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22nd May 2009, 16:36
Hi Guys, does anyone know the status of the A340 training manager after the KTM incident? It is all very quiet. I hope the management is not going to sweep this below the carpet!! He is dangerous .......:ouch:

I hope RH will remove him knowing that his friend in flight safety helped him erased most of the flight datas.

JD...., you know the culprit who erased the datas....!!! What are you going to do about it?:=

How nice to have such a friend in flight safety! :O


22nd May 2009, 17:35

Pretty harsh accusations from someone making his first post on the forum.

Although I dont know the details of the incident, I find it at least highly unlikely that someone in flight safety would risk his career to cover someone else. They must be really really good friends.

If you have factual evidence of what you mention why dont you make it known to RH and the GCAA instead of registering on Pprune and posting an anonymous thread.


Chuck Y
22nd May 2009, 18:45
Come on guys. Someone spill the beans. I'm dying for another big fat drippy juicy rumour!!!

On a more serious note. KTM is NOT a place to f*** around in. We had one idiot who threw away the company procedure & made up his own procedure(all because he didn't wanted to disturb the pax by dropping the gear at the appropriate point!!!). Neverless, it ended with a big mess with a ROD of 5800f/min selected!!! Whoop! Whoop! Pull up! Even better, nothing happened to the guy?

22nd May 2009, 21:35
Bull****,the ROD didn t exceed 1200 ft/min ! And about NS, it s one , of few, gentlemen in EY !

Nobody in PPRuNe knows what did happen in the KTM incident !:mad:

23rd May 2009, 04:27
This is an unfurtunate event could happen to all.
However nobody should stop the investigation.
But do you really think anyone in office will stick his neck out to investigate??NO WAY they all want to stick to their seats.
By the way Rumours a head of training joining from GF in June..
Seems RH and PM need help!!!

23rd May 2009, 07:54
My Dear Astronaute, being a gentlemen has nothing to do with it. The facts were, he screwed up. He did not follow published SOP, GPWS was triggered, unstable approach and he did not go around and finally he did not raise an ASR. What kind of a traing and standard manager is that? Perhaps a gentlemen kind ??? :ugh:

23rd May 2009, 13:05
If someone has raw facts, I'd appreciate them by PM only.

23rd May 2009, 16:14
I am not one for writing in these forums but when I read this despicable stuff I feel compelled to do so.
These accusations are pitiful!
He may have made a mistake like all of us can make mistakes but to come out with this splendorous infantile fabrication makes me feel sorry we have to sit in cockpits with people like you.
Stop the senseless chatter you were not on board. Your words will not change what will happen. What will happen will happen, nothing more or less.
You are spitting venom.

23rd May 2009, 19:21
I do agree.

23rd May 2009, 21:02
He must be from the region

Ali Baba
24th May 2009, 05:58
ONE DOT is not from the region actual he is :mad:Canadian cold climate brain dont work on a hot climate just like the airbus onground at 44 C which give you wrong eicam information recycle the dam CB.

24th May 2009, 15:38
Paillenique ( I hope I spelled it right) i do not know if you r a pilot or not BUT THERE IS ONLY ONE ACTION TO DO IF YOU GET GPWS!!!!!you should know the answer.

24th May 2009, 16:16
While we're talking about "Training & Std"...


Wrong...if you consider Day VMC ;)

24th May 2009, 23:13
yeah we all know only rumours .
and we should not judge anyone by them .
It can happen to any of us it only takes a second to screw up .

What we should inquire is about an investigation and have it spread as a learning experience .

Its easy to make logs from a fallen TREE , but not nice to be one and waiting for some idiot to take the first shot with the AXE.

I hope this doesnt happen to anyone ,

safe landings:ok:

25th May 2009, 01:47
Oouch Pailleenque. If you dont like what you see please go somewhere else. This is an anonymous forum.....:)

My dear Astronaute, you must be one of those wannabe whom just been made instructor recently by NS. Stop kissing NS. He is not going to be there to protect you. Rumours going around that PM is reviewing the last instructor list.:suspect:

Cheers buddy

25th May 2009, 02:26
Onedot, I am not an instructor, neither an ass kisser or an wannabe.

NS is the only one who stand for the pilots against the mngt, and all these ,so call desk pilots on the upper floors.

He has, always, been beside the pilots and not being an ass ,mngt, kisser .

For me all this case, is about, some guys ( evp,mngt pilots?) want NS head .


Not Gulfair CEO
25th May 2009, 11:35
Gentlemen, There is a difference between an unintentional error and a voilation. In this particular case series of deliberate voilations were commited by some one who should be settting the standards. wether he is a nice guy or not!!! is beside the point.

Jamy Rogan
25th May 2009, 14:36
astronaute has a point.

"For me all this case, is about, some guys ( evp,mngt pilots?) want NS head ."

This is exactly what s happening there.
Is RH wants only ass kissers in his team?:confused:
NS is only the very experienced instructor who really suitable for his position.
I really hope that PM to take care of this politic situation there.

25th May 2009, 16:07
Obviously all ELP 6 pilots at Etihad.

25th May 2009, 19:37
NS is the only one who stand for the pilots against the mngt, and all these ,so call desk pilots on the upper floors. He has, always, been beside the pilots and not being an ass ,mngt, kisser

Wait...pause a second. Is he in management or is he not? why would he kiss his own ass if he is the manager? So we have Republicans and Democrats up there. Not cool...not cool.

Another story of Knight of Elderslie?

25th May 2009, 22:44
whether you like it or not I am still here ,and have been longer than you .

There are ways to deal with this, no need to torture anyone just investigate and publish .
Gotta a feeling you want his head

wouldnt like to see you on the bench:=
Safe landings