View Full Version : Second Income

12th Jul 2009, 15:01
So here i sit, in my second week of leave in as many months, board!

Does any one have any ideas for generating more income with all this time! Previously I go down to my local flying school and do abit of instructing, but all that has stopped with the financial problems everyone is having.

12th Jul 2009, 15:25
Try to pick something that doesn't involve writing. (Sorry, couldn't resist it).

13th Jul 2009, 08:33
Oh dear, why can't people spell these days? :uhoh:

13th Jul 2009, 09:20
thank the Labour Government for that....they want to dumb the entire country down to their level of incompetence.

13th Jul 2009, 09:28
Here here!

13th Jul 2009, 22:58
People can't spell these days!

Here Here!

Classick! :rolleyes:

14th Jul 2009, 00:15
Exam boards across the country have instructed the markers of GCSE and A level papers to ignore spelling mistakes, as rightly pointed out, to avoid upsetting those who cannot spell correctly. Political correctness gone mad in the search for New Lier Bore votes.
The Inglish Langwidg might be difficult to learn for foriegners but for natives, spelling correctly should surely be a priority?
btw, being bored is a sure sign that you will not make any money from anything. To make money, you need to be active and involved.
To avoid boredom, try voluntary work at a hospital or charity.
Tis better to give than receive.

14th Jul 2009, 06:07
Blame it on children learning to read at age 3 using FO-NE-TIKS.

Adverse-bump, good luck in your ventures, in spite of the direction change on this thread.

Floppy Link
14th Jul 2009, 11:09
Theres a book out there called (I think) "1001 businesses to start at home for less than $100" - try on the Big River bookseller site - at least reading it will keep you busy for a while, and who knows...

14th Jul 2009, 14:38
ebay isnt a bad way to make a few pennies.

If its boredom you want to alliviate rather then earning money, then as the man says, try some voluntory work, or take up a new hobby. Learn a musical instrument, do some sports lessons - get fit even!
Voluntary work can be very rewarding. Another of noo Labours legacies is that almost all of the important services in this country (despite the highest taxation in history) rely heavily on volunteer workers.