View Full Version : Qr Roster Jun09

PUPY 199
24th May 2009, 16:25
Check AIMS roster is out and i am giving my resignation tomorrow !

P.M new system failed again to make safe and fair roster it is time to send him home together with his mate Frzer or what ever name .

I will resign but i will make sure he get it as well .He deserve termination !

Bye bye QR and P.M and rest of funny people . I am gone into new airline with similar saving per month but with roster for human kind .
They must be joking no way i will fly all this minimum rest flights in midlle of sommer . Let them terminate me when i have 10 no show and then i guess i dont need to pay my bond .

Capt Krunch
24th May 2009, 16:42
you are still responsible for your bond if your terminated for disciplinary actions..
this is why so many people jumpsheep:p

Good luck

Poisoned by Compromise

24th May 2009, 17:50
I really love the sheep subject; of all the QR posts, it seems to be my favourite. However, Mr. Pupy. I must say goodbye to good riddance. You have been a slur on this site for a while.

I am sure that many people will say QR is not the best Company to work for; but even the highest echelons of EK now feel the pinch. I am amazed that the White Knight has not raised his weary head.

QR 320 drivers. Things ARE bad, but also things must change. Please be patient.

Other fellow Pilots on other fleets realise your suffering, and pressure is being applied (as much as it can be) to help. :(

24th May 2009, 18:07
How can it be helped when the roster does not seem to change? Why is it so hard to realise that people don't want to work themselves into an early grave?
It seems to be a revolving door. It would be a lot easier to keep crew if people actually took the time to find a balance with the roster. Vietnam and Korean seem to keep foreigners with their commuting contracts. Why is it that this has not caught on?

24th May 2009, 18:36
I agree totally. The people that stay keep the door revolving. Real people leave; unless they happen to be earning 10 x more than they earn at home. Ergo they stay, situation improves???

PUPY 199
25th May 2009, 01:24
Be patient ? You making fun of us ? Last 3y we are patient why should we belive this sh.. any more . No change at all ( roster getting worse,salary is decreased with 20% inflation in last 3 y ,management not giving support to pilots,hotels reducing to 3 stars ..... It can not be controlled any more QR have rate of 4-7 pilots run away from airline per month and they dont resign just go and QR dont want to see the fact and just let us cover this people roster . Thay should hire 7 pilots more every months just to cover the loss not to increase number for new aircraft .But "NO" this is not happening to us is attitude .

25th May 2009, 02:14
No joke:
It's not because thinks MUST change that thinks will change..expecially in Qr!!

25th May 2009, 03:52
Just sing and let things sink!

25th May 2009, 04:03
First of all JUMP "SHIP" (meaning boat,vessel etc...) SHEEP is a hairy animal..OK?

Second many many people joining QR, so that makes management confident to think they have solved their shortages, but even with the actual situation people go away imagine when the world recovers

25th May 2009, 05:53
7 people jumping ship a month thats a very small percentage of the pilot group and still not enough to make them worry. Pupy how did you bid, did you request specif days off, have vacation, check in times. If you request days off,have vacation, or specific check in times and gave it a high priority then the rest off your roster will be bad. Depends on what you want try bidding on trip length and layovers, for example trips min 3days give it a 100points that shoould reduce the number of nightstops, india turn arounds etc. Good luck

PUPY 199
25th May 2009, 10:19
7/month is small number ? Maybe to you but i see my roster is 90 h and morning /same night .
7 /month and all of them have bond from non rated and they want to save cost ? well do somthing for people if you want to save money or humans will cost you more then you can imagine

25th May 2009, 18:47
are you sure you are on the A 320? I know nobody doing 90 hrs same day/night trips!! what are you smoking my friend ? and also just for info there are over 200 pilots dying to take your job due to the current situation. So if you are so bored and willing to resign and have a bette offer, pls do so and God Bless!!!

We do not need any more of the negative side of this story

We all know it and thats we are here. Just trying to survive my firend!

