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View Full Version : Qatar Airways ,five star airline ,NO OVERTIME this year!!!

5th Jun 2009, 19:00
How Qatar Airways steals from crew pockets regarding overtime and claims it is a five star airline and Qatar is one of the richest countries?
latest meetings of the management with CS and CSDs the overtime limit was 840 and it is written in our manuals as well but how come they suddenly changed it to 950 without any memo or announcement.
Did we not deserve any explanation? Are we not a part of Qatar Airways team? Is it not true that Qatar Airways is 5 stars for its best crew? Should it be the way of appreciation? How they expect crew be loyal to them when they betray crew like this? Economic crisis just happened to them or World is suffering for a long time?

Emma Gemma
5th Jun 2009, 19:35
How come they changed it without a memo? Because they can.

How can they expect crew to be loyal? It has worked so far. In their point of view there will always be people willing to take over your job and they would gladly show you the way to the door.

As far as they are concerned they don't actually need to give you anything. Nevertheless an explanation to what they are doing.

Qatar Airways is a five star airline for the passengers. Not for the crew.

I think there are many of us who worked very hard for them and really would have appreciated something when we left. A thank you would have been nice. Probably too much to ask for.

6th Jun 2009, 04:56
"Thank you" does not exist in Qatar airways!!
They have already cancelled a few month back" Days off down the route" allowance WITHOUT ANY Notice to crew.!

6th Jun 2009, 05:06
Maybe the times when pilots where the only one "being taken personally from behind" are over guys.

As cabin crew you always thought, well some of you anyway, that you where invincible and over-powerfull, that you where considered better than flight deck etc etc...

This proves that is not true!

By the way, they took our overtime pay away last year in exactly the same way. No note, just GONE!

Wecome to the -5star airline from an employee perspective:ugh:

6th Jun 2009, 08:18
but be in mind that qatar airways giving the best salary in gcc

6th Jun 2009, 08:46
ALIBABA Just thank the lord above you still have a JOB!!!!!!!! the market is saturated with years of experince and been told to wait if vacancies arise!!!! there is no such thing as loyality in the avaition industry my son. most Companies are run by a bunch of Accountants if you get my drift:rolleyes:

6th Jun 2009, 09:00
qatar airways still trying to make money ,so they have to cut costs.

6th Jun 2009, 09:42
Shampoo 9,

are you aiming at a management position? Do you regularly bend over?:ugh:

Utter BS! These things have nothing to do with trying to make money, it has everything to do with an HR dept who thinks that all of us living in the metal tubes are over-paid bus drivers and waitresses. All the other departments are fine, but flight ops is the culprit!

So keep your nonsense to yourself please...

6th Jun 2009, 09:57
"Qatar airways giving the best salary in GCC"....?Really...!! well in that case i guess money is not everything because:
How come people from Qatar Airways are leaving or have left for Emirates,Etihad,Air Arabia,Bahrain Air.. and Nobody From One of those company listed joined Qatar Airways! :confused:So something else must be wrong in Qatar airways isn't it??:uhoh:
Any explanation Shampoo??

6th Jun 2009, 11:59
Shampoo; you clearly do not know what you are talking about when it comes to flight deck pay. QR is certainly not the best. :ugh:

6th Jun 2009, 12:41
If they would have paid the cabin crew they would have had to pay the deck crew as well

6th Jun 2009, 13:04
What did u expect if now without notice they r serving economy food 4 cockpit in alluminium foil container like a truck drivers meal on rest station

6th Jun 2009, 13:50
And you know what the good one is?

While we are eating this downgraded foodstuff, which by the way is absolutely disgusting, our cabin crew is still munching away first and business class food!

Ah yes, because they have been told specifically that pilots can not be served leftovers, as we are overpaid busdrivers, but they can!

This and all the other issues happening lately, which caused the management to get back to their old tricks, has proven once more that companies in this place are not to be trusted!

