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View Full Version : hey where's may's calander

2nd May 2009, 14:34
hey ya'll

wheres the calander for may?

2nd May 2009, 15:13
John hasn't posted it yet.. Theres nothing on his site yet either, he will post it when he gets a minute im sure!

Agaricus bisporus
2nd May 2009, 19:25
hey ya'll

wheres the calander for may?

No, it's...

Hey ya'll,

where's the calendar for May?

C- Room for improvement. :uhoh:

2nd May 2009, 21:07
Come on, don't give him a hard time. We've got to keep up the appearance that we're all too thick to fly stiff wings

John Eacott
3rd May 2009, 07:59
I'm currently riding a motorbike around Britain, hence the lack of response :O I'm in Bude with a decent internet connection, so the calendar is ready to go up after I've posted this.

Nice to know someone looks at it ;)