View Full Version : Introduction + Some Questions

11th May 2009, 22:49
Hey Everyone, I'm Helen....I'm 31 and have had a love of Travelling for what seems like forever...I currently live in London.

I have finally decided to go for being Cabin Crew but I know I have a hell of a lot of work to do before I can get there - Mainly being that I need to lose a lot of weight because I am seriously overweight, so I have started a proper Diet and Eating Plan....

I know it will take me about a Year to lose all the Weight that I need to lose....but I'm determined to do it!!!! :)

Anyway, I have a HUGE desire to be with an Airline like Emirates or Qatar or Etihad....any of those would be AMAZING!!!

I have a few questions, hope that's okay!! (and yes, have read quite a lot of the Board but these questions don't seem to be answered):

1) I have 4 tattoos - I have looked at Airboy's Blog and he says that any Tattoo's on the Arms and Legs are a No-Go. My Tattoo's are all pretty small - one on each ankle and one (very small) on each wrist facing out. I am happy to cover with either make-up or plasters, am I wasting my time even thinking of becoming Cabin Crew given that I have tattoo's?

2) I have two particular Medical Conditions - a) Benign Postural Vertigo, but totally under control with Medication and b) Hidradenitis Suppartiva, which results in abcesses every few months but usually underarm so doesn't affect my ability to work, just means i need antibiotics. Is this going to be a Problem?

3) I suffered with Acne when i was a teenager and have a few scars on my face, but can easily be covered with Make-Up - Is this going to be a Problem?

Thank you in advance for all of the Advice and I hope I can be useful back to all of you Guys, even if it's just moral support :)

11th May 2009, 23:15
I can feel the level of determenation you have... keep it up, you are going to do it!!!

Best regards,
Laeeq Humam
B61 LA Ext,ND:27
[email protected]


11th May 2009, 23:33
Hi Helen,

Good on you for finally deciding to do something you love, and doing everything you can to get there!

I'm not too sure about your point 2), I have the impression that if you have some medical conditions and they are under control then it is okay. But also with emirates/etihad if you are on certain medication that isn't allowed in the UAE this may be a problem.

Question 3) is not a problem at all, they only see you when you have makeup on, so I doubt anyone would even notice!

But my main concern would be your tattoos. I have gotten through with both Etidad and Emirates (and am waiting on both of them for start dates) and both seemed very strict about tattoos. I don't have any, but considering that yours are in places that are visible, it will probably be a problem. The diagram on airboy is helpul and I think if your tattoos are in any of the visible areas you may not get through based on this. Unfortunately I don't think its enough to cover them. They will check for them when you get over there, so you can't hide them and hope they don't see. Have you thought about having them removed? Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, I'm more than happy to be corrected if someone thinks I am wrong!?

Good luck with it anyway. Maybe some of the airlines outside the UAE aren't so particular, and you could try with them. It's good that you don't want to pursue it straight away, as it's not a good time to be getting a job with an airline. But stick with it!

11th May 2009, 23:57
Thanks Skywards, thats what I was afraid of (re the tattoo's)....

I'm not opposed to getting them removed if it will mean I can achieve my dreams and my goals in Life - Just worried that a) it will be extremely painful and b) it will leave scars anyway.

Hmmmm feeling a little deflated....but if I want it badly enough then there MUST be a way!!! :)

12th May 2009, 15:28
Just a quickie, tattoos for UAE, you can wear trousers, however, the new uniforms issued I dont know if they have trousers now, so tattoos no - go on visible parts of the body.

Scarring from Acne - is not a problem as it can be covered with makeup.

Good Luck on your quests. Go for It !!

Medication for the UAE no codeine based medication (form of heroin) or psedoephidrine (classed as a form of speed). However, if you do get through you can always write to the companys doctors before venturing out there, otherwise when there get the doctor to prescribe your medications.

13th May 2009, 12:32
tattoos :ankles- put make-up and wear thick stockings (it works) :)
left wrist- wear a watch (it works too)
right wrist - hmmmm....:confused: remove
and good luck