As far as I am concerned they can kiss their fuel saving and all other things they ask from us good-bye! No more discretions, no more flying on days off, no more cancelations of leave. Back to TOGA take offs, full reverse landings, multiple brake applications on taxi out, extra fuel and M.83 all the way!

Especially guys flying to Europe should burn extra...ETS sill sort their stupid calculations out very rapidly. The bill can be enormeous!

If this J.Gonzales guy thinks he can fool with us like he did with the pilots in TACAN, he should think again!

And by the way, thanks a lot FRANCO for dumping this guy on our necks! Much appreciated compadre!

6th Jun 2009, 15:48
QR owes no one a living:= if you ain't happy with the condition look elsewhere:ugh: typical pilot's a no win situation with you lot:sad: the more you give the more you ask:\ for your info a 145 SIA applicants are on the CP desk waiting for an assesment and mind you most of them probably twice your experience all put together:ok: wake up and smell the cookies dudes:D REST MY CASE

ps pick up a flight in't magazine and find out the no of layoff with all the crisis!!!!!!!!! and see how fortunate you are:sad:

6th Jun 2009, 16:27
Qatar Airways owes no one a living - true. However the reverse is also true, that if they disrespect us we will disrespect them. They downgrade our standards, take things from us, steal our money then we must do the same to make them understand the repercussions of their actions.

This crisis will not last forever and the aviation market long held down by 911, SARS etc. will soon blossom leaving the bad employers without 'drivers' then lets see what will happen. A/C on the ground no drivers, suddenly we maybe considered in a little higher esteem, nearly as high as a CSD.

A warning to the QR management; you reap what you sow.

6th Jun 2009, 17:56

maybe you are looking for a job, maybe you think you are lucky to have found one here recently.

And maybe there are 145 ex-SIA applicant CV on the desk of the CP.

SO WHAT?????

All the ex-SIA guys are only here to look for shelter during the crisis. They will leave as soon as the crisis starts showing real signs of recovery. And so will most US pilots as well as the ex jet airways people.

So please, dont pretend to know everything there is to know, dont pretend we do not know what is happening around us!
We do know.

But does that mean we have to be ripped off on a monthly bases? Does that mean we have to accept anything they throw our way?

Mind you, all we are asking for is to maintain the albeit rather meager conditions we already have these days. All we are asking is the respecting of our contracts.

So please crawl back under the rock you came from if all you can do is come up with posts like your previous one!. I can assure you that maybe you have more experience in flying than me, but I beat you probably TRIFOLD in experience inside QR!

7th Jun 2009, 04:10
What a mentality Jabal!
Economic crisis is NOT an excuse for qatar airways to take out our benefit slowly but surely WITHOUT even advising us and treat us with such a HIGH level of contempt!!!But yes... here it is!!
Act on such a way toward the people in the "real world" and the airline is paralysed by a strike the day after.... crisis or not!!
By the way Mr AAB has annouced in one of our propaganda newspaper a few weeks(months) back that Q.R. is gone make profit next year!

7th Jun 2009, 06:55
Jabal, are you pretending to be a moron or, you are very genuine one ?.... so pathetic and disgusting!

7th Jun 2009, 10:44
He's a genuine moron and a management wannabee.

And I agree with PC. Cooperation is no longer in my QR vocabulary. The degradation of our hotels was bad enough but the food........do they really serve that sh*t to the EY punters? And has anybody else encountered being supplied with the same meal across the cockpit? Surely a safety issue? Also I would guess it costs more to supply that crap into a separate section of the forward galley than it would be to let the original arrangement stand.

Just another example of the contempt the Poisoned Dwarf has for this airline's employees!


7th Jun 2009, 11:27
Just one guy to call guys:

J. Gonzales

[email protected]

7th Jun 2009, 11:31
I would like to see their reaction if one day crews start acting like the management do! (by not respecting their engagement and contract, and doing whatever they like to do with us!).
Let's just imagine a pilot who have now decided to report late for all his duty, without giving any justification...
Different issue for sure...!

