View Full Version : bmi regional

flying macaco
19th May 2009, 22:37
Having (hopefully) dispersed of the idiot who got the last thread closed, is there any genuine information regarding bmi regional and the new airbus contract?

Thanks, FM.

20th May 2009, 07:20
What are Mods for?

I thought they had delete and Ban functions available to them rather than close a perfectly good thread that the majority were posting sensibly on.

By the looks of things this thread is heading the same way! :ugh:

20th May 2009, 09:35
Any further news regarding Airbus or future contracts or more units? Have any other crew based elsewhere been given the new Base at Chester. Will the movers require replacements.:ok:

captain kid
20th May 2009, 10:17
Hi Chaps

At Gatwick at the moment and bad news: CAA are processing 500 foriegn ATP licenses, looks like were being flooded from Eastern block which can only mean drowning in the pool and redundancies all round. After all these chaps work for half the money and live in caravans, what can we do?

20th May 2009, 10:40
What are Mods for?

I thought they had delete and Ban functions available to them rather than close a perfectly good thread that the majority were posting sensibly on.

By the looks of things this thread is heading the same way!

I sometimes wonder! ;)

Even we have to sleep and work. I did look at this thread last night and took the view that it had degenerated into little more than a slanging match. As it was getting fairly long and unwieldy it also seemed a good point to close it and start a fresh one.

I do take your point about the majority posting sensibly. I can do one one of three things: Edit out the old thread and merge this one into it; Link this thread to the old thread for reference and let it continue as a fresh start. Leave everything as it is now. Let me know which you would prefer?

In the meantime, the miscreant has been given 7 days "sick leave". If the rest proves insufficient, then a longer spell of treatment may be necessary.

Where a thread is ticking along quite nicely (or percieved to be doing so) we don't tend to comb through them on a regular basis. This is on the assumption that any transgressions will be reported through the "report a post" function, or via message contact. This thread was reported this morning. Using the report a post function will normally achieve a quicker response because it doesn't rely on me having 8 hours sleep. :zzz:

Best regards

Better to remain...
20th May 2009, 17:37
Jetdriver please,

Do we have to listen to this drivel?

I appreciate we have freedom of Speech but captain kid is as bad as Mr burger.

Not everyone with a licence bled mummy and daddy dry. I have a good friend in the pool who worked hard and got a great job but it is time to move on, hence applying to bmi.

I wish them all the best and I hope that no one in the pool or bmi has the misfortune to have to sit next to this **** :ugh:

This is in the main a good post for people with a genuine interest in bmi and working for them. What a shame that these idiots have found Pprune.

Kind regards,


20th May 2009, 17:53
i found bilderbergers views were correct and also amusing.

Sorry, but at the risk of creeping this thread one last time, I have to disagree. OK, amusing maybe on JetBlast, where if you venture in, you do so at your own peril, but on a serious thread in a serious forum, name-calling and abuse guided by an extreme point of view is just not on.:=

As regards to the implication that newcomers to the industry and those in hold pools are only there because they've sponged their way there is bizarre. Agreed, there are always people lucky enough to get everything paid for them, but in my experience they are not the majority. Sadly these days if you're going to be a pilot, expect to cough up cash, to schools, to doctors, to the CAA, to employers, whatever, but who's fault is that?

Caning those that pay for their own rating or even to go for the luxury of an Integrated course has been done to death elsewhere. But I would ask anyone to answer this question. Since when does anyone within this industry have the right to say to newcomers "there's a huge problem, my T&Cs are being eroded - it's your fault now you sort it out."

I don't hear many people refusing to fly with pay to drive FOs, I don't hear anyone moaning about having paid for the training of ex forces pilots through taxes, I don't hear any employers refusing to take students from "overpriced" schools. And they won't. That's the way of the world and it's what happens, tough. Just the same as employers will milk wannabe's (and when the markets difficult like it is now experienced staff too), and so too will the schools. The expression on civvy street is cash cows....

So sorry, I for one don't believe those comments were correct or justified. Try the same implication on the threads for BA/Easy holdpools and I suspect that the response there would be no different.

Anyway, hope we can let this thread get back to its intended subject and I'll get back off my soapbox and go look for my missing sense of humour.

oap :oh:

stop, stop, stop
20th May 2009, 20:31
oapilot - Agreed! Regional (as do many of the 'smaller' airlines) tend to prefer guys and gals that have worked their way up through instructing, glider towing, air taxi etc etc...

It still beats me what started all this??:confused:

Anyway.....there is nothing much to report from within Regional that hasn't already been said or rumoured....

We are all waiting with baited breath......the Lufty deal is certainly one of the main reasons everything is slow to get going...fingers crossed that when it does, it will do so in a big way!!


flying macaco
20th May 2009, 22:03
Just noticed this on the times website:-

Rumour of the day
Despite reports from Germany that Lufthansa is getting cold feet over its acquisition of 80 per cent of bmi, amid arguments about the capital adequacy of Sir Michael Bishop’s airline, the deal looks set to be completed this week: bmi is holding Lufthansa to its original price terms and the necessary conditions for the takeover have been met.

