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View Full Version : Ryanair and bases

wind check
22nd Apr 2009, 11:22
Hi !

I have a couple of questions for you:

1) why can't Ryanair give a us base at the interview (if successful, of course)? Why do we have to wait until the end of the type rating course?

2) Are there any Spanish or Italian base with a current need of FOs?

3) For guys like myself, how long would I need to get the command bearing in mind I have 3000 hours JAR25 (Dash8), no jet hours.

4) do you know what are the next bases? Any rumours?

22nd Apr 2009, 11:35
1) Probably because its a number of months between interview and completing the TR so they don't know the exact requirements. It is easier for them to offer you a base when you can get there and start flying quickly.

2) no idea

3) Check the website but I think that you need to do a winter season with them

3,500 hours total flying time, a minimum of 2,000 hours on a JAR25 aircraft i.e. a Multi-crew, Multi-engine aircraft with an established airline and a minimum of 800 hours (Pilot in Command) PIC on a medium jet aircraft >20,000kg and 500 hours PIC on the B737-300 to 900

Thats for Direct entry so I would imagin that the upgrade would be similar maybe slightly less.


wind check
22nd Apr 2009, 18:34
thanks for the info

Knee Trembler
24th Apr 2009, 08:56

Shameless plug, but if anyone is looking for accommodation in the Weeze area then please PM me.


bia botal
24th Apr 2009, 11:31
Shameless plug, but if anyone is looking for accommodation in the Weeze area then please PM me.
won't need it shortly there closing the base

Knee Trembler
24th Apr 2009, 12:50
Will believe it when I see it. The last thing I heard he was pulling out of STN!

MOL seems to spend a lot of time rattling his sabre (ooh err!).


Callsign Kilo
24th Apr 2009, 15:27
1. Because it isn't in their interest. Plus between the time of your interview, assessment, TR, OCC and then Line Training many things develop, change and progress. 24 hours is a long time in Ryanair. Circumstances and requirements change daily.

2. There is never any rymme nor reason to what bases need FOs. One base which is chocked to the gunnels with crew and is known and reported to have little or no movement can have 5 FOs added to it in a space of a day. Makes no difference. They will be on BRK contracts and will only be paid when they fly - whether that be 30 hours or 100 hours a month.

3. Can't answer that one. However I would say Ryanair will want you to step up to the plate if their current desire for Cpts continue. You will need to have operated for one winter season on the 738 and accumulate 500 hrs on type (as already stated).

4. The rumour mill is awash - don't know how much is true. PSR in Italy will be the 31st base (or is it 32?? - maybe 30 if NRN goes - although we all hope that it doesn't for the sake of our colleagues). Other rumours have been CPH, AGP, OPO, FAO, KRK. I even heard rumours that they were wanting to move the PIK aircraft to GLA. You just dont know. However FR are always looking into new bases - they have to, the delivery program from Seattle is long!

The Real Slim Shady
25th Apr 2009, 16:39

Then run.


26th Apr 2009, 21:03
knee trembler...

Just to clarify, they are possibly closing the base due to restrictions based on OGV court in Munster to stop a/c landing there after 23:00 which as most of RYRs do it will mean serious problems for them and so, unfortunatley for the guys+girls there if the decision isnt reversed by the 29th April, the base will be closed.... From internal memo.

27th Apr 2009, 05:31
Isn't it fantastic that during these financial hard times that a town can afford to loose 2500 jobs?:ugh::}:mad:

Knee Trembler
27th Apr 2009, 07:28
Niederrhein / Weeze has been more or less a disaster since its conception. Sadly Germany has a great deal of overcapacity in regional airports and the failure to properly resolve the environmental issues here is a bit of a fig-leaf. At the end of the day, the airport is simply too close to Düsseldorf and Amsterdam to be a serious threat to either.

Nevertheless, I still don't believe Ryan will follow through on its threat after pumping so much resource into the airport, but I have occasionally been known to be wrong ;-). I certainly don't attach any credence to internal memos any more.


