recall there being an option to "Extend my Windows Desktop" which can be toggled on or off that may affect this ?


19th Sep 2009, 07:42
Shunter's right, that's the way to fix it.:ok:

19th Sep 2009, 12:19
Well, bugger me (as they say).

Took a bit of playing and clicking reset - but Avtrician had it right.

I've been doing the dual screen for almost two years without any full time problem - but if I tried to change anything, it sometimes caused glitches.

The "cable swap" has never worked - so i didn't even try it this time.

However, I noticed that the video control panel always recognised, and numbered, the monitors in the order in which they were connected - so, I unplugged both, plugged as Left = 1, Right = 2, hit reset and waited.


To be fair to Shunter - that was exactly what I have been doing for the two years - drag/swap/drop.....but this graphics controler refuses to let me move things. Just not an option. All I "could" do was click to decide which would be the primary screen.

Sorted now, bunnies, thanks.

19th Sep 2009, 14:12
wait till you get four monitors as I have...a real Rubik Cube then!

19th Sep 2009, 14:19
Yeah, the ATI catalyst software is much better for this kind of thing than Nvidia. I have two at work & spent ages on my hands and knees swapping the cables round before I realised I could do it from the desktop. Doh!

19th Sep 2009, 22:20
Well, I *am* considering hanging a third one on there - as i now have the second card. The only thing I have to feed it *TO* is an HDTV 15" LCD - via VGA or SVHS.

I'm not 100% sure (or even 50% about how to get my PC to output on both video cards without risking screwing up the first one).

I'm a tad wary of loading the driver software for the single P{CI card when everything ticks along on the dual PCI-E16 card already.

Would I expect *another* control panel?