In the know: Lufthansa; International Power; Britvic; Tullow Oil - Times Online (http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/markets/article6315173.ece)

Lets hope the deal is complete this week...where have I heard that before?!

Better to remain...
21st May 2009, 10:12
It would appear that Mr Bishop is taking Lufthansa to court over the take over.


captain kid
21st May 2009, 14:39
dont get exited chaps,if lufty does take over the influx of german pilots taking your jobs will make the holding pool resemble the last action scene in titanic

TDK mk2
21st May 2009, 16:06
Captain Kid, how exactly?? Can't see many Germans rushing over here to "enjoy" our terms and conditions...

21st May 2009, 16:39
No chance of the Germans rushing over here to bmi Regional, most newbies go to ABZ first, which from my time with them is about the worst place in Europe to be based, the food is dreadful, the weather crap, with management behavior so bad it should get an anti social order against it

Think of Hogans hero's, behave or you vill be sent to the Russian front.

If you think you can escape on days off forget it, you'll finish that late on your last duty, that anything south bound will have gone (you probably flew it) and start again that early you'll have to set off back to ABZ 10 minutes before you arrived home.

The only escape is to spend your days in LHR and put up with wing commander Bill telling you to stand closer to the razor, wear your cap and reporting every thing to the head of commando team Y DIV, Prince Albert DFSO BAR ASBO

Joking aside ABZ is great if you like 80% chips and pizza and the training is first class, oh and its dark alot apart from June when its not dark at all.very strange:E

J Clarkson

TDK mk2
21st May 2009, 17:18
Just realised - kid is a lurker, like Mr Burger. And I took his bait...

flying macaco
21st May 2009, 17:24
Reading his previous posts would appear to be an engineer/wannabe pilot at one stage. Why so bitter and twisted toward bmir?!

Anyway, mods have now ushered out the bad lads, good work.

Now what were we talking about?!....

Is SMB still courtin'?

25th May 2009, 07:50
MCC is not a pass/fail it only requires you to complete or be exempt be virtue of previous multi crew time

26th May 2009, 13:47
If said person had grandfarther rights he/she wouldn't be required (for licence purposes) to complete a MCC course, you are required to have passed your IR at either PLL or CPL level prior to starting a MCC course

The only circumstance in which a MCC cert: would not be issued is if he/she failed to turn up, it is not a flying test in any sense, it is about multi crew operation, you cannot pass or fail.

Lots of time on my hands thanks, you must have to, but i wont be going in to Manchester in my uniform!!

28th May 2009, 11:42
Any further developments or rumours at Regional. Have any more crew been offered EGNR as a base, are these 2 ex Flybe 145's joining the fleet this year for growth in the charter contract work, or will they replace the 2 leased units. Any rumour about future size and shape under Lufty? How are they looking crew wise, any people leaving or holding in pools for larger companies? :ok:

3rd Jun 2009, 14:46
All gone quiet on the regional front again after the last thread got closed. Any more rumours or news floating about out there:confused:

3rd Jun 2009, 18:58
Spoke to a couple of reg crew recently and they seemed to think no recruitment for the timebeing, be it from new applications, hold pools or whatever.

Things can change so quickly however.

Its just a crap time just now....:(

Deep and fast
3rd Jun 2009, 19:05
It's not looking good for any recruitment for now. CC redundancies on the cards with single cc ops. :rolleyes:

D and F :8

3rd Jun 2009, 19:40
How much further has the Chester contract moved on crews and aircraft etc. Any more crew been given it as a base?

Jenson Button
3rd Jun 2009, 20:32

are you in the holding pool ?

Do you want to join regional ?

Are you familiar with the current economic situation, the dynamics of the Lufty situation and bmi in general ?

There is unlikely to be any serious recruitment in regional or any other airline for some period of time - but then in aviation, things can change very quickly. There are possibly other opportunities out there, all your eggs in one basket springs to mind.

Is there some hidden agenda............

Personally, after racing cars I'm thinking of hanging up my helmet after the British GP and getting into the stock market and chasing girls,,,,much more fun.:E:E:E


flying macaco
4th Jun 2009, 10:23
I don't think woofly31 has a hidden agenda. Infact, I can sympathise completely being in the holdpool aswell. I'm sure, like me, he has being firing his eggs into every basket going (so to speak). Just there aren't many baskets around sadly.

On a more positive note, jethro is showing 2 emb 145's heading to regional. Even though they are (I assume) to replace 2 leased aircraft, it's good to see the fleet isn't being reduced.

All the best, FM.

4th Jun 2009, 10:35
Cheers FM.:ok: No hidden agenda, just ega to move from the pool to the line just like the rest of the guys swimming. Just fishing for some possitive news at this dark time in the industry as an earlier post had mentioned possible extra contract work being looked into, and of course the chester operation being good news for the company. :)