View Full Version : S/O Info

5th Sep 2009, 22:26
Hey Mates,

Just for information purposes , does anybody know how many s/o's have already been assessed for JFO position this year and how many are expected to be assessed next year considering the current financial situation we're facing?

I was wondering about the COS '08 situation in which moving to HKG is guaranteed, won't that like block many S/O's from progressing on to the JFO position if suddenly many cos'08 F/O's from N.A or Europe automatically move here?

Thanks, Gip.

5th Sep 2009, 23:47
As far as I know, the option for based FO's to move to HK has always been there. The only change COS08 made was that you had to stay in your base area for a minimum of 4 years (vice 3 I think).

6th Sep 2009, 02:34
Thanks Blogs,

But I thought coming to HKG allways depended on your senior s/o's being assessed to JFO first and then you could cross over being a DeFO before?

6th Sep 2009, 05:41
I was wondering about the COS '08 situation in which moving to HKG is guaranteed, won't that like block many S/O's from progressing on to the JFO position if suddenly many cos'08 F/O's from N.A or Europe automatically move here?

Nope, because another FO would move to that base to fill it, or they'd crew it with a HKG FO, so it's all neutral.

6th Sep 2009, 19:06
That was true....CoS99 Freighter FOs had to finish 3 years of service post line check and be senior to all SOs in HKG that have not been assessed. On CoS08 terms, a DEFO can move to HKG after 4 years of service from DOJ regardless of the assessment situation for the SOs. So yes in effect CoS08 FOs transferring to HKG could block the progression of senior SOs, especially in a contracting airline (although I hear that we are adding freighter flights back).

7th Sep 2009, 02:13
" CoS08 FOs transferring to HKG could block the progression of senior SOs " Correct me if I'm wrong, but DEFO's are blocking progression of S/O's regardless of their location:confused:

7th Sep 2009, 15:33
You have found the head of the nail....part of the reason that the SOs have successfully pursued the bypass pay issue with the HK Labor Tribunal. Under appeal of course.
