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1st May 2009, 09:36
From the orange hangar today (so not, strictly, a rumour):-

"easyJet plc announced today that Jeff Carr, Group Finance Director, has informed the Board of his intention to leave the Company. He will join FirstGroup plc, the London-listed transport company, as Finance Director. Although the date of Jeff’s departure has yet to be confirmed, a search for his replacement will begin immediately.

Separately, Warwick Brady will be joining easyJet as Procurement Director, effective from Wednesday 6th May. Warwick has an international experience of low-cost airlines including roles at Ryanair, Air Deccan of India and Mandala of Indonesia. Reporting to Andy Harrison, he will be a member of the Airline Management Board and will play a key role in continuing to cut costs across the business."

So, Stelios gets his revenge, but who remembers WB at RY? Would anyone like to remind EZ crews how popular he was (NOT)?

1st May 2009, 09:43
...as Procurement Director well, get your plastic containers to fill them up with water at the offices as no water for crew anymore in the aircraft.

1st May 2009, 12:07
Warwick Brady :rolleyes: . . . . . . popular ? Hmnn, maybe not words usually seen in the same sentence. Puppet, or Muppet, springs to mind.
Try a search on here and you may get some answers, well, good luck, and pray he doesn't get involved in any role including direct involvement with pilots.
At least it proves the old adage, sh1t really does float to the top. :}

1st May 2009, 12:52
"easyJet plc announced today that Jeff Carr, Group Finance Director, has informed the Board of his intention to leave the Company. He will join FirstGroup plc, the London-listed transport company, as Finance Director.
Wonder if he knows what he is getting into with First ? Their board is like musical chairs, several have left recently. Moir Lockhead, the Chief Exec, not known for beng easy to work for, and they currently seem desperate to reduce costs in traditional industries, like buses and trains.

1st May 2009, 19:01
Easy Jet crew will love this guy, I dont think, a jumped up little s--t comes to mind.

Now if Easy acquired a ZOO then I would be surprised as I would not trust him to lead the blind monkeys out to :mad:

Quite a few airlines under his belt---wonder why?. Hey guys ask him to do his Rod Stewart impression for you, sure you will be suitably impressed.!!!!!.:ugh:

1st May 2009, 19:05
:mad: This guy is trouble

1st May 2009, 19:11
WB :eek: "Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 22:12-13)."

Mike Rosewhich
1st May 2009, 22:20
He is another mouth to feed so will have to earn his pay. You can draw your own conclusions how that may be achieved.

I'm pretty sure he isn't here to raise crew morale.

The damage may take years to repair.

fade to grey
7th May 2009, 07:35
Don't know about his reputation at RY, but is this the same chap who used to be into aerobatics ?Part of the richard Goode set up IIRC ?

7th May 2009, 12:55
Yes indeed, the same man.

Watch out for him pulling a few "stunts" at Easyjet !


7th May 2009, 19:54
I really, sincerely feel sorry for you guys at easyJet... Good luck bringing an end to Warwick. Either he will go or your job (as you know) will go.

7th May 2009, 21:04
This is the man behind the famous Taliban memo :ok:

Good luck

7th May 2009, 23:18
famous taliban memo? oh please do tell.....

8th May 2009, 04:32
Why'd he leave Air Deccan, or was he pushed?

8th May 2009, 05:57

Digging Past of Warwick Brady-Ex Ryan Air- Now with Air Deccan India
Hi all,
I am a pilot with air deccan - india. Ours is a low cost airline and is growing fast. Warwick Brady has taken over as COO few months back and things have started going downhill after that. He has introduced a lot of cost cutting measures and REFUSING PILOTS MEALS ON BOARD is one of them.He stays in all opulence in palaces and draws fat paycheque.
Now this kinda guy doesnt get born overnight in aviation. he must have been somewhere doing funny things all these years.
SOOOOOOOOOO Pleaseeeeeeee give some inputs on how to deal with this guy.
http://static.pprune.org/images/statusicon/user_offline.gif http://static.pprune.org/images/buttons/report.gif (http://www.pprune.org/report.php?p=2510189)

8th May 2009, 07:44
He ain't too bad. He was simply a puppet in FR with strings coming out of the white house in DUB. :bored:

8th May 2009, 08:21
famous taliban memo? oh please do tell.....

Bbow, glad to oblige .....

