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View Full Version : DLR TEST - HAmburg

The Mixmaster
8th Jul 2009, 18:00
Has anyone had any experience of completing these tests recently?? If so any info would be greatly appreciated...most of the gen online is only auf deutsch.:ugh:

Thanks all!!

9th Jul 2009, 11:29
Hi WingoWango,

I have a DLR test coming up next week. Just want to ask you a couple of questions. Going through the tutorials as we speak and doing not too bad until I get to the level 3 phase, mostly the cube rotation. Is the whole test of the cube rotation like level 3? As for the basic physics is it really basic? And what type of ATPL questions do they ask or mostly focus on? Do you have any idea what percentage should be achieved in each to pass even though its probably averaged between all the other cadets.

Thanks and sorry for all the questions but I heard it one of the toughest in europe :)

9th Jul 2009, 14:38
Thanks :) Cheers

9th Jul 2009, 21:01
i came back from the DLR in hamburg today,i went there for LH italia.
Concerning the cube rotation they start Extremely slow!!at the beginning is even slower than level one so be careful not to forget where the cube was.
Then the soeed increase but doesn't arrive till level three,i think that in the last three series it arrives a little faster then level 2 but not that much.the clocks also are a little slower than level 3,i would say you have one or 2 seconds more.
we got 10 mental aritmetic questions,not very difficult,and 10 in the headphone,quite easy too.
we got no physics and matemtichs questions but i think it was only for lufthansa italia test.
Who are u going to the dlr for?
let me know if u have more questions,

9th Jul 2009, 22:06
I'm up for LH Italia too and I'm hoping I don't get any physics also :) Did you get any ATPL questions there? Thanks for the info .. Big help

9th Jul 2009, 22:14
Just one more question.. Are you given a pen and paper for the mental arithmatic?

9th Jul 2009, 22:57
so if u go for lh italia u get 42 atpl questions with multiple choice on a touchscreen,no physich or teorethical matemathics.you will have a english test with 60 questions a CRM test,always with multiple choice on the computer screen, and 180 questions about personality in italian.
do you speak italian anyway?
because is compulsory to speak fluent italian.
here there are all the atpl questions u will need(in italian)


9th Jul 2009, 22:59
no you don't get paper or pen in any part of the DLR test

The Mixmaster
9th Jul 2009, 23:32
Hi Marghe83...thanks very much for your info. I'm also there for LH Italia in August.

Just got a question about the personal/psychological questions. THe Hr lady at Lufthansa mentioned these would be in Italian. What kind of format do these take? Do we have to write long passages in Italian or is it simply click one of the options given? Only reason I ask is my level of Italian is not as good as it could be!


10th Jul 2009, 06:14
as i mentioned before you don't have to write anything.it's a multiple choice on a touchscreen.the answers are sth like
-piu si che no
-piu no che si
but i think you really need to understand italian in order to cope with them
let me know if u have more questions:)

10th Jul 2009, 10:47
Il mio iltaliano e abbastanza bene ma il mio grammatika e orribilibe ma capisco piu e meno tutto. Allore i questions del ATPL sono in Italiano? perche probabilmente certo parole technici non capisco. Grazie mille provare di studiare parole technici :)

17th Jul 2009, 19:06

Ciao sono Francesca da Roma, vado a fare il dlr per la LH il 27 luglio, grazie per tutte le informazioni, è bello pensare che io mi preoccupo per l'inglese!!!
Il mondo è sempre capovolto!

Are u sure the atpl questions are still the same as ever?
how could it be possible?
I performe maybe good enough in all but math.. level three is too fast for me..

Beside that, have u ever met anyone who passed ALL the tests? I mean, even the psych ones?

and what 'bout CRM questions?
could u make me any example?

Thanks a lot, have luck and fun..


18th Jul 2009, 11:32
what is the next step if you pass the DLR tests? do you have an interview the same day?

21st Jul 2009, 09:24
ciao frafly! anch'io sono al dlr il 27/07...staro' all'ibis e arrivero' il 26....hai difficoltà con un esercizio in particolare? io un po con gli orologi (piu' ke altro per la velocità:-)
a presto allora ;-)

to g1344304 (http://www.pprune.org/members/169466-g1344304) :
after all forums i read i think there are 3 phases: dlr is the first one
if you pass dlr test you'll be called to make a
simulator test (stage 2) in some german city like frankfurt or berlin....
if you pass the second stage you'll make the
3rd stage: it's what they call "psychological games": you'll be put on some situation where you ave to take decisions...

21st Jul 2009, 15:08
Ciao ragazzi,

I just came from the DLR test last week. What I can say is that it is a long day and the thoughest are left for last like the Cubes and the MIC. All in all its not too bad some are harder and and some are easier.