26th May 2009, 05:38
alcatraz69..i think you are being rude and hard...take it easy.this is pprune..an avenue to voice out dissatisfaction and frustration.
my roster is bad as well on a330..none of my request was entertained.i followed the bid process but unsuccessful..flying 92hrs with 7 days off in doha and 1 doff.
anyway its 1st months carmen is active..i would give her few more months to get it right..hopefully.
i know many would like to join qr..that doesnt mean pilots who are already here cannot complain...if there is valid reason..complain all u want..nothing wrong in that.
i will wait one more roster before bringing it up to CP.many i met yesterday at tech had same grouses..i am sure it will reach the ear of CP or peter sooner than u think.
qr is still infant on bidding system..lets give it time to grow.
as for jump ship..i think its professionally unethical..if u want to go..then go by the right way..remember u joined voluntarily.
as for 320.since i was there till now,the most hardworking fleet and i dont think it will change anytime soon,even carmen cannot do the impossible.
safe flying everyone.

26th May 2009, 06:21
All I'm saying is that the 320 roster will never change with or without Carmen. But pls enough negative comments. It only makes you feel worse. Another thing is many people saying they will resign and have had enough. True , but is there a better choice? I was not being rude just being honest. Think positive as life is too short to waste it ranting on roster! There are other things to life than just QR and the 32o roster.
Safe flying.

26th May 2009, 07:30
thanks al for taking things on positive note,
there is a saying..graffiti is good and so i believe complains.in qr there is not much venue to voice out as such let pprune be the media to let out the steam..its healthy and its grouping.NOTHING wrong in it.if people say..they want to resign..so be it..let them resign or even jump ship..it will not change qr even a bit..one goes many more to come.
lets be positive and be collective as saying goes..many voice is better than one.
so guys if u feel roster is bad..if possible, wait another month, or not, start emailing CP AND ROSTERING.the more written they get,the more pressured they will be and things will change as ...every email sent is within an ear reach of the ceo...and he doesnt like negativity.before anyone starts bashing me...i am just a line pilot 330..neither management nor office friend.of course as AL says..there is more to life than roster but than again ROSTER IS ALSO PART OF OUR LIFE..my family depends on my roster..for outings,dinner,function and etc..
guys to me..qr is okay..not perfect but ok...nobody is perfect..but qr is learning and it takes time to learn..however qr is learning fast...in 5 years i have been here..many changes...a/c,airport,tech bldg,management,roads,PARKING,sop,bidding,etc...so lets only hope more changes will further happen in next 5 yrs.
safe flying and be stabilize by 1000 and remember flaps 3/full by min 1500'

26th May 2009, 13:21
Nice and balanced post there CS.
I agree with you that it's important that we have somewhere to went our concerns and without relevant complaints there will be no change.

26th May 2009, 15:42
I apologise for not replying earlier; I had to decipher your posts. :) I told you (implied) that the new system has its faults. It will take 3 months to really take effect; until that time seniority rules I'm afraid.

QR has taken a large step for the Company in providing the funds and the mentality to accept this advance. Again Mr. Pup be patient. ;)

26th May 2009, 16:03
I can not agree with your statements totally; but I think your heart is in the right place. We all want improvements in many areas, and I think they will come ~ eventually. :ok:

Mr Angry from Purley
26th May 2009, 16:34
Careful : your roster might have been written by "Mad Dog" and if he finds out who you are.............:\

26th May 2009, 18:29
-Cabin secured :regarding the CEO who doesn't like negativity..so what...
I still (unfortunatly) remains DEEPLY conviced that the welfare of the crew is his LAST concern!
-Lets wait next month for the new housing policy...yes..indeed another changes...the question is: is it gone be a positive change for us..???
Have seen indeed a lot of change here yes,but not always in the right direction for us!:\

PUPY 199
27th May 2009, 04:05
Well i dont know about you but i have my originall licence with A320 and A330 and A300 in . I apply for Korean Air and i got offer with salary more than in QR i also apply for Etihad and i already did phone intervew. I am still waiting for answer from Vietnam and Jade Cargo.
If there is no better option why would QR have rate of 85 pilots a year leaving its about 10 % of total guess in 10 y there is no senior pilots left .
You say you dont have more important things to do then talk about roster ?I would have if i have time but 320 roster in 4 days give me 12h rest between each sector and its is "legal" . You want to give life for roster department ?
Land at early morning and depart at same night is normal today i remember the days it was not done as CP would not approve it . But who is CP today in QR ? They righter make you faint then do something for you as it might effect there position .