View Full Version : First chinese assembled A320 is flying

Kerosene Kraut
18th May 2009, 08:17
Today the first Airbus A320 from the Tianjin final assembly line did it's successful first flight. Up to four per month will be build by end 2011 in China.

(german source with FF pictures)
Erstflug des ersten in China endmontierten Airbus A320 - FLUG REVUE (http://www.flugrevue.de/de/zivilluftfahrt/fluggeraete/erstflug-des-ersten-in-china-endmontierten-airbus-a320.10628.htm)

18th May 2009, 15:36
I hope the assembly instructions that Airbus sent to China were clearer than the instructions I just had to follow to assemble a Chinese made CKD baby buggy out of a box, otherwise it will be an interesting thing to fly!

19th May 2009, 00:36
I wouldn't be surprised if in a few years a chinese made narrow body jet, would be resembling an A320.

look what they did to the An24's.... they're now called MA-60's.... :E

24th May 2009, 01:08
Here's the report with pics.

China-assembled A320 test flight successful -- china.org.cn (http://www.china.org.cn/business/2009-05/18/content_17794045.htm)
