View Full Version : Bachelor Degree for pilots?

Loui girl
25th May 2009, 21:02
Here in Brazil there is a college for pilots, but I have been browsing through the internet trying to find colleges ANYWHERE that would give us a bachelor degree, but couldn't find any. Does anyone know anything about it?

EK Snorkel
25th May 2009, 21:28
Loui Girl

There are some universities in the US and Europe who offer a Bachelor in Aviation which inlcludes, besides general science subjects, training up to the Airline Transport Pilots Licence- ATPL.

(i.e. Embry Riddle University in Florida); Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - World's Leader in Aviation and Aerospace Education (http://www.erau.edu/)

However, in most cases pilots attend flight school/ academies seperately from their general academic studies. The ATPL on its own is not a BSc, BA etc. but a higher professional qualification on its own.

Most major airlines/ legacy carriers expect you to complete some sort of additional higher studies besides your ATPL. Most US Majors require you to have at least a BSc/ BA which may be in any field.

Hope that helps - cheers Snorki :cool:

Saab Dastard
25th May 2009, 22:09
I've moved this from Cabin Crew as I hope you will get a better response here.

SD (Moderator)

26th May 2009, 07:34
Try BSc (Hons) Airline Transport Operations - Waterford Institute of Technology (http://www2.wit.ie/StudyatWIT/UndergraduateCourses/EducationProfessionalDev/BScHonsAirlineTransportOperations/)

BSc in Airline Transport Operations at Waterford institute of Technology, Ireland. I was going to do it but decided three years was too long. If it is a degree and a fATPL that you want though, this is perfect.

Loui girl
26th May 2009, 12:52
Thank you so much for your help! I've been driving myself crazy looking for that! I don't want to do it here in Brazil.

Thkxs for the help!!!!

Loui girl
26th May 2009, 12:55
Thanks a million for helping me out! I wanted to do the normal course too, but a really want a degree.

Thxs for the help!

Loui girl
26th May 2009, 12:58
What is ATPL BSc/ BA? Sorry, I'm not used to technical terms in English, it's not my first language. :)

26th May 2009, 13:11
ATPL - Air transports pilot licence

BSc - Bachelor of Science

Ba - Bachelor of Art

26th May 2009, 13:12
Bsc= Bachelor of science

BA= Bacherlor of arts

all of them are degrees

26th May 2009, 14:04
Loui you have private message :)

26th May 2009, 18:50
I'm also looking for a university where I can study an aviation related undergraduate. Here in Spain we have a few unofficial undergraduates but they aren't worth a penny.

Do you have a list of UK/Ireland universities which offer these bacherlors?

Genghis the Engineer
26th May 2009, 19:50

Brunel (http://www.brunel.ac.uk/about/acad/sed/sedcourse/ug/mechanical/aviationpilot)

Sheffield (http://www.shef.ac.uk/prospectus/courseDetails.do?id=3618222009)

Leeds (http://www.engineering.leeds.ac.uk/cgi-bin/sis/eng/ext/programme.cgi?navtop=&cmd=details&level=ug&progcode=BS-AT%2FPILOT)

Salford (http://www.cse.salford.ac.uk/coursefinder/byschool.php?display=pilot)

Liverpool 1 (http://www.liv.ac.uk/study/undergraduate/courses/H402.htm)

Liverpool 2 (http://www.liv.ac.uk/study/undergraduate/courses/H490.htm)

Bucks (http://bucks.ac.uk/default.aspx?page=129)

I think that those are the main ones.

One thing that's important to note - all of those include flying as part of the degree programme, but nobody will give you a degree for being a pilot. If, for example you look at the Sheffield and Brunel undergraduate degrees, the PPL comprises about 1/6th of the 1st year - as approved by the Royal Aeronautical Society, who do understand this stuff. I'm less sure of the Bucks course, but am certain that there's a good chunk of additional material above and beyond the ATPLs.


26th May 2009, 20:12
Thank you very much Genghis :)

26th May 2009, 21:23
Try University of Western Ontario Canada or Mount Alliison University also in Canada you will get a Canadian licence CPL/multi IFR a conversion to an FAA licence is very easy. Western is at a Diamond flght center Mount Allison does it's flying at Moncton Flght College . Moncton also has an IATPL program .Total cost 4 years university flying room and board about $130,000 Canadian all in Good luck

27th May 2009, 10:10
City University offers a degree in Air Transport Operations with ATPL BSc (Hons) (http://www.city.ac.uk/study/courses/engineering-maths/air-transport-operations-with-atpl-bsc.html)

27th May 2009, 13:27
Estonian Aviation Academy
fATPL, Heli, ATC, ...
Eesti Lennuakadeemia - Studies (http://www.eava.ee/245.html)

28th May 2009, 11:55
Hi Loui_girl,
Hope the link helped - I have spent years researching the options out there. I am still saving for my training but hope to start very soon. Time is as much of an issue as money so I am going for the full time 12 month route.
BBrus - Another one for your list - happy researching!!
BSc (Hons) Airline Transport Operations - Waterford Institute of Technology (http://www2.wit.ie/StudyatWIT/UndergraduateCourses/EducationProfessionalDev/BScHonsAirlineTransportOperations/)

28th May 2009, 12:29
That BSc (Hons) Airline Transport Operations - Waterford Institute of Technology (http://www2.wit.ie/StudyatWIT/UndergraduateCourses/EducationProfessionalDev/BScHonsAirlineTransportOperations/), is just the PTC course wrapped up to look like a degree, and it will still cost you 105,000 EUR. I suspect you won't get the government to pay for that one.

29th May 2009, 09:14
Why didn't I think of that !? Bangalore, of course, it all makes sense now......:rolleyes: