View Full Version : Cochlear implant?

25th Apr 2009, 13:03
Can anyone tell me if having a cochlear implant would mean I can't learn to fly?

I've searched the forum and I can find nothing on it, but it means a lot to me.



25th Apr 2009, 14:05
This is another one of those cases where a direct approach to the Medical Dept at the CAA would be best, and should be made earlier rather than later, preferably before any lessons were undertaken (just avoids more disappointment if you enjoyed the first few lessons even more than you thought you would ! ).

The obvious two factors which would give cause for concern, and which would be carefully assessed on an individual basis are hearing and proprioception (balance). A full history of the background would be required, along with reports from specialists and surgeons. The CAA have their own consultants to advise in areas such as ENT as well.

Suggest you write to the CAA giving a precis of your history, and they'll advise you what further information they would require. If you want to use e-mail, the address is here
Email | Medical | Safety Regulation (http://www.caa.co.uk/default.aspx?catid=49&pagetype=90&pageid=3937)

If it's of any consolation at this stage, having a cochlear implant would not seem likely to me to be one of the areas where a total and absolute bar would apply from the very beginning (eg - insulin diabetes, epilepsy, etc). So it definitely is worth your writing to ask. Good luck !

25th Apr 2009, 15:48
I have no other health problems at all. I've been actively trying to accomplish everything I meant to do before I had the implant. I got my motorcycle license and I got my Aussie Visa.

Thanks for answering!

26th Apr 2009, 00:06
Through X-Ray in airport departure security area may kill your implant but you can bypass behind. I think you might have problem with talking to ATC by incompatile headphone with this.

26th Apr 2009, 13:48
I do beep but that's about it. The implant is really solid, as long as I don't have a CAT scan. I can keep loose change under my hairline!