MEMO from Ryanair Management to all Ryanair pilots

It appears that BALPA – the people who charge you money for doing nothing – are back. No surprise there. Having failed to win union recognition in Ryanair last time, they will be looking for another ballot this time, so that they can charge Ryanair pilots 1% of your salary each year in order to deliver you … nothing. Let me make Ryanair’s position on BALPA perfectly clear as follows;

1. We have no objection to any Ryanair pilot joining BALPA, the Taliban, the Monster Raving Loonies or indeed the Moonies. Each individual is perfectly free to join whatever organization he/she so chooses.

2. BALPA in return for your membership will charge you 1% of your total salary, a sum that will amount to up to £1,000 – yes £1,000 – each year. If you want to waste £1,000, we recommend fast women, slow horses or even greyhound racing, at least you’ll have a few minutes of fun, which is more than you’ll have with BALPA.

3. Where Ryanair will have a problem is when BALPA will try to use your membership to force union recognition into this airline. NOW THIS WILL COST YOU EVEN MORE MONEY. If union recognition is forced upon Ryanair at Stansted base, it will have the following repercussions;

a. The rates of future pay increases will be reduced to the BALPA rates of pay increase – in other words there won’t be any (just ask BALPA members in GB Airways, Easyjet, BMibaby), take your pick.
b. There won’t be any more favorable share option schemes for Stansted pilots.
c. There won’t be any further promotions or base transfers at Stansted as the base will be frozen. If you are a First Officer, kiss that promotion and pay increase goodbye.

4. This is just the start, because all BALPA will do is get you the BALPA rates (which are lousy) and the BALPA pay increases (which are non existent). If anyone needs advise on what BALPA can really do for you, just talk to the KLM/BUZZ or more recently the Duo pilots. Why not talk to the Easyjet pilots who have now had BALPA for 3 years and nothing to show for it except job applications to non BALPA Ryanair.

“What is the alternative.” The alternative, and sensible course for all Ryanair’s pilots is to continue as you have before, being members of whatever organizations you so choose, but continuing to negotiate directly with the airline through the ERC structure to improve your pay and conditions. Over the past four years this has seen your basic pay increase by 12%, your sector pay increase (upfront) by 12%, a continuous stream of promotions and base transfers and substantial share option participation. In addition Ryanair’s pilots have negotiated the best rostering arrangements in the industry and continue to enjoy operating the newest aircraft.

If you look at what BALPA has done for your colleagues in other UK airlines in recent years, you will see that BALPA promises a lot, but delivers nothing. For the last 3 years they have had recognition in Easyjet, and what pay increases they got, have lagged behind Ryanair, their rostering is a mess, their flight pay is less than half that of Ryanair, their total pay packages are less than Ryanair and there is still a steady influx of Easyjet pilot applications to Ryanair bases.

“But BALPA will prevent any further changes in my terms and conditions”. No they won’t. There is a mistaken view that Ryanair recently changed the 5 year pay deal. We didn’t. The terms of the pay deal allowed for it to be reviewed and altered after 3 years in exception circumstances. Believe me we presently live in exception circumstances. Take the following examples;

- Swiss and SAS have confirmed that they expect to lose money for another year or two, that’s if they are still in business.
- Alitalia has recently been bailed out for the third time by the Italian Government.
- SAS having let go 150 pilots last year and announced a restructuring package in late March that included pilot pay cuts (YES CUTS).
- SAS disclosed that its fares/yields fell by an unprecedented 17% in one month alone.
- Easyjet have issued two profit warnings in the last 3 months and their shares closed recently at £1.54p, less than half of the £3.89p peak of earlier this year.
- Easyjet warned that it expect “unprofitable and unrealistic pricing by airlines across all sectors of the European industry to continue”.

Despite this awful backdrop, Ryanair recently implemented another 3% basic pay rise for all staff including pilots. This is the only 3% pay increase in the Irish or British airline industry this year so far. Furthermore there is another tranche of share options on the way with the benefit of the current depressed share price. Yes, you lost some minor benefits including doing your medical on a day off, free teas and coffees, free uniforms, etc. All of these are worth less than your basic pay increase. These losses are pretty small compared to the job losses made among pilot numbers in SAS and more recently Duo, Jet Magic and others. 24 European airlines went bust in the last 18 months while you were getting pay increases, promotions and share options (see attached). Neither Ryanair nor BALPA can do anything about the awful world out there. BALPA promises much, but delivers nothing. Ryanair promises little, but delivers a lot.

