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30th May 2009, 10:45
That's what i'll want to know in about a year.

Does owning a Commercial Licence open up any jobs? And also the Multi-Engine add-on.

Just wondering whether to train for the Commercial Licences or put my effort into becoming a flying instructor.


30th May 2009, 13:09
G'day Rodge,

I think you'll find that you need the CPL before you can become an instructor.

Good luck with it all.


Celtic Pilot
30th May 2009, 13:14

You do not need the full CPL license to become an instructor however you do require to have passed all the CPL theory exams first.

Good Luck

30th May 2009, 13:26
Are there many jobs available with just the CPL, i'd be looking to just stick at that level for awhile. This is mainly because I don't want to start taking ATPL exams for some time yet. My ideal situation would be with a company who transports people or cargo in smaller aircraft, around tourist areas or island hopping, as i'm looking do to quite a bit of travelling over the next few years.

30th May 2009, 19:37
Dream on buddy, you and every other CPL/IR without a job wants to do that in the meantime. Sorry but I think you need to research the industry better. To fly single pilot on a multi you need about 700 hours at most places and to fly cargo you'll need to go in all weather so you'll need an IR. And you will be paid F all so you wont be able to save much for an IR or ATPLs should you want to do them in the future. A CPL on it's own is pretty useless......in fact a CPL/IR is pretty useless. What you really need is luck. Really read up on things before you commit to something you can't use. And as for FI jobs at the mo - there aren't many of those around either.

30th May 2009, 21:26
Absolutely agree with TheBeak, what an awful understanding of the industry you have. Spend a year learning it before even thinking about starting a course.

31st May 2009, 02:07
This is true... You got to be and stay optimistic but of course be clued up in the industry cos if you go in blind now you're sure for disappointment.

Check Mags On
31st May 2009, 09:11

It is not going to be as easy as you think.
Firstly I completely agree with the above comments, this industry is not like most others.
So take some time research the internet, visit some schools.
There are various ones near you at Barton, Liverpool, Leeds and Blackpool.

You can either go Integrated, from zero to hero ( but without a job and with a big debt.)

Or you can go the Modular route.
First you start by getting your PPL
Before you start the CPL course you need to have completed the ATPL exams.
There used to be CPL and ATPL exams, but now there is just the ATPL's.
For distance learning ATPL's there are many schools, I went to Bristol.
Then you need 150 hours total time or so to start a CPL course.
You could do these hours whilst studying the above.
Then some more hour building to attain 200 hours for the CPL to be issued.
Then comes the IR.
If you want an Airline job most will want an MCC course (Multi Crew).

All any of the above entitles you to.
Is to join a very long and distinguished queue.

There are many variants of the above like doing the IR before CPL.
Doing the CPL then doing an FI course to gain some experience instructing.

Hope some of the above helps.

31st May 2009, 17:54
No you would need much more for this job, like special skills, job experience, you need to be interested in this job and know some about it. And you need to have good grades for this job.