Good Luck

7th Aug 2009, 09:07

topic is 2 weeks old and sorry for waken it. i'm in a process with turkish airlines, which i've been told that we (candidates) will be sent shortly outside of country for a test (which is not mentioned but i'm sure it is this dlr test) if we pass the health scan.

so, anyone know what are the circumstances of turkish airlines; i understand that all airliners have their own types of questions, test styles etc.

but talking about basics, the test itself consists of 3 phases for all test takers? like phase1 dlr test, phase2 simulator test and phase3 psychological test?

any answer and info is appreciated.

thank you.

9th Aug 2009, 05:14
what is this selection for with turkish airlines..Airline Pilots ?

10th Aug 2009, 08:05
I am scheduled for a test in Hamburg in late August as well, for a Turkish operator (not Turkish airlines). The sim and the interview was done in Turkey and passed it with flying colors. Now, the toughest part is the cubes, the numbers (not the arithmetic one but the one where the lady reads the numbers).
Is there a software/book/website to study for DLR? I understand that the test is not really 'studiable' but getting a hang of the things would help..

11th Aug 2009, 12:23
hi guys,
the dlr test is not so easy but it depend for which airline you do it. phase 1 about 35% succeed phase2 about 60% and phase3 30% so all in all about 7% this case is for LH .
for good preparation look this website www.pilotenboard.de (http://www.pilotenboard.de) and ask people there .or . www.topilots.de (http://www.topilots.de) .
Atpl questions are 100 ( in my case for about 3 years) , alot of basics but some questions were quite hard . try to prepare with exam database.
good luck.:ok:

11th Aug 2009, 18:06
I'm happy for you, hope you get what you want. btw is it SunExpress who asks for the test?


yes, this is for piloting aircraft. turkish airlines is selecting its new pilot candidates for their upcoming new fleet. they are going to train us in their own flight school therefore they are running these tests and interviews.

not much but I've passed the pre-tests such as health scan and interview and yet they've called me today for DLR test in hamburg. so now I need to obtain my visa, anyway.

as I read the rest of answers (which I appreciate), I still see that it depends on which airliner we are applying to. let me give some more infos about us.

we - candidates- are pure civilians; we don't know anything about aviation professionally. I just am into aviation and played lots of sims, read lots of infos, watched lots of videos. practically I'm 0.00 at piloting. so the rest of the candidates. I dont think this test gonna be a professional one but kinda test which measures our adaptability, capability and talents about aviation and piloting aircrafts.

I'm thinking of this is gonna be some sort of generalized test because the candidates dont know anything really about piloting an aircraft. so, with these informations, could anybody give some clue about what this test gonna look like?

thanks in advance.

15th Aug 2009, 13:23
Acaba türkçe bir konu açsak mı burada bu konu hakkında:)

DLR is hard but we are harder better stronger:)

15th Aug 2009, 14:01
hello again,

I can say that I got my answers by my future employer. they've sent me some links where I can download some practice tests and information about.

I tried the tests for once and I did start to find out what my strong and weak parts are. all in all, the test itself needs basic knowledge of all elements; physics, maths and english (no MIC for us). all I can say is physics is not what I've expected. it asks much more physic knowledge than some regular training; like you have to know and be able to analyze a closed circuit, basic knowledge of AC/DC and have had a basic physics training at least in your high school times.

about maths; it seems you really need to derive a system suitable for your style. otherwise it becomes harder and harder when it gets faster by level-ups. conservative solving methods become useless through levels. I'm not sure but in maths section (not mental arithmetic) the tutorial says that we can use pen and paper but no calculator not along with some info about we won't be able to use in real test unlike the other tutorials which it indicates that we will not be able to use any pen, paper etc.

and about the mental arithmetic part; it basicly needs some memorizing techniques which you need to know at least the squares and square roots of numbers like -lets say- from 2 to 25 and vice versa. also being able to factorize is essential.

the hardest part I've found for myself is the part that the lady reads some numbers with random order and random *_amount_* . this part makes it difficult because it may end up at 5th number or 25th. this is why it is called running memory span. at last but not least, the test asks you to write the digits in reverse order *ugh*.

cube rotation, concentration, spatial orientation, visual memory parts are totally about talent. person could study these just to know what it will look like in real test. some techniques might be taken into consideration about all these but the basic is person has to be able to think in 3D space.

pretty long post but if there are people like me wondering what this test looks like, they could get a clue.

thanks and good luck.

17th Aug 2009, 03:51
Swinder ,
great analysis .. I am still struggling with certain parts of the test mainly I hold a fulltime job , and when I come home tired it's not the perfect time to take the test..
(Being 40 doesn't help either) :)

I applied to THY but you need insiders for the job in there.. Do you know when you are headed to Hamburg?

17th Aug 2009, 18:35

THY is looking for pilots and F/O's like crazy. they recently made a call for new recruits, again; you might want to reconsider your application (they published an announcement that they will be hiring capts with 7k hrs and experienced/fresh f/os). it's like they are trying to employ as many capt and f/os as they can. but the first condition is to be a citizen of republic of turkey.

and about my thing; this progress went pretty weird for me. all things to be done have been done in reverse order i can say. i've made my everything ready but i still don't have the visa for germany... i think it's because this is THY's first time selecting their new trainees by this test, therefore they are struggling how to do this. anyway, hopefully i expect to get that god damn visa this week and i'll be taking the test in next week :hmm:

19th Aug 2009, 23:42
i applied to thy as soon as i saw the ad. I am affraid they are not going to be as quick as the 'other guys' to get back to me. I will be in HAM on the 26th..
I will keep you posted about the DLR thing..

Take care. .

26th Aug 2009, 14:38
Took part in DLR screening in Hamburg in May for Lufthansa Italia. Success in aptitude tests, fail in interview, though.

This is a commercial site where the aptitude tests are explained (right frame menu):

SkyTest® - Trainingssoftware für: DLR-Test (Lufthansa, AUA, DFS), Swiss, Air Berlin, FEAST (Eurocontrol), Austro Control, Skyguide (http://www.skytest.de/produkt_68.html)

2nd Sep 2009, 19:47
took the dlr BU assessment for THY on 31th of august. I can say that, it really varies from company to company. we had only 1 day of testing from 8:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m. had the regular tests; physics, maths, english and aptitude tests consisting concentration, spatial orientation, cube rotation, running memory span, visual memory and perceptual speed. all went pretty smooth for me until the very final 5 to 10 secs. the final task of MIC was already not going well for me (having deviations like 5-10 degrees), in addition a little! distraction made it go worse.

all in all I want to say I'm hopeful and the real challenge will be in the interview.

6th Sep 2009, 14:31
i am going to take DLR in two weeks for LH. I've read that you took the test for THY and the test varies from company to company but i have a few questions. I have problems with cube rotation at Level 3. I wonder if it is that fast in actual test or the speed of tests increases by time. Another question: do they ask you some mental arithmetic questions during MIC (some details about MIC pls)?
Could you please compare the difficulty level of physics, maths, english and mental arithmetic questions in actual test to CBT's.

best luck!

7th Sep 2009, 12:18

thanks and best luck for you, too.

about ROT, it starts off really slow; even slower than lvl1 in CBTs and gets faster and faster by time. but its like 5 slow, 5 faster, 5 faster, 5 fastest. my advise; close your eyes and press earphone to your head.

about MIC, I don't know what they ask for LH but, it consists of a bunch of set of tasks. like, heading, turning; heading and descend, turn and hold altitude; heading, climb and cover your speed. the auditory tasks come in the last 2 tasks of test. a male voice reads numbers with different order and asks you to press the red button in every third sequential odd number, or green button in every third sequential even number, while holding your altitude, covering your speed and heading.

about your last question; they are all alike the ones given you in CBTs.

10th Sep 2009, 10:55

I just passed the first stage of DLR test (BU) as an Turkish Airlines Cadet Candidate. The first stage of DLR test, i mean the aptitude test, took place in Hamburg and we have told about the second stage of DLR (the interview section) will take place in our homecountry, Istanbul. (only the succeeded candidates after BU can join the second stage)

Dear friends;

Does anyone have a little information about the DLR interview section? What may they ask about us, about our aviation knowledge? To be honest, we got no any knowledge about what are the concents of the DLR interview section?

Regards, blue skies...

1st Oct 2009, 06:18
Hi All,

I've also passed the DLR-Stage 1 for Turkish AL which was held on 31th of August. The aptitude test are perfectly similar to the ones that they post you for preparation. Keep practicing on them for about 2 weeks and you'll most likely do fine. The only thing I would advice to the ones that will take the test is to purchase the Skytest and do some exercises on MIC.

Other than that, does any one have a clue about the Interview which is named as Stage-2 ? I believe we will be the first ab-initios in Turkish AL (no training/no experience) who will be interviewed. We need the help of the other ab-initio candidates whom has experienced the interview regardless of the airline they applied for!!!

Thanks in advance...

5th Oct 2009, 09:18
I also passed the stage 1 for Lufthansa Italia and now waiting for stage two. Does any know when there will bethe next screenings?

Where have you all applied for Turkish Airlines? I dont find any adresses or email adresses to apply, can you help me?

5th Oct 2009, 18:01
This is for only Turkish Citizens mate...

17th Oct 2009, 13:40
hi everybody....
i ve passed the DLR test for a particular airline!
does anybody know what happens if u get to another airline for e.g. LH, do we have to do again the whole test??

23rd Oct 2009, 14:14

In a few weeks I have the DLR test for SunExpress. Does anybody here know which tests I can expect? Or has anyone recently done the test for SunExpress?


25th Oct 2009, 11:52
What I have heard is that, regardless of the airline you did the DLR for, Lufthansa requires that you do it again during their selection :-(... If you ever failed the DLR, you won't get another chance with LH.
Good luck!