Please do not be persuaded by the false promises of BALPA, who have repeatedly shown in other airlines that they are hopelessly ineffectual to improve pay or conditions, particularly when the pay and conditions in the only airline BALPA don’t have recognition in – namely Ryanair – are better than in the other big UK low fare airline (Easyjet), where BALPA have been recognized for 3 years now.

Finally, I would like to thank you all for your hard work and support in making Ryanair the best operation for safety and punctuality in Europe over the last 18 months. Thank you again for your support.

Best regards.
Warwick Brady

Going, going, gone ….the disappeared.
Air Bosnia
Agent Air
Air Freedom
Free Airways
Flying Fin
Air Littoral
Airlib Express
Fly Eco
Silesian Air
White Eagle
Low Fare Jet
Air Cataluyna
Fresh Aer


8th May 2009, 08:43
The writing style and content is very similar to that of a certain Leo Hairey Camel who has become very vocal recently on another thread concerning BALPA at easyjet.

Could the net be tightening on his identity?

8th May 2009, 10:07
Seems strange that you all have a low opinion of Whariq.

Especially so considering that all he's done in his fatwa is go to considerable lengths to counsel the pilots against selling themselves short.

He points out, at excruciating length, how it's actually much better for them not to be in Balpa.

Please do not be persuaded by the false promises of BALPA, who have repeatedly shown in other airlines that they are hopelessly ineffectual to improve pay or conditions

Then, in case any wannabe apostates are still mistakenly tempted to sign up to Balpa and receive lacklustre payrises, misinformed negotiation and end up worse off as a result - Mullah Whariq then threatens "the following repercussions":

a. The rates of future pay increases will be reduced to the BALPA rates of pay increase – in other words there won’t be any (just ask BALPA members in GB Airways, Easyjet, BMibaby), take your pick.
b. There won’t be any more favorable share option schemes for Stansted pilots.
c. There won’t be any further promotions or base transfers at Stansted as the base will be frozen. If you are a First Officer, kiss that promotion and pay increase goodbye.

With the impeccable logic of his dogma, he says that if you however sign up you'll end up poorer - and to dissuade you from doing this, he threatens to make you poorer.

Naturally, he's pointed out at the start that,

we have no objection to any Ryanair pilot joining BALPA

His lack of objection looks like it runs to about a thousand words. Were Warwick Brady actually to object to Ryanair pilots joining BALPA (which he doesn't because for one, he's said so - and two, he makes threats so you don't) I'd be interested to see how many words that would run to.

8th May 2009, 12:05
One can say whatever about WB but what is in FR now, Peter B, is many many folds worse.
Good luck anyway, flying is far from what is used to be:ugh:

10th May 2009, 19:49
I hate to buck the trend, but I found WB to be very reasonable to deal with when he was at FR. I would like to see him back with us actually.:ok:

11th May 2009, 07:05
I'm curious... In what way did you find him "reasonable". What did he do to you, that made you think of him as "reasonable".

11th May 2009, 13:49
"I have a cunning plan that will pour tons of money onto us clever leaders : let's cut water supplies to crews. It can only lead us to filthy wealth and save the airline. Without this great move, our entreprise is out of business !"

Bravo ! How brave is that ! I mean did it take a 3 hour meeting to come up with such idiocy ? Does it take an MBA in cost accounting to implement "this" or just being an idiot ?

I hope the guys at management bring their bottle too ! Those large water containers in the canteen are such a waste of money for the corporation. So unproductive devices !

Man Flex 37.5
11th May 2009, 16:24

They got it wrong by taking the water, they have had another meeting and decided that if they take our small piece of cheese and 2 biscuits then that would save the company.

Pathetic really, what they forgot to do when trying to reduce our humble terms and conditions was to look at the spreadsheet column marked goodwill! They will soon discover that this column has evaporated.

flying headbutt
11th May 2009, 19:36
Don't forget the meeting to get rid of the mint:ugh: Hurrah, we're saved!

11th May 2009, 22:24
No, you're all wrong... it wasn't the cracker with it's rosemary sprinkles, or the cheese in shiny foil... it was eliminating the yoghurt and its subversive culture that saved the company!

12th May 2009, 18:48
see they are lokking for a new Head of Training so must be a big shuffle going on.

