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View Full Version : Embry Riddle MBAA - Online

26th May 2009, 09:35
So my profesional and academic life has evolved like this

- Bach in Aviation - 07
- FAA dispatch - 07
- Aviation Operations Work Experiance - 1.5 years.

And now I want to do my MBA.

I have been doing my research, and have kind of narrowed down the school i want to go to. But I am a little confused if I should over educate myself, and even more confused if I should get statred. I am going to present my reasons below for attending MBA at this point, and then Why i am choosing Embry Riddle and will appreciate any feedback, criticism, advice, anything that would either make me feel like it is the right decision or a complete waste of my time.

Reason for doing my MBA "NOW"!

- I like operations but in the future i would like to be in a management role.
- Compensation is perticularly low in operations.
- I am yound and motivated to study.
- getting married in abt a year and becasue of my cultural and social surrounding, my responsibilities might not permit me to do further studies.
- I can manage the finances right now.

Reason for Embry Riddle MBAA-Online.

- Embry Riddle has an MBAA program that is specific to aviation. I like their course content and it fits with my career focus.
- They are not AACSB accredited, but rather the ACBSP accredited - does it make any diff?
- I am in the sandpit and I can travel, their online program makes sense.
- I think evey one knows Embry Riddle?

So please be kind and tell me if those reasons are compelling enough for me to take the plunge and do an MBA.

And also, what are your educated perceptions about Online MBA programs.

Thank you and hope for some input!

26th May 2009, 12:30
First of all, there is never such a thing as being over educated. I think it is a very good idea especially if you are a pilot, cause just incase something happens (eg. medical) you will always have a solid foundation to fall on.
I am at EY and know a few pilots with Embry-Riddle education including myself. As a matter of fact, my neigbour is doing his Masters online through Riddle at this time.


26th May 2009, 16:58
It depends as well which part of the world you want to use your MBA.

A 100% online MBA is a well known certificate in the states, whilst in europe for example this has not much value. There more value is given to full time/part time MSC or MBA studies.

In case you just want to this as a way to develop yourself further, than this is the perfect solution!

Good luck anyway

Heritage 1
26th May 2009, 18:14

I have just had a look at the requirements for the MBA at ER, and it appears that they require a previous bachelors degree. Emirates have just anounced a similar degree here in Dubai in partnership with Coventry University in the UK that recognises our ATP license as adequate to qualify for the course. I would prefer the purely online option with ER but without the bachelors degree it would appear I don't qualify.

26th May 2009, 18:51
I admire your aspirations. You are thinking exactly how I was about 9 years ago. Its logical to think that your MBA will advance your career and your aspirations to transition to management.

Yet, in this industry, logic does not always prevail. So far I have been to 4 airlines and I can tell you that not one of the mid-level management (Chief Pilot, Exec. chief Pilot, Fleet manager, etc.) had advanced academic qualifcations. Rather, they were well connected individuals.

As far as the hi level management (CEO, COO, Exec. VP, etc.), IMHO, you not only have to be well connected but you must have a top tier MBA. From Schools like, Wharton, Kellog, Sloan, etc.

In Summation, don't waste your time with an online MBA, its one notch above worthless. Take it from a guy who attended 2 years on Campus for his MBA (which is one notch above an online MBA on the worthless list). I have yet to see any of my bosses or any one on the hiring board of an airline I've applied to be impressed with my Degree. In fact it could become detrimental in some cases where it may be an element of threat to your immediate superiors.

Hope this helps.

27th May 2009, 08:29
thank you both for your feedback,

i just wrote a long and well formated reply but for some reason the stupid comp froze on me! so in my second try, i will try to keep it short,

"As far as the hi level management (CEO, COO, Exec. VP, etc.), IMHO, you not only have to be well connected but you must have a top tier MBA. From Schools like, Wharton, Kellog, Sloan, etc.

In Summation, don't waste your time with an online MBA, its one notch above worthless."

All those schools are excellent, but due to my constraints, they are beyond my reach. First their acceptance rate are in the low 20% and their requirements are extremely high. And two major things are holding me back, one is finances and i cant really leave this country for now. Infact, when i was in the states, I did contemplate going to wharton for my MBA, but stopped short for money and personal reasons.

I would definately agree that online degrees have a bad rep, but that perceptions is slowly deminishing with time.
A Degree of Respect for Online MBAs - December 1, 2005 (http://money.cnn.com/magazines/business2/business2_archive/2005/12/01/8364611/index.htm)
These days, hiring managers realize that some peoplr just dont have the resources to leave everything and devote 2 years of their time on a single objective.
Another reason is that now most major schools offer online MBA, and they are not cheap either with high entry requirements. Schools like Penn State, Warwick and Unviersity of Massechusetts are offering online MBA. And all are rated highly by Business Week, US News and Princeton Review.
Top Ten Online MBA Programs (http://www.macquil.com/articles/onlinemba.php)

marvelman -

"Your 4-year Degree in Aviation, meets the education requirement for many jobs that you may want to seek in Aviation at present or future.

any respectable MBA, must be AACSB accredited, "

well that is what i tought when i was geting my four year degree, but it turned out to be too theoreticle and had a ver administrative approach to it, so i tried to complement it by doing Dispatch training in hopes of landing a decent entry level job. But sigh, no one really took notice of it.
I know i am kinda jumping the gun by saying it is kinda over, but i know my progress would be limited in operations and i want to make sure that i am ready for it when it comes calling.

an accredited university is always better, but there is a constant debate over regional vs national accreditation. and would you say that an MBA from ER is not well recognized despite its lack of accreditation. BTW I believe it is regionally accredited.

And as for getting a general MBA, it also has som specialization within the field of business. As i have decided that i am going to be in Aviation for the rest of my life, why should i not specialize in it and make my self more market focused

31st May 2009, 06:28
Thank you for the advice. I am not confused, I have almost made up my mind and am getting some firm confirmations on my assumptions. If you have researched, which I believe u have, then you would know that Embry Riddle is one the most reputed aeronauticle universities around the world, and they have a very high name recognition around the industry. Therefore calling their degree worthless would be a little over the edge.

Any ways, thank you once again for the advice, I think I have made up my mind.