8th Jun 2009, 06:40
Capt Bee thank you for the gesture:D hopefully sometime on a layover down route will thrash it, over a cup of coffee or a cold beer:cool: no hard feeling comrade

8th Jun 2009, 08:17

you rest your case??

which SIA pilots?? most of them didn't or will not join because if the T/C's that the company screwed them out of, changing A/C at the las minute (from 777 to A320), apartments for captains ETC.

QR tells us that we should feel lucky to have a job? what if we wern't here? who would fly their A/C?? the guys a the college?? those lazy a$$, shisha smoking, land cruiser driving, 5 years to get my PPL guys??

Sure the owe us a living. The reason we are paid the so called higher wages, is beacause they have to compensate for people leaving the sanctity and normality of their home countries, to come and fight everyday in this God forgotten area with all the BS it implies. All of us do it for the money, not because we love these place. If the money and T/C's are gone.... so are we.

So my friend, youre case is BULL $hit.

8th Jun 2009, 15:34
Hahahahahahahaha, togalock very good point on the guys in the college.

8th Jun 2009, 18:18
why don't you go their , why you have joined from the beginning, Qatar airways easy to join not like the other require tybe rating .

8th Jun 2009, 18:25
you are just one of thousands of available drivers around the world , so keep your job .

8th Jun 2009, 19:23
"QR tells us that we should feel lucky to have a job? what if we wern't here? who would fly their A/C?? the guys a the college?? those lazy a$$, shisha smoking, land cruiser driving, 5 years to get my PPL guys??"

This made my day! ROFL

Black Stain
9th Jun 2009, 02:31
Hmmm... not very happy lads? Has Carrefour run out of vaseline again? ;)

10th Jun 2009, 18:37
Naughty Stain. :p

10th Jun 2009, 23:37
I don`t know from were u came but if u r used to this kind off 3class restaurant i am not.I am used to 5 star food at home and restaurant.
As my father used to say THE BEST DOCTOR IS A TABLE remember this phrase for good. God bless u with QR food.
U asked what we can do? Simple start writing and all the Capt. about this food on the Voyage Report if we all do the same they will might do something let`s invade their desk with reports.
If when u talk u say TYBE remember when u write to write it correct is TYPE thank you

11th Jun 2009, 09:50
Hello Comrades!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This will be my last reply:{ so go ahead and lambaste me as you wish:ok: I am a big boy I can handle it:confused: Perhaps some of the post here are written by Cabin crew so you guys can take a shot at it as well:E
Times have definetly changed!!!!! no more ETHICS OR ETIQUETTE among work collegues:confused: I guess any monkey can get into Aviation these days:yuk: I hope you lot in the Cockpit are not as Irrational as you are on this forum:sad:
All I say is " GOD HELP US" and good luck

11th Jun 2009, 10:13
BUBISTA Hello my friend!!!!!!!! I have been in this Bussiness befor you could SPELL AIRPLANE:cool: Have a good day Sir

11th Jun 2009, 19:23
bye bye jabal :ugh:

11th Jun 2009, 19:52
All I can say is JABAL.

12th Jun 2009, 17:46
As a crew member who has just left the company and had to fight for my over time, let me just say this, when i was doing my clearance HR and VP B made it very clear that i should be glad i'm getting something as the crew(you poor people still taking their bs every day) will most probably not get a cent!!!

Good luck to you all!!!!

13th Jun 2009, 14:18
Just look at the pilots.
The amount of fat and tired drivers is exploding.

Spirit 1, do you think it is a smart thing to come on a professional pilot forum with sentences like this? You must be a management apprentice by the looks of your arrogance!

13th Jun 2009, 19:01
Come on my friend.
There is space for all of us on a forum like this.
And Yes I think it is a part of flight safety that we as pilots are in good shape.
I am not saying that a big stomach make U a bad pilot.
That’s my opinion. You have another one.
However to I have deleted my previous post. ;)