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24th Apr 2009, 12:17
Check this link...

Shocking video footage shows UAE royal sheikh brutally torturing man - Posted (http://network.nationalpost.com/np/blogs/posted/archive/2009/04/23/shocking-video-footage-shows-uae-royal-sheikh-brutally-torturing-man.aspx)


24th Apr 2009, 13:02
ABC News (http://abcnews.go.com/Video/playerIndex?id=2688465)

24th Apr 2009, 17:01
I have seen and heard a lot in my 15+ years in this region but this is the sickest thing I have ever seen, I think I have to throw up.....I am speechless.

24th Apr 2009, 18:59
Now after I have thrown up...the UAE should be banned from all international bodies, particular the UN Human Rights body until there is a full investigation conducted. I shall circulate this sick video to all European, Asian and North American media with a call for such a ban. Well the country is going down the drain so they return to their roots. No surprise. I think we should take them the cars away in the first place. No matter what nationality, you do not do this to a human being nor an animal.

Very soon all holidaymakers in Europe and North America will get the taste of the real UAE.

I am :mad:

24th Apr 2009, 19:05
Does this video even surprise anyone who has lived here more than a month?

24th Apr 2009, 19:31
I wish I hadn't watched that video, feel like throwing up... No joke.

What really scared me is the presence/actions of POLICE OFFICERS !!!

The video speaks for itself,
No more rumor buster... :mad:

24th Apr 2009, 20:02
A monstrous ego tinged with genuine sociopathic and sadistic tendencies, but lacking in any courage to deal with things alone. This pathetic excuse for a sheik has become mentally distorted after too many years of being pandered to and now we can only hope, Inshallah, that he will be punished. I hope that his father and family will take matters into their hands before the WWW will cause them much shame.



24th Apr 2009, 21:43

official website, maybe blocked now

24th Apr 2009, 22:21
NOT the least bit...They think they area above all

24th Apr 2009, 23:27
Does this video even surprise anyone who has lived here more than a month?I called my wife to watch it when I first saw the link. Her comment was illuminating: "What's sad is that neither of us doubted for one moment that it's genuine or were even a little surprised." Sadly, she is right.

Devils Advocate
25th Apr 2009, 04:45
Maybe he should have used waterboarding (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waterboarding)™ ® Department of Justice, USA ?!

Fwiw, there are more than a few scallywags in the Uk whom I'd readily inflict that upon... just pass me that shambok and give me some swinging room! :E

25th Apr 2009, 14:34
Would you please make sure when you send the footage to all Europeans and North Americans that you also send footage from Abu Graib prison showing all the sickening American’s sexual insult and torture against the Arabs.

25th Apr 2009, 15:18
You are all right guys...but in fact, this really happens everywhere..I can give you more savage examples happening in the US, and authorized by rulers too. We don't want to get into this, do we?!

You know it's happening. So if you can't live with it, just leave it all for good!

25th Apr 2009, 16:07
1. Other crimes do not legitimate this one or any other crime for that matter!

I agree..but there are some posts disgusted about this area of the world, while they've forgotten the systematic bloody massacres and butcheries that happen back in their home countries and by their slaughtering leaders and decimating armies!

It's F:mad:ing unfair!

Those involved in Abu Graib where charged and sentenced, serving up to 25yrs in prison.

You must be kidding!!

The majority of those have not been sent to court, convicted, or even received a judgment that translates their barbarian crimes. And I understand your false data about those murderers because of your media horns!

While in this region people from the primitive tribe walk literally away with murder:ugh:

Now do you really want me to name those who have walked away with murder?!! I bit you know them by heart!

What a shame!

25th Apr 2009, 16:39
This thread should be in "Jet Blast".

Che Guevara
25th Apr 2009, 17:42
You are all right guys...but in fact, this really happens everywhere..I can give you more savage examples happening in the US, and authorized by rulers too. We don't want to get into this, do we?!

Sorry, but this type of behaviour does not happen everywhere, particularly by the leaders of our respective societies (EU). We have checks and balances and laws to prevent it, furthermore if it were to happen then there would be serious legal implications apart from the fact we hire and fire our leaders. Secondly, please remember that the US is not the only country in the world, one for which you seem to hold in disdain. Indeed, I am quite certain that the majority of the comments on this board are not from Americans anyway.

I too agree that the type of behaviour seen on the news is despicable, especially when it is carried out by leading member of a Royal family and indeed in this case, a government, and over what, some money? No Sir, instead of getting defensive, surely one must react to this obscene behaviour by condemning it in the strongest possible manner, after all was this not carried out by a leader who is supposed to set an example, what kind of example is this? At the end of the day it really does'nt matter where this man comes from, what he did is totally wrong and unacceptable in any civil society. Sadly he has embarassed his family and his people badly.

25th Apr 2009, 17:45

"You are all right guys...but in fact, this really happens everywhere..I can give you more savage examples happening in the US, and authorized by rulers too. We don't want to get into this, do we?!"