27th Apr 2009, 20:43
Points about AMS & DUS = nonsense. Both are quite a distance from NRN, higher prices, less convenient. Not comparing apples & apples. If NRN closes as a base I assume RYR will still operate in/out of it. HV and all the other airlines who plan to use it will still do so. RYR is the only late night operator, but the airport will still stay operating and RYR can flit in & out as it wishes. Thus 2500 jobs will not be lost.
The point about its schedule is similar to why EZ never started up in AMS. 10 years ago there was a 23.00 curfew. That has since been relaxed. However, at the time EZ calculated that by having a/c based in UK and opertaing in/out AMS on the last rotation, with the time difference they could make 1 more sector per day. A lot of money they reasoned. I assume wthat RYR have calculated that scheduling to land by 22.45 instead of 23.45 will cost them. Many combinations will have to change. Funny though, they've been closing at CRL at 23.00 ever since day 1.
Considering the enormous number of Dutch pax using NRN I wonder where plan B is. Cologne is 24 hours, but deeper into Germany, and possibly more expensive. EIN is off the table. LGE, 24 hrs, but too close to CRL, and do they allow unlimited day time ops? So, in that area where is the alternative? or will NRN follow the CRL model, if indeed they still have a 23.00 curfew.

Knee Trembler
4th May 2009, 15:57
Like I said, don't believe everything you read in memos.


Ryanair bleibt am Flughafen Weeze
DÜSSELDORF - Ryanair wird ihre Basis am Flughafen Weeze aufrecht erhalten und den Flugplan wieder in vollem Umfang anbieten. Dies teilte die Gesellschaft nach Festsetzung neuer Betriebszeiten für den Flughafen mit. Ryanair hatte im April nach einem Beschluss des OVG Münster, der Einschränkungen des Flugbetriebs in den Nachtstunden vorsah, mit einer Schließung von Weeze gedroht.

Die jetzt von der Bezirksregierung Düsseldorf festgesetzten Betriebszeiten sehen in Entsprechung des Gerichtsbeschlusses eine generelle Betriebszeit von 06.00 Uhr bis 22.00 Uhr vor. Home Carrier genießen jedoch ein Privileg. Für sie sind Starts von 06.00 Uhr bis 23.00 Uhr und Landungen von 06.00 Uhr bis 23.30 Uhr, jeweils mit 30 Minuten Verspätungstoleranz, zulässig.

„Wir gehen davon aus, dass wir mit diesem Bescheid den mehr als 1.000 Mitarbeitern der rund 50 am Flughafen angesiedelten Unternehmen eine gute Perspektive geben können“, so Regierungspräsident Jürgen Büssow.

Erleichtert äußerte sich auch Flughafenchef Ludger van Bebber. "Uns ist heute ein riesen Stein vom Herzen gefallen. Wenn Ryanair die Basis aufgegeben hätte, wären hunderte Arbeitsplätze weggefallen. Für die Region wäre das in dieser wirtschaftlich angespannten Lage einer Katastrophe gleichgekommen."

4th May 2009, 16:21
As one whose German skills are limited to reciting bits of "Fawlty Towers" scripts I don't know what you wish us to believe / or otherwise. :confused:
A quick summary SVP ? for the Swabian -challenged among us.

4th May 2009, 19:14
English is my second and German is my third language so I would not regard this as a proper translation.

Ryanair bleibt am Flughafen Weeze
DÜSSELDORF - Ryanair wird ihre Basis am Flughafen Weeze aufrecht erhalten und den Flugplan wieder in vollem Umfang anbieten. Dies teilte die Gesellschaft nach Festsetzung neuer Betriebszeiten für den Flughafen mit. Ryanair hatte im April nach einem Beschluss des OVG Münster, der Einschränkungen des Flugbetriebs in den Nachtstunden vorsah, mit einer Schließung von Weeze gedroht.

Die jetzt von der Bezirksregierung Düsseldorf festgesetzten Betriebszeiten sehen in Entsprechung des Gerichtsbeschlusses eine generelle Betriebszeit von 06.00 Uhr bis 22.00 Uhr vor. Home Carrier genießen jedoch ein Privileg. Für sie sind Starts von 06.00 Uhr bis 23.00 Uhr und Landungen von 06.00 Uhr bis 23.30 Uhr, jeweils mit 30 Minuten Verspätungstoleranz, zulässig.

Ryanair stays at Weeze airport
Ryanair will keep its base at Weeze and offer the full schedule again.This was stated by the company after new opening hours for the airport were determined.
After a ruling in Münster higher court which limited the opening hours for flight movements at night Ryanair threatened to close the base in Weeze.
The new business hours decided by county (?) government of Düsseldorf has generally been set to 0600-2200. Home carriers are however priveleged. Starts are allowed from 0600 to 2300 and landings from 0600 to 2330, also with 30 minutes tolerance for delays.

4th May 2009, 19:19
Thanks :ok: that's a good enough translation for me.