View Full Version : Biofilters

30th Apr 2009, 21:14
In the once again outbreak of an airborne germ, H1N1, (April 2009)what is the information available on biofilters for airliners?
I remember reading some time back that the scientists and engineers had researched and fully developed bio-filters for airliners. However, the venerable beancounters of the airlines totally shot down the idea. Money. The geeks were told by the moneylords that the filters weigh down on profits..... The geeks pointed out that the filters will weigh significantly less than the in-flight magazines on board. The beancounters wouldn't even entertain argument of biofilters versus magazines! Better to close down the airline than have biofilters in place of magazines!:ugh::ugh::ugh:
Now just imagine an airline group like e.g. Air France-KLM standing up and saying today: "All our aircraft are equipped with efficient bio-filters, so while you are on one of our airliners, you will be safe from your neighbours." I would imagine they would make a bit more money than the airlines who don't?:cool:

30th Apr 2009, 22:13
You raise a good point, but we need to examine the evidence (trials etc), for the biofilters.

Can you point us to the evidence?

30th Apr 2009, 23:06
There ARE air filters on board most modern airliners, and they can pick up microscopic particles, including bacteria and even some viruses. Much less airborne gunk now that no smoking at all is permitted !

The air con systems also direct the air flow so that even passengers two seating rows apart are very unlikely to be breathing the same air.
It has been said that, from this point of view at least, you are actually better off in a modern airliner than you are in an operating theatre !

Obviously, if the passenger next to you sneezes in your direction . . . . . well, what could ANY filtration system achieve ? ?