View Full Version : Worldwide legal insurance; recommendations?

Jumeirah James
7th May 2009, 16:22

I'm trying to source worldwide legal insurance for a group of fellow pilots. Does anyone have any recommendations please?



8th May 2009, 15:27
IPA/IPF offer offer legal assistance of £20,000 to Full members as well as a free legal help line. There is also a facility to top up the Legal cover to £250,000.

BALPA offer similar.

Mister Geezer
9th May 2009, 12:33
Be under no illusion that in some countries, any sort of decent legal representation for a foreigner will probably be either difficult to obtain and/or not worth the effort. Such a policy might be valid worldwide but in reality there will be some countries where such a policy will probably not be worth the paper it is written on!

The Real Slim Shady
9th May 2009, 13:21
ALPL offer worldwide legal insurance starting from around £15 - ish a month. You can get the details at ALPL - Aircrew Legal Protection Limited (http://www.alpl.com).

I've used them for several years: it's run by a former bmi captain.

12th May 2009, 15:44
Anyone from EasyJet care to comment on this company. I see that they cover the Easy pilots. Does anyone know if they would cover a criminal charge? It looks as though they will only cover issues "within the scope of a pilots duties" which appears to exclude criminal convictions.

The Real Slim Shady
12th May 2009, 17:43
If the criminal charge is as a result of your pilot duties then Yes. If not then No.