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View Full Version : Atpl distance learning. Do you have any experiences?

25th Aug 2009, 17:26
Hi all,
first of all,excuse me for my english!
I'm finishing my ppl and I will do Atpl modular course.
Can you help me in my chose? Which is the best between normal or distance learning atpl ground school?
How long is time ?

Thanks all


25th Aug 2009, 20:04
If you decide upon the distance learning route, look no further than Bristol Ground School I would say:

Bristol.gs (http://www.bristol.gs/groundschool/main.aspx)

I've yet to come across anyone who had anything but positive experiences with them. They're professional and the instructors are great.

I completed all 14 ATPL exams via them in just over 6 months - it's possible to do it in less but it comes down to personal capability, motivation and the successful completion of the various modules. Throughout the modules, there are progress tests which have to be submitted. You also have to physically attend "brush-ups" prior to being signed off for any exams.

Search these forums - you'll find numerous posts re: feedback from theirs and other ATPL theory provider offerings.

Best of luck in whatever you decide.

26th Aug 2009, 12:10
I have used Bristol groundschool and in my experience they are second to none and I can't recommend them highly enough. It took me 6 months to complete the course and pass the exams.
Good luck

26th Aug 2009, 13:34
I'm currently studying with Bristol Groundschool. Did lots of research, comparing each one and I feel the slight extra money is worth it.

Currently working part-time alongside the study to keep finances balanced, so study is taking a bit slower, estimate it will take me just over 1yr - 2yrs, as I'm pacing it a bit, not in too much of a rush with things being in recession.

26th Aug 2009, 14:43
hi i am new to this ! listen guys can anyone suggest a good atpl ground school please and jaa cpl me training in the usa?? Is it true that if i do atpl dl, i have to do the cpl and ir in the uk? can't i do this in the usa?? can anyone guide me please.
thank you guys! :-)

27th Aug 2009, 02:26
1.Orlando Flight Training

27th Aug 2009, 08:22
Orlando Flight Training! haha


Bristol GS

27th Aug 2009, 23:39
Typical Bristol fan, please, be quiet.
The guy was asking about USA schools, not about UK.
Learn to read.

28th Aug 2009, 09:00
Before even attempting ATPL frozen you have to have a PPL license right ?:rolleyes:

thanks guys

Plastic Chicken
28th Aug 2009, 10:36
If on a modular course you need to have your PPL and it is in your best interest to get your Class 1 Medical before spending any money on any further training. Some schools ask to see your Class 1 Medical certificate before you sign up.

28th Aug 2009, 21:01
I am doing my ATPL's at CATS (cranfield). No problems with cats at all, good notes, support and range of tests to see how your progressing. There course if split into 3 with a weeks refresher at each brush up instead of Bristol's 2 phases. I prefer that rather than cramming it in two lots.

Again plenty to search on the forum

28th Aug 2009, 23:15
Go CATS, great instructors and a well balanced schedule of three sittings with a groundschool for each. Also you save around £1000 on Bristol. Great experience with them so far, last exams coming up very soon. Has taken 16 months to complete the course, however I work full time and I am having to retake GNAV (73%) and POF (73%) all other exams passed first time. Without the retakes I would have taken 12 months.

29th Aug 2009, 17:53
:ok:Thanks all,
thanks for every important advice!

Bye bye
