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View Full Version : Rumour that a dugong is being sent back to factory for work

jungle juice
30th Jul 2009, 22:22
I have just heard a rumour from a usually good source that one of our first A 380's is being sent back to Airbus for some extensive work.Very Hush Hush

Could this be why a number of services have been cancelled and replaced with the trusty 400's.

Any comments?

30th Jul 2009, 23:46
you mean rusty not trusty

dragon man
30th Jul 2009, 23:54
Not correct according to my source. The 400 subs are due to the late arrival of the latest A380.

dragon man
31st Jul 2009, 04:36
Further inquiries have revealed that the next 380 is running 1 week late (more additional 400 flying to appear in open time). Then when it arrives aircraft number 2 is to go in the hanger to have the sealent in the fuel tanks repaired. If that is to be done in Sydney or overseas i am unable to find out. However for next bid period there will once again be substanial additional flying for the 400.:)

jungle juice
31st Jul 2009, 04:39
That may have been what I heard.It was supposedly a fuel tank problem but I was told it was going to be flown back to France which if true would mean a substantial problem.

31st Jul 2009, 05:15
Part of the problem is that because Nancy-Bird (OQA) is soo senior she has gone part-time and as a consequence through the benefits of the seniority system only comes to work when "she" feels like it

dragon man
31st Jul 2009, 05:55
The best part of this is that they are redoing the 400 flying for next bid period (increaseing it) but the company are refusing to cancel any assigned leave saying that they will break pattern lines instead to make it work. And they wonder why we think they are pr..s.

jungle juice
31st Jul 2009, 08:10
Where in the office do you work N-BW that you can categorically deny that rumour?
In any case I have heard others in the office deny something and then that very thing happens the next day.
Time will tell.

31st Jul 2009, 09:08
I get the feeling that N-BW is a very well placed aviation writer....information is always the sort that is leaked from the inside by those that want it known...

31st Jul 2009, 09:13
naaaaw - Peg
- the spelling is not too bad and he's a little too short on cliches to be a real journo........that said..........


jungle juice
31st Jul 2009, 09:21
No A380 is returning to Airbus
His info and in fact all his posts are a definitely very specific.
Like someone else does not answer questions as to the origin of their material.
Son of Louise.

31st Jul 2009, 10:01
this is an anonymous "rumour" site...

Even those that provide consistently accurate information or precise predictions and rumours are entitled to remain anonymous..

If posters were actually identified you would find all the info, opinions and rumours would dry up

Just enjoy the site for what it is... entertainment!

jungle juice
31st Jul 2009, 10:22
A380-800 driver,This might be hard to understand but here goes.
I posted a rumour and said as such.
Someone else has said that that was not true.Now if someone refutes something it is reasonable to ask why?
He can say that he has not heard the rumour which does not discount it.
But he did not as he definitely denied the rumour.

The reason I posted this is because it is a rumour and this is a rumour board as Pegasus said.
I did not say it was a fact.

Buster Hyman
31st Jul 2009, 10:25
Perhaps they've only just realised that Airbus painted it white instead of silver....

31st Jul 2009, 21:57

Personally, I think the general image of the 380 matches perfectly the image of the guy who ordered it.....:E

JJ...If someone can't understand the difference between a definitive statement and a rumour then it's not worth worrying about.

Let them stick to flying it....

The Green Goblin
31st Jul 2009, 22:22
Personally, I think the general image of the 380 matches perfectly the image of the guy who ordered it.....

Overcompensating :}