..SilveR5...Savage examples in the US?...If you can find any American Leader (or family member of a leader) on tape, shoving a cattle prod up someone else's ar.se..then show it.

"Now do you really want me to name those who have walked away with murder?!! I bit you know them by heart!"
..Again.. If you want to start listing names..yup, you'll probably come up with FAR MORE SOURCES....WHY?..Because FREEDOM OF SPEECH and FREEDOM OF THE PRESS IS A BASIC HUMAN RIGHT IN WESTERN COUNTRIES!!!! :ugh::ugh::ugh: Newspapers are not shutdown if they UPSET the leaders of a country. (7 DAYS shutdown in 2006) Very unlike this part of the world. This tape would have been WORLD NEWS A VERY LONG TIME AGO HAD IT BEEN ANY WESTERN LEADER..... Mr. MOE could not deal with that now could he???


...And yes, I don't like it here, I will leave as soon as I can.

25th Apr 2009, 18:14
“The incidents depicted in the videotapes were not part of a pattern of behaviour, ” the Ministry of the Interior said in a statement, according to ABC.

“All rules, policies and procedures were followed correctly.”

If you live / work in the sandpit, beware! :yuk:

The Interior Minister is Sheik Issa’s half-brother. They are among the country’s 22 royal sheiks.

Surprise surprise! :yuk:



25th Apr 2009, 18:16
Right on mate, I send it to all European newswires.

For those guys who think leaders in the West do this i.e. USA, Canada, EU or else, show me please the video footage or evidence. Gordon Brown in a sceen like this is highly unlikely. Ok for the US and the rest of the world, 9/11 was the darkest moment in commercial aviation....any questions? Our profession got "raped" big times by people like him!!! As for the Bush administration, well I do not support it but George Bush will not run his car over these guys right?? F:mad: What happened in the UAE by a so "called" Royal ( what is their right to call them Royals anyway, I thought the UAE is a Federation not a Monarchy.....:rolleyes:) is brutal tortue, allowed by the UAE laws. I rest my case.

Devils Advocate
25th Apr 2009, 18:38
Che Guevara wrote:
Sorry, but this type of behaviour does not happen everywhere, particularly by the leaders of our respective societies (EU). We have checks and balances and laws to prevent it, furthermore if it were to happen then there would be serious legal implications apart from the fact we hire and fire our leaders. and after all was this not carried out by a leader who is supposed to set an example, what kind of example is this? At the end of the day it really does'nt matter where this man comes from, what he did is totally wrong and unacceptable in any civil society. Sadly he has embarassed his family and his people badly.

But the same behaviour could indeed equally be said about GWBush, albeit that he did his torturing 'by proxy', i.e. the military / CIA did it for him, and he had it legally sanctioned by the Department of Justice... therein it was all of it done in the name of the American people by the supposed leader of the 'free world'.

That the British (and others) aided and abetted the 'rendition' of suspects for the (known?) purposes of torture makes the behaviour of certain leaders of the 'free world' all the more questionable... which is probably why you'll not hear many of them saying that what the Sheik did was a bad thing... lest they themselves be called hypocrites?!

Che Guevara
25th Apr 2009, 19:44
Sorry, not British and our leadership did not do what you are suggesting.
Good night

25th Apr 2009, 20:17
For anyone trying to draw parrallels to Abu Graib etc. Why not refer to Hitler or Atillah the Hun. !!! Lets get real here. No one condones the despicable acts in IRAQ. But we are talking about day to day life in the UAE and not in a war zone !!!!

This is despicable and he will get away with it.

Paradise Lost
25th Apr 2009, 20:40
Odd how there is such outrage in the US regarding this incident, yet less outrage over worse atrocities which were encouraged and condoned by the US government. Sometimes I wonder if this really is the 21st Century.
Totally agree with you mensaboy: I think what the Sheikh did is revolting and absolutely indefensible, but for the US to get on it's high-horse smacks of pots and black kettles. The US is a full signatory to the Geneva convention yet doesn't seem to believe that it applies to them. Whether they argue about if it's a war or not, the same protocols apply. Guantanamo Bay will, or should be, a massive embarassment to the US government for years to come.

25th Apr 2009, 22:07
Guys, I don't agree with most of the stuff that came out of the GWB admin over the past 8 years. Having said that, I am more then a bit surprised by some of the replies here on this subject.

Why some of you jump on the Americans and the American policies on Iraq and Afghanistan etc is beyond me. I hear no one comparing the issue with Hitler, telling Germans, or other European nationals, to get off their high horses and stop being moral preachers, how come?

Does the fact that U.S. and their allies used very questionable interrogation methods in some way validate the barbaric treatment of a human being that we see here?

fourgolds made a very valid point as well. Are you guys seriously comparing wrongs committed in wars and interrogations of potential terrorists with what this video is displaying?


