View Full Version : Aerologic interview

9th Aug 2009, 06:58
Hello Gentles,
i'm looking for some news, experiences and suggestions about an eventually interview in Aerologic. Has anyone of you experienced it?
Please let me know..
(i hope to have chosen the right place where insert my post!!):O

9th Aug 2009, 07:25
Check the Aerologic Thread under Freight Dogs.

9th Aug 2009, 07:34
danken!! :)

10th Aug 2009, 10:31
... there's not a lot of information on this thread, also using the search key!

Is it true you have to pass the DLR test?

10th Aug 2009, 11:00
Did you look at the following :

From this Thread :
1. A general knowledge test about anything from music to history or science
2. Maths tests
3. Aeronautical knowledge test
4. B777 tech questionnaire
5. English Language test for non-native speakers
6. Various Puzzle tests - IQ type things
7. Psychometric profile test

The simulator test was conducted in a 737NG sim; it's all raw data flying, taking off from 26L LEJ to do some steep turns, climbing and leveling off in the turn, descending and leveling off in the turn, followed by an engine failure then SE NDB and missed approach then ILS to land.

From a Thread at www.Pilots.de (http://www.pilots.de) : (in German)
Bei mir waren es unter anderem ein allgemeiner Wissentest (zb.Wann und wo erste A-Bombe)
Atpl Fragen
Würfel Test
Englisch Test
größtenteils Multiple choice
Dauer ca 4-6h
Abends gab es ein Abendessen mit dem Flugbetrieb wo mann Fragen stellen konnte.
Am nächsten Tag Screening auf B737
ca 1h, Airwork,NDB App. s,single eng ILS App. Größtenteils Raw Data.

10th Aug 2009, 11:12
... yes i saw the first one and it looked a bit generic although it smells like DLR test to me!
For your second suggestion, thanks but i wish i could speak German (lots of problem solved)!
