View Full Version : B737ng Korean

14th May 2009, 14:40
Anyone answer the following plse
1.In reality does this contract actually end up 2 weeks on/2 off(assuming 11 + 2 leave days)Are there any commuting days on top.
2.What is the number of layovers/nightstops per 2 week duty period
3.How many sectors per day/week
4.Are most days out and back
5.What travel tckts are provided for commute home
6.How is the initial training and how long till online
Any more useful info much appreciated

Capt Chambo
15th May 2009, 00:18
B737ng Korean
Anyone answer the following plse
1.In reality does this contract actually end up 2 weeks on/2 off(assuming 11 + 2 leave days)Are there any commuting days on top.

You only get 9 days off + 2 days leave, and 2 travel days (737 Fleet). For most months that means c18 days at work a month.

2.What is the number of layovers/nightstops per 2 week duty period

I probably average 6-7 per month.

3.How many sectors per day/week

Hard to say. You either get a long trip (4+hrs), with a c24Hr layover and then back again. Or an out and back, or up to 4 operating sectors + a positioning sector. Looking through my rosters I am averaging 11 sectors a week at the moment

4.Are most days out and back

Not at the moment

5.What travel tckts are provided for commute home

You position as extra crew. Business upgradable to first for Captains, economy upgradable to business for F/Os

6.How is the initial training and how long till online

You start with a 3 week induction course including a Korean Air Law exam, about 10 days off then about another 6 weeks to get checked to line.

winch launch
15th May 2009, 14:53
How much do you have to spend on food concidering you live in a hotel and probably always have to eat at restaurants? (Or do you have meal vaulchers/discounts at the HYATT?)
Is life expensive in seoul?
How many people are they stil looking for roughly?

26th Mar 2019, 18:31

Can anyone give me more actual details please ? :)