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21st Apr 2009, 21:11
Why not find a few barrack-blocks at one of the (many) closed military units and make the politicians use those for accommodation when they work in that London....

Then they could experience first-hand what they expect servicemen & women to put up with.

Just a thought.....

21st Apr 2009, 21:29
I say again, why not just set up a mess/apartment block in central london, or buy a wadge of flats around the bazaars near parliament and put them up in them. Maintained by a "mess manager" who gets to choose where he spends his money, and is accountable.

It's not a tricky solution really, especially as they're throwing all this money at un-finished housing construction for social housing.

21st Apr 2009, 21:39
A room in a private rental 2 bed flat shared with another MP, sounds adequate to me.

Provided it doesn't belong to them or a close family member of course

i assume the attendance allowance will of course attract the same attention from HMRC as it would with any other employee................

21st Apr 2009, 23:18
'attendance allowance' - so now they're gonna get an allowance for going to work. Begs the question 'WTF is their salary for then?' I'm confused.

21st Apr 2009, 23:30
So, he is criticising his flock! His words are probably as empty as those he uttered on home foreclosures.
Not a single punter has yet been protected from the sharks.
If things run to form, his scheme will either be voted out or manipulated so that even more of our money is sucked into MP's bank accounts.

22nd Apr 2009, 09:31
Rather a good weeze is it not,

bring out and publish a whole raft of suggestions to come into force weekes away, get rid of allowances, food allowances, housing allowances, all allowances and make them bite where it will hurt some of the MP'S, so much so a revolt from the said MP'S may take place, then Brown can turn round and say, hey I wanted this but the Conservatives etc rejected it.......
BUT why give them allowance?????? why not simply settle the Hotel bill up to a maximum figure, that way there will be no claiming £200 a day whilst living in a fleapit and pocketing the rest.

Makes him look good even if he didn't want them in the first place.

green granite
22nd Apr 2009, 09:52
I think they should only be paid the national average wage and out of pocket expenses. That way they might have some idea how the ordinary people manage and what the effect their measures will have on them.

22nd Apr 2009, 10:29
Put the b@st@rds on JPA....then watch them cry :mad:

22nd Apr 2009, 11:04
If they were put in existing single accommodation alongside a few of our more garrulous troops it might be interesting!
My money is on the same reason local councils refused redundant married quarters ' Not to acceptable standard for council tenants'.
Nose, trough, wait for it; wait for it .... Go! :mad:s

Thelma Viaduct
22nd Apr 2009, 13:22
MP's should be axed, the lot of them.

I mean actually chopped up.

Job jobbed.

22nd Apr 2009, 13:42
The Chancellor has just announced £500m in the budget for building programmes. So, 500 non-London MPs with a £1m Town House each then.....

Perhaps of better news was the announcement of £50m for service housing. The Chancellor did not say where the money was coming from though, so probably cut from elsewhere within the defence budget.

Green Flash
22nd Apr 2009, 13:58
Put the b@st@rds on JPA....then watch them cry
Oh now come on LAL! - that's just being vindictive ..... :}

22nd Apr 2009, 14:36
Would a few tents in Afghanistan not surfice?
These arses are deciding, along with their cohort the Stars, the future of the forces.
And then let them try and claim their (meagre) allowances via JPA!

Doctor Cruces
23rd Apr 2009, 12:10
Of course they get to vote for the change.
Isn't that a bit like asking turkeys whether or not we should keep Xmas?

23rd Apr 2009, 13:49
Well, I for one think these guys and gals (is that still politically correct to say that?) do a sterling darling job. Long may they continue to wax lyrical over the Great British (can you still say that?) nation.
I think the balance of power is correct, with the right amount of coloureds (am I allowed to say that?) nicely balanced with females (are they still called that?) and men....errr blokes...err....I'm not sure any more!:ugh:
Then again, stick them in a tent in the desert gets my vote! :Dand with having to claim via JPA should sort them out!:D

Low Ball
23rd Apr 2009, 14:05
Sounds like a great opportunity for the Olympics village post 2012


country calls
23rd Apr 2009, 14:29
They counter any barrack type solution as impracticable because of security issues.

Well let me ask.

Would they be prepared to stay in a purpose built accomodation area which has all the security countermeasures in place that befit a high value terrorist target? One which has used the bitter experience of having suffered a major terrorist attack on its residents to ensure nothing like it could ever happen again?

If this place had a number of different internationally themed restaurants to dine in each night would that be alright with them?

With excellent transport infrastructure wich could be used to take them to the House at speed?

Which is designed to be environmentally sustainable?

Situated in one of the largest urban park spaces in Europe?

And the name of this utopia?

The 2012 Olympic Village.

Which from 2013 onwards could be called home by all the snout in the trough bottom feeders who govern this land!

Editted to add: Low Ball just beat me to it!

23rd Apr 2009, 14:42
Maybe the olympic village will be politically correct. It is after all ahead of schedule, unlike any of the military projects this government has undertaken!:{
Must be the fact that its being run by foreigners? err can you call them that?
Then again, they will being knocking it down after the games! Bit like the Mil!:E

23rd Apr 2009, 19:51
why not put them in all the SFA that is available around London, or is that not suitable for them?? Probabaly only suitable for the likes of us, especially as DE seem to be taking all the half decent accomodation and selling it on, leaving all the sub-standard stuff.:mad:

23rd Apr 2009, 20:03
That was my point from the start - put them in what they expect the forces to put up with - see if it prompt any changes....

Guzlin Adnams
23rd Apr 2009, 23:36
Delete "housing expenses" please........:sad: