View Full Version : BAW955L, Mayday due Lightning?

15th Jun 2009, 23:46
I just noticed on OpenATC BAW955L A319 G-EUPK 7700, this was at around the same time In London there was a storm brewing.

Was this Mayday a result of Lightning strike?

16th Jun 2009, 07:01
Lightning strikes don't always cause problems enough for a Mayday; in fact, rarely so. 7700 could have been because of a sick passenger, or other reasons.

16th Jun 2009, 07:47
A few years back I was on a plane hit by lightning as we approached LHR. The pilot was well calm about it and explained what had happened and how planes coped with it.

I still needed a change of underwear when we got to the terminal though.

16th Jun 2009, 09:34
It happens more often than many members of the public are aware. In a holding situation at Heathrow on day in stormy weather a pilot said "we've had a lightning strike". Others piped up "snap"... and "us too".

16th Jun 2009, 11:20
Ah, not suprised if it was bumpy and at that time very busy having to hold were the CB was going in the LAM direction :(

16th Jun 2009, 11:33
Diversion due fuel. Mayday due to possible landing with less than reserve. Excess of 40 mins holding to the south of LHR due line of CB's.

16th Jun 2009, 12:25
Thanks FlyUK.

As a non-pilot, why the Mayday rather than a Pan?

16th Jun 2009, 13:33
Thanks FlyUK,

Angels - Becuase It was likely at a Critical level that was deemed an emergency - meaning he was on fumes.

Otto Throttle
16th Jun 2009, 14:07
It's not necessarily so dramatic. In some airlines (mine included) it is a mandatory company policy to declare a Mayday if at any time it is suspected that a landing may be made with less than final reserve fuel.

Always better to be safe than sorry, even if sorry just happens to be a tea-and-no-biscuits chat with the boss.