View Full Version : The Key To Success

Air Profit
5th May 2009, 04:12
I heard this today, and thought it was a great reminder of how to find success. This trancends the present reality of dealing with our management, who do not achieve success, they ony achieve chaos.

"...never be jealous of success, be inquisitive of success, learn from success, mimic success. It's very simple, you want to be successful, find out who is successful, and find out what they do, what characteristics they have that make them successful...."

I realise this does not pertain to our present circumstance..but I liked it nonetheless. :ok:

5th May 2009, 09:42
Nice, although it depends on what someone definition of success...if its a short term gain or a "bonus" then maybe mgmt could argue their success.. however if success is based on values.

It goes the same for each of us also. Fact is there are very little values around anymore and we are all feeling the effect of that.

I like this one... happiness is the pursuit of excellence through virtue (socrates)...nichomachean ethics... a great read!

Ex Cathedra
6th May 2009, 03:56
"...never be jealous of success, be inquisitive of success, learn from success, mimic success. It's very simple, you want to be successful, find out who is successful, and find out what they do, what characteristics they have that make them successful...."

Ok, so who do I see about giving myself a big fat bonus for just doing my job last year?