25th Apr 2009, 22:37
But we are talking about day to day life in the UAE and not in a war zone !!!!

Again..if you see that such things happen on daily basis in UAE, then it must be a place from hell...so you better be leaving soon...Who knows what could happen tomorrow!

Why some of you jump on the Americans and the American policies on Iraq and Afghanistan etc is beyond me. I hear no one comparing the issue with Hitler, telling Germans, or other European nationals, to get off their high horses and stop being moral preachers, how come?

What the US did in many places around the world wasn't a war!! You people just keep repeating what is being told to you in the discriminatory media!!

It was an abuse of power and a show of influence and imposition of domination to acheive personal gains and to accomplish savage plans...the amount of anger and hatered it has poisoned the world with is enormous enough to keep people sleeping with one eye open!!

So to all of those who condemn that Sheikh...I agree with you..but you better be going after the real killers and the most dangerous ones back in your respective countries and bring them to justice prior to looking for the small nasty rats elsewhere!

26th Apr 2009, 05:49
That will teach that fellow to add an extra ton of fuel:}

But seriously nobody here can cast stones, as in this respect we all live in glass houses:=

26th Apr 2009, 15:34
The ABC video presentation left me stunned 'n saddened. Been in these parts for nigh on 13 years and this is a new low.

Don't ferget that the UAE is the same nation which forked over 100 Million USD to the City of New Orleans, Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina. That carnage was ignored by a serving president and his cronies!

One mentally unwell degenerate don't make a bad nation any more than Fritzl makes Austrians bad... he won't make me stop listenin' t Mozart!

It's too bad they weren't pickin' on Maddof or some other wall street sheister... instead of some guy who ripped off a load of grain worth a measely 5000 USD. Then I'd clap!

26th Apr 2009, 16:09
Sorry mate but I do not think you would do something brutal like this:= to any living creature, human or animal

26th Apr 2009, 23:56
That carnage was ignored by a serving president and his cronies!

Er....not quite. The primary responsibility lay with the mayor of New Orleans and the State Governor and their cronies, who failed miserably. It was pumped up in the media as being a presidential failure as that is what a left wing Democratic leaning media does in preparation for a forthcoming presidential election.

27th Apr 2009, 06:29
No one that lives in Dubai or the UAE is remotely surprised at this video. It's only the most extreme example of the mindset that prevails.

But what is more interesting to me, and more loathesome, is the instant rush to defensive, whiny, blame-deflecting attempts to avoid taking an ounce of responsibility. That, more than the actions on the video, epitomizes the "culture". Never, ever accepting blame, taking accountability. Blame the Americans. Try to draw ludicrous, irrelevant parallels. Deflect, deny. Completely cowardly. The internet must drive the perfumed ones crazy, as it draws the curtain back on (at least some) of the perversion that goes on. No more secrets.

It is a mindset that only prompts contempt and complete lack of respect. And why the region will never achieve greatness.

27th Apr 2009, 07:46
... can I assume that the bloke who released the video has no plans, immediate or otherwise, to return to Scabbie Dabbie?

27th Apr 2009, 09:39
With more educated responsible leaders I'm not sure the GCCs would be benefit the way it does to some western countries and I'm not sure they want these things to change in order to keep selling cars, planes and weapons in the region against cheap oil. The Iranian/shia threat might also help GCCs to need western countries military support...

I guess supporting (and spoiling) such irresponsible persons is part of the price to pay in order to make good business and good business doesn't care about human rights. It's partly because of these facts that many of us enjoyed good packages in the past few years.

27th Apr 2009, 17:59

Incorrect twisted analysis:=

27th Apr 2009, 18:11


27th Apr 2009, 18:51

Spot on! :D

Lets face it.. Everything will go back to "normal" once theres no more oil.

27th Apr 2009, 23:10
is the word, I saw this video probably 6 month ago or more, and yes it is disgusting and having lived in the sand pit for years I was not a bit surprised. :yuk:That is the reality in a Third World country with a dictatorship. Will he get punished? I doubt it since these thugs get away with everything around here, killing your wife or some poor Asian that is crossing the street or a maid beaten to death. Face it guys, that is the place we live in. :yuk:
I have to agree also with mensaboy regarding the Bush administration,Abu Graib and the CIA torture camps and rendition flights, no doubt a larger crime against humanity and of course Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld will walk free today. :yuk:

But one wrong doesn't make another one right. But what can the citizens of the UAE do against the corrupt royal family. Sick and sad story. :yuk:

28th Apr 2009, 05:39
silveR5 -- Care to elaborate on why you think nolimitholdem's post was "incorrect twisted analysis"?

Without an explanation your words sound surprisiingly similar to the short and sweet sound-bites of the media in the GCC, or government officials, or corporate CEO's, or anyone else whose job it is to deny or deflect. But we never get more than those brief few words of denial; never a substantive argument. Where is yours?