12th May 2009, 22:10
Thought I was reading a Ryanair thread for a moment.......

13th May 2009, 17:23
they're looking for a new head of training coz the previous incumbent got promoted to chief pilot :ugh:

13th May 2009, 19:33
Is this the same Warwick Brady who, as a Britannia Airways sponsored Cadet in '88 or thereabouts, accidentally set fire to a colleague with a flaming Sambuca ? Injuries minimal, thanks to a nearby Soda siphon!

13th May 2009, 20:08
Or the very same perfectly honest Gent referred to below??

International Transport Workers' Federation: Ryanair lose another round in court action against pilots (http://www.itfglobal.org/campaigns/pilotswin.cfm)


13th May 2009, 22:50
what a load of rubbish ! this guy is here for one reason , and thats to cause trouble . He is a pilot hater , as he is a FAILED PILOT !!!:mad:

14th May 2009, 13:16
Heh, heh - that turned into quite a good thread in the end, didn't it?
Well done, ppruners.

bia botal
14th May 2009, 13:45
Could the net be tightening on his identity?

well if you think that LHC and WB are one in the same you are most wrong, :ugh:his identity is already well know. and its not MOL.:eek:

Capt Ted Crilly
14th May 2009, 20:26
Hi BB,

I have been pulling my hair out with that w@nker,pls do divulge??

Is it big mac from STN,pm me if you want,i would love to know :E

I worked in STN with FR and how this fella WB wasn't lynched in the car park is beyond me.

Best of luck to the guys and gals in EZY,you guys have a union we didn't our fault :ugh:

AF jockey
14th May 2009, 21:45
Talking about the bottles of water and cost drivers, here at AF, there used to be a time when recourse to such practices as (very) slow taxi and systematic TOGA thrust take-offs would get messages across. No strikes. No media. No PR. Just engine maintenance reports of costs going through the roof.

VERY efficient, I can assure you !!!

Most cost-cutting actions can be swallowed in these difficult times. I find some are like swearing in kiddengarden and probably require swift and affirmative reaction.

Doug the Head
15th May 2009, 08:18
Talking about the bottles of water and cost drivers, here at AF, there used to be a time when recourse to such practices as (very) slow taxi and systematic TOGA thrust take-offs would get messages across. No strikes. No media. No PR. Just engine maintenance reports of costs going through the roof.

VERY efficient, I can assure you !!!One would require some backbone for that, something most orange button pushers seem to lack. Remember, unlike France, in the UK people prefer to stand politely in a queue before getting shafted. :ugh:

kick the tires
15th May 2009, 10:33
One would require some backbone for that, something most orange button pushers seem to lack.

or perhaps our sense of professionalism is such that we prefer not to compromise the efficiency of the operation!

Doug the Head
15th May 2009, 10:42
or perhaps our sense of professionalism is such that we prefer not to compromise the efficiency of the operation!
Yep, and management knows that, so hence the tightening thumbscrews. ;)

p.s. How "professional" is a management when they try to force crews to fly around without food, locked up in a 2x2 meter 'cubicle' whilst being treated like a potential terrorist every time they go to work? Even prisoners are treated better in the Western world... :hmm:

But please, kick the tires, do keep up your professionalism! The management is counting on it! :)

18th May 2009, 13:31
Don't know WB and have never even had dealings with him. Not even a Pilot either so sorry for gatecrashing a pilot thread because I'm :mad:

Have loads of exp dealing with the self loading frieght at EZY and been on the recieving end of various management iniatives :ugh:

Congratulations H89....not!! At a time when crew morale is crashing faster than the share price you appoint somebody like this:eek::eek::eek:!!!

Let's take a look at 2 of the EZY values here and how the management in H89 demonstrate commitment to this;

Safety the number 1 priority....no compromises. So lets appoint somebody who encourages Pilots in writing to join the Taliban then:=. I bet he regrets this now but think of your public image EZY. :O
Integrity.....well lets appoint somebody formally identified by a judge as giving "false evidence". Have I missed the meaning of integrity here??

I feel for all EZY crew:uhoh: This guy has a track record of taking the crew water/food. EZY have already done that without his help so what does he have in store now? He must have been able to demonstrate another sensitive cost saving iniative to AH at interview....goodness knows what it is but no doubt the crew are targeted and not the management bonuses!!