View Full Version : How to detect an inner ear infection ?

28th Jul 2009, 23:33
I don't think this can be done by just 'peering in one's ear' as the inner ear is beyond the eardrum.

Anyone know how this is done ?

29th Jul 2009, 18:34
Inner or middle?

31st Jul 2009, 14:54
Are you still experiencing problems with your balance Stilton? - I hope you're back to flying again.

5th Aug 2009, 12:04
Currently off sick with an ear infection! The simple answer is can you feel or sense fluid in your ear?. After I suffered from a quick cold I felt my left ear fill with fluid. Sure enough two weeks later and several courses of antibiotics/penacilin I am making a slow recovery. Grounded myself today due to lack of rest from disturbed sleep (pain from ear):yuk:. The doctor made sure that my ears where equalising the pressure before I contiuned to work...

Background Noise
23rd Aug 2009, 19:49
That's middle ear - the bit inside the eardrum. Inner ear is balance and nerves.

Loose rivets
23rd Aug 2009, 20:19
Google Image Result for http://www.wadalab.mech.tohoku.ac.jp/images/middle_ear2-e.jpg (http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.wadalab.mech.tohoku.ac.jp/images/middle_ear2-e.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.wadalab.mech.tohoku.ac.jp/middle_ear-e.html&h=353&w=350&sz=21&tbnid=e8FP3FyFjEfl3M:&tbnh=121&tbnw=120&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmiddle%2Bear&hl=en&usg=__JjWbGzNGAJGJU19JJ6mWXRCE7n8=&ei=-aORSq67KIe6NaPCrJIK&sa=X&oi=image_result&resnum=3&ct=image)

NOT a substitute for antibiotics, but to aid the clearing and general heath of the tissues involved.

Saline solution, sniffing, and more saline solution. Posted lots on this - note the bit about hanging upside down.

23rd Aug 2009, 20:42
Inner ear is no laughing matter.

I had several months off work due to barotrauma from a very very mild cold (just a nose sniffle!!) leading to inner ear problems - vestibular disfunction.

Not fun unable to even drive a car - because you feel too "drunk".

Tried going back to work a little too early - the simulator completely stuffed my head up and basically had to "relearn" the eye and balance co-ordination - took a long long time.

From my experience - I will NEVER ever go near an aircraft with any cold or ear problems. The unexpected results are not worth it.

I now have grommets in the ears to help prevent colds from inflaming the issue (I would subsequently get blocked ears with